#!/bin/sh SOURCE=us.xsl # propogate-translations.sh # By Mark Miller, though he is not proud of it. # # This is a quick and VERY DIRTY way to add any new params defined # in us.xsl (or $SOURCE) to the rest of the country.xsl stylesheets # with a \"TRANSLATION NEEDED\" message. It also checks for outdated # params existing in other country.xsl files but not in $SOURCE # # IMPORTANT: After running this script, you must manually edit each # .xsl file and make sure that all the xsl:param tags are INSIDE the # tags. This script does NOT do that for you. # # WARNING: This script is by no means fool-proof, and only included # to make life slightly easier for developers. Please manually edit # each .xsl file after running to be sure that the script has not # screwed anything up. " echo "======== Checking Files for outdated params..." for country in `ls -1 *.xsl`; do for param in `grep '.*\<\/xsl:param\>/$1/g`; do exists=`grep -c $param $SOURCE` if [ "0" = $exists ]; then echo "Param $param in file $country does not exist in $SOURCE." fi done done echo "======== Adding params in $SOURCE to other files as necessary..." for country in `ls -1 *.xsl`; do for param in `grep '.*\<\/xsl:param\>/$1/g`; do translated=`grep -c $param $country` if [ "0" = $translated ]; then echo "Adding param $param to $country" echo " TRANSLATION NEEDED" >> $country fi done done echo "Done."