degree — Container for information about a degree or similar certification
Name | Type | Default |
id | ID | None |
targets | CDATA | None |
The degree element is a container for information about an academic degree (Bachelor of Science, Doctor of Psychology, etc.) or other similar certification.
degree may be contained in these elements: degrees
A string used to uniquely identify a degree. The degree may then be referred to by this identifier.
<degree> <level>Ph.D</level> <major>Microbiology</major> <annotation>Thesis on effect of hot dogs on canine amino acids</annotation> </degree>
<degree> <level>BA</level> <major>Toilet Paper Pattern Design</major> <date> <month>June</month> <year>1745</year> </date> <institution>British Design Academy</institution> <annotation> On dean's list for duration of studies. </annotation> </degree>
<degree> <level>BS</level> <major>Computer Science</major> <major>English</major> <minor>Graphic Design</minor> <minor>Geography</minor> <subjects> <subject> <title>Compilers</title> <result>A-</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Data Structures</title> <result>B</result> </subject> <subject> <title>Classic Literature</title> <result>A</result> </subject> </subjects> </degree>