TSYS infrastructure Todo This documents the last few items for Charles to deliver as CIO. Charles is doing Core IT/business enablement and handling moving all the data off his laptop and into the systems. Albert will run everything day to day as COO. Patti will handle everything finance related. - [CTO Techops (due by 05/29) (with core setup done by 05/17)](#cto-techops-due-by-0529-with-core-setup-done-by-0517) - [R\&D CTO enablement](#rd-cto-enablement) - [Documentation of existing POC](#documentation-of-existing-poc) - [Mobile todos](#mobile-todos) ## CTO Techops (due by 05/29) (with core setup done by 05/17) - CIO:Documentation: Migrate final bits from IT wiki to TSYS handbook - CIO:Documentation: Move VsCode onboarding section to main engineering onboarding section in handbook ### R&D CTO enablement - CIO:CTOWorkStation:google earth - CIO:CTOWorkstation:flora - CIO:CTOWorkstation:gephi - CIO:CTOWorkstationSetup:metasploit and armitage (maybe other gui as well? msfgui?) and would be some things to check out. ``` ### Documentation of existing POC - POC Hardware - Software Engineering tooling stack - Hardware Engineering tooling stack - Mechanical/Industrial design tooling stack - Software Engineering supply chain (software components) stack - Hardware Engineering supply chain (hardware/software components ) stack ### Mobile todos