XMLRésuméLibrary: User Guide


title — A title or heading


Content Model





The title element contains a title or heading. Its semantics vary depending on the element that contains it:


When contained in this element, title contains a person's formal title, such as “Dr.”, “Ms.”, or “Professor”.


When contained in this element, title contains the name of an interest, such as “Cooking”, or “Politics”.

membership, referee

When contained in these elements, title contains the name of the person's role or capacity withing an organization. Examples: “Treasurer”, “Member”, “Chief Officer of Toothpaste Policy”, “Lead Programmer”.

awards, interests, memberships, skillarea

When contained in these elements, title contains a heading for that section of a résumé. It is formatted as a top-level heading.


The title element is optional in awards and interests. If it is not present, the awards.word and interests.word parameters will be used as the heading text in formatted résumés, respectively.


When contained in this element, title contains the name of a skill category. Examples: “Teaching”, “Computers”, “Woodworking”, “Soap Carving”.


When contained in this element, title contains the name of a subject. It can be as general as “English” (a very broad field of study), or as specific as “Eng 115 Intro to Writing Fall 2001” (a specific university course name, number, and date of study).


title may be contained in these elements: award, awards, clearances, interest, interests, membership, memberships, name, referee, skillarea, skillset, subject

See Also

artTitle, bookTitle.


Example 13.  interest title

  <title>Fly fishing for sharks</title>
    I once caught a 300-kg. Great White off the coase of Florida using a green
    and gold-colored dragonfly that I tied.

Example 14.  membership and memberships titles

  <title>Professional Memberships</title>
    <organization>American Society of Blower-Uppers</organization>
    <organization>Smallville Demolitioneers</organization>
    <organization>Willow County Pyrotechnicans' Guild</organization>

Example 15.  skillarea and skillset titles

  <title>Computer Skills</title>
    <title>Word Processing</title>
    <skill>Microsoft Word</skill>
    <skill>Corel WordPerfect</skill>

Example 16. subject title

  <title>Intro to Sociology</title>