# {{ConsultantName}} Consultant Information Sheet ## Introduction Hello, Thank you very much for reaching out to me on this platform in regards to doing some consulting work for you ! I have been receiving a high number of inquiries and have developed a standardized response letter to help ensure alignment and save everyone time and to reduce back and forth emails/texts/calls in the early stages. If you have any introductry questions/comments/concerns not covered by this document, please let me know and I'm happy to address them! If you ask me something answered in this reply, I will not respond to you and will not move forward with the engagement, so please read it carefully! ## Re: share my ID over email I am a US Citizen (by birth). I am happy to get on a teams/zoom/google meet etc call and show my ID. I WILL NOT share my (full or redacted) photo ID over email or any other electronic written communication. If that is a "requirement" then I have no interest in moving forward with this engagement and no further communication is necessary. ## Re: professional references I am happy to provide project/professional references once an engagement letter has been signed. The engagement letter has a contingency clause allowing the client to back out if the reference review doesn't meet their requirements. I will NOT provide project/professional references up front. If that is a "requirement" then I have no interest in moving forward with this engagement and no further communication is necessary. ## Re: on-site work/travel/expenses/relocation if the role is not able to be performed remotely and is not based in **{{CandidateLocation}}** I will need to re-locate. | Question | Answer | |-------------------------------------------|--------| | Am I open to relocation? | Yes | | Am I willing to re-locate at own expense? | No | | Am I open to up to 100% travel | Yes | Please be aware that: - I will **only re-locate at the employer expense**. - I will need **two weeks of time** to re-locate. - The net amount of the re-location benefit **MUST be at least {{CandidateRelocationNetMinimumAmount}}** to fully compensate me for the time/effort to re-locate. - The full re-location benefit **must be provided prior to the confirmed start date**. - I **will NOT** accept a reimbursement based re-location package. - I am happy to come onsite (at client expense (paid up front)) for training/orientation etc. \pagebreak ## Rate Schedule - **{{CandidateRateSheetRemoteW2HourlyMinimum}}** per hour(w2) - **{{CandidateRateSheetRemote1099HourlyMinimum}}** per hour (1099/corp to corp) ### On-site/hybrid roles Travel Time: 100.00 per hour, two hour minimum - **{{CandidateRateSheetRemoteW2HourlyPrefer}}** per hour(w2) or more - **{{CandidateRateSheetRemoteW2AnnualPrefer}}** annually or more - **{{CandidateRateSheetRemote1099HourlyPrefer}}** per hour (1099/corp to corp) or more In regards to compensation type, I am open to: - w2 - corp to corp (I have my own LLC) - 1099 If you have a rate for any of the compensation options above, send them all. I will pick which one works best for my situation and the opportunity. If it's a different rate with/without benefits, send both. If the above is in alignment with this opportunity, please feel free to send me an RTR with the best rate you can offer. \pagebreak ## Details needed for submission ### My resume [Download Candidate resume(format)](https://some.resume.somewhere/some-Resume.pdf) I am happy to discuss and make edits to the resume content specific to the opportunity if you feel they are needed. ### Candidate details Here are my complete candidate details for submission to the role. | | Question | Answer | |----|---------------------------------------|-------------------------------------| | | Full name | {{CandidateName}} | | | E-mail address | {{CandiateEmail}} | | | Phone number | {{CandidatePhone}} | | | Preferred form of contact | {{CandidatePreferredContactMethod}} | | | Work authorization | {{CandidateWorkAuthorization}} | | | Are you employed presently? | {{CandidateEmploymentStatus}} | | | Current location | {{CandidateCurrentLocation}} | | | Current timezone | {{CandidateCurrentTimezone}} | | | Timezones I can work in | {{CandidateWorkableTimezones}} | | | Availability to interview | {{CandidateInterviewAvailability}} | | | Availability to start | {{CandidateStartAvailability}} | | | Highest Education | {{CandidateHighestEducation}} | | | Graduated Year | {{CandidateGraduationYear}} | | dd | Name of school | {{CandidateSchoolName}} | | | | | | | Location of school | {{CandidateSchoolLocation}} | | | Linkedin Profile | ({{CandidateLinkedin}}) | | | Github Profile | ({{CandidateGithub}}) | | | Last project | {{CandidateLastProject}} | | | DOB | {{CandidateDOB}} | | | Total IT/career experience | {{CandidateTotalExperience}} | | | Open to in-office/hybrid/remote | Yes | | | Any trips planned in next six months? | No |