ACCPTST:STDIO_REPLACE_DATETIMES # complain about -3 Option -3 (--three) requires an argument -0 --zero Do nothing. -1 --one Do one thing. Required. More description. -2 --two Do two things. More. Required. Description. -3 --three [arg] Do three things. Required. -4 --four {arg} Do four things. -5 --five {arg} Do five things. Required. Maybe. -6 --six [arg] Do six things. Not Required. Required, it is not. -7 --seven [arg] Required. Or bust. -8 --eight [arg] Do eight things. More.Required.Description. -a [arg] Do A. Required. Default="do-a" -b {arg} Do B.Default="do-b" -c [arg] Required. Default="do-c" -d {arg} Default="do-d" This is Bash3 Boilerplate's help text. Feel free to add any description of your program or elaborate more on command-line arguments. This section is not parsed and will be added as-is to the help. # complain about -4 Option -4 (--four) requires an argument -0 --zero Do nothing. -1 --one Do one thing. Required. More description. -2 --two Do two things. More. Required. Description. -3 --three [arg] Do three things. Required. -4 --four {arg} Do four things. -5 --five {arg} Do five things. Required. Maybe. -6 --six [arg] Do six things. Not Required. Required, it is not. -7 --seven [arg] Required. Or bust. -8 --eight [arg] Do eight things. More.Required.Description. -a [arg] Do A. Required. Default="do-a" -b {arg} Do B.Default="do-b" -c [arg] Required. Default="do-c" -d {arg} Default="do-d" This is Bash3 Boilerplate's help text. Feel free to add any description of your program or elaborate more on command-line arguments. This section is not parsed and will be added as-is to the help. # complain about -5 Option -5 (--five) requires an argument -0 --zero Do nothing. -1 --one Do one thing. Required. More description. -2 --two Do two things. More. Required. Description. -3 --three [arg] Do three things. Required. -4 --four {arg} Do four things. -5 --five {arg} Do five things. Required. Maybe. -6 --six [arg] Do six things. Not Required. Required, it is not. -7 --seven [arg] Required. Or bust. -8 --eight [arg] Do eight things. More.Required.Description. -a [arg] Do A. Required. Default="do-a" -b {arg} Do B.Default="do-b" -c [arg] Required. Default="do-c" -d {arg} Default="do-d" This is Bash3 Boilerplate's help text. Feel free to add any description of your program or elaborate more on command-line arguments. This section is not parsed and will be added as-is to the help. # complain about -8 (because -7 syntax is not supported) Option -8 (--eight) requires an argument -0 --zero Do nothing. -1 --one Do one thing. Required. More description. -2 --two Do two things. More. Required. Description. -3 --three [arg] Do three things. Required. -4 --four {arg} Do four things. -5 --five {arg} Do five things. Required. Maybe. -6 --six [arg] Do six things. Not Required. Required, it is not. -7 --seven [arg] Required. Or bust. -8 --eight [arg] Do eight things. More.Required.Description. -a [arg] Do A. Required. Default="do-a" -b {arg} Do B.Default="do-b" -c [arg] Required. Default="do-c" -d {arg} Default="do-d" This is Bash3 Boilerplate's help text. Feel free to add any description of your program or elaborate more on command-line arguments. This section is not parsed and will be added as-is to the help. # complain about -d (because -d syntax is not supported) Option -d requires an argument -0 --zero Do nothing. -1 --one Do one thing. Required. More description. -2 --two Do two things. More. Required. Description. -3 --three [arg] Do three things. Required. -4 --four {arg} Do four things. -5 --five {arg} Do five things. Required. Maybe. -6 --six [arg] Do six things. Not Required. Required, it is not. -7 --seven [arg] Required. Or bust. -8 --eight [arg] Do eight things. More.Required.Description. -a [arg] Do A. Required. Default="do-a" -b {arg} Do B.Default="do-b" -c [arg] Required. Default="do-c" -d {arg} Default="do-d" This is Bash3 Boilerplate's help text. Feel free to add any description of your program or elaborate more on command-line arguments. This section is not parsed and will be added as-is to the help. # complain about nothing {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_0: 0 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_1: 0 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_2: 0 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_3: arg3 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_4: arg4 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_5: arg5 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_6: {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_7: {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_8: arg8 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_a: do-a {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_b: do-b {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_c: do-c {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_d: argd # test for issue #108 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_0: 1 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_1: 0 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_2: 0 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_3: arg3 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_4: value {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_5: arg5 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_6: {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_7: {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_8: arg8 {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_a: do-a {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_b: do-b {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_c: do-c {datetime} UTC [ info] arg_d: argd