#!/bin/bash ########################################################## #Global variables ########################################################## IntermediateOutputFile="./output/intermediate/CharlesNWybleShortResume.md" FinalOutputFilePDF="/d/tsys/@ReachableCEO/resume.reachableceo.com/non-cv/CharlesNWybleShortResume.pdf" #FinalOutputFileHTML="/d/tsys/@ReachableCEO/resume.reachableceo.com/non-cv/CharlesNWybleShortResume.pdf" #FinalOutputFileDOC="/d/tsys/@ReachableCEO/resume.reachableceo.com/non-cv/CharlesNWybleShortResume.pdf" cleanup() { rm ./output/intermediate/CharlesNWybleShortResume.md } # Combine markdown files into single input file for pandoc echo "Combining markdown files..." createMdContact() { #Pull in my contact info cat "../common/Contact-Info.md" >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo " " >> $IntermediateOutputFile } createMdSkills() { #Pull in my skills echo "## Skills" >> "$IntermediateOutputFile" #Table heading echo "|Skill|Experience|Skill Details|" >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo "|---|---|---|" >> $IntermediateOutputFile #Table rows IFS=$'\n\t' for skill in \ $(cat ./Skills.csv); do SKILL_NAME="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $1}')" SKILL_YEARS="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $2}')" SKILL_DETAIL="$(echo $skill|awk -F '|' '{print $3}')" echo "|**$SKILL_NAME**|$SKILL_YEARS|$SKILL_DETAIL|" >> $IntermediateOutputFile done unset IFS echo "\pagebreak" >> $IntermediateOutputFile } createMdProjects() { #Pull in my projects ##
️ My development environment
echo "## Highlights from my 22 year of experience" >> "$IntermediateOutputFile" echo cat "./Projects.md" >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo " " >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo "\pagebreak" >> $IntermediateOutputFile } createMdWorkHistory() { #Pull in my work history echo " " >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo "## Employment History" >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo " " >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo "Comprehensive employment history available on my [Linkedin Profile](https://www.linkedin.com/in/charles-wyble-412007337)" >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo " " >> $IntermediateOutputFile IFS=$'\n\t' for position in \ $(cat ../common/WorkHistory.csv); do COMPANY="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $1}')" TITLE="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $2}')" DATEOFEMPLOY="$(echo $position|awk -F ',' '{print $3}')" echo " " >> "$IntermediateOutputFile" echo "**$COMPANY** | $TITLE | $DATEOFEMPLOY" >> $IntermediateOutputFile echo " " >> "$IntermediateOutputFile" done unset IFS echo "\pagebreak" >> $IntermediateOutputFile } generateFinalOutputFilePdf() { # Run pandoc to generate PDF into output dir echo "Generating PDF..." pandoc \ $IntermediateOutputFile \ --template eisvogel \ --metadata-file=./HumanOutput-NonCV.yml \ --from markdown \ --to=pdf \ --output $FinalOutputFilePDF } cleanup createMdContact createMdProjects createMdWorkHistory createMdSkills generateFinalOutputFilePdf