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\f1 \fs20 PRINT DOC REQUESTED: OCTOBER 23, 1997 100E67\par 1 DOCUMENT PRINTED\par 76 PRINTED PAGES\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par SEND TO: WILLIAMS, KALE\par CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM.\par LEGAL DIVISION\par 505 VAN NESS AVENUE, ROOM 2204\par SAN FRANCISCO CALIFORNIA 94102-3298\par \par \par \par **********************************00435********************************** \par \pard
\page DATE: OCTOBER 23, 1997\par \par CLIENT: CPUC\par LIBRARY: STATES\par FILE: CAPUC\par \par \par YOUR SEARCH REQUEST IS:\par DECISION NO. 95-12-057\par \par NUMBER OF DECISIONS FOUND WITH YOUR REQUEST THROUGH:\par LEVEL 1... 1 \f1 \par \page \f0 \fs20 \li000\ri000 \pard
\qc NAME: Order Instituting Rulemaking on the Commission's Own\par \qc Motion into Competition for Local Exchange Service; Order\par \qc Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Own Motion\par \qc into competition for Local Exchange Service\par \par \pard
\qc NUMBER: Decision No. 95-12-057 Rulemaking No. 95-04-043,\par \qc Investigation No. 95-04-044\par \par \pard
\qc AGENCY: California Public Utilities Commission\par \par \pard
\qc CITE: 1995 Cal. PUC LEXIS 967; 167 P.U.R.4th 349\par \par \pard
\qc DATE: December 20, 1995\par \par \pard
PANEL: \'5B*1\'5D Daniel Wm. Fessler, President; P. Gregory Conlon, Jessie J. Knight, Jr., Henry M. Duque, Josiah L. Neeper, Commissioners \par\par\pard
OPINION \par\par I. Introduction \par\par By this decision, we take another significant step forward toward our ultimate goal of instituting a competitive market for telecommunications services for all Californians. As outlined herein, we approve the petitions of the competitive local carriers (CLCs) set forth in Appendix A for authority to offer facilities-based competitive local exchange service, and intra-LATA service for those petitioners that requested that authority, within prescribed service territories subject to our adopted interim rules. \par\par We are encouraged by the diversity and number of carriers who have expressed an interest in competing in the local exchange market. With the approval of petitions we grant today, we look forward to the rapid development of a robust and competitive market for local exchange services. \par\par As directed in D.95-07-054, prospective CLCs were to file petitions for authority by September 1, 1995, to enable us to act upon and approve them in time to allow local exchange competition for facilities-based CLCs to begin by January 1, \'5B*2\'5D 1996. As explained in D.95-07-054, we shall administer the certification process for CLCs using an approach similar to that of I.92-04-008 in which we extended authority to intraLATA toll entrants. In that proceeding, we opened a docket to handle certification of the more than 100 petitioners who sought expanded authority to offer intraLATA toll services. They received authority before January 1, 1995, but were not authorized to begin offering service until that date. In similar fashion, we are using the investigation docket of this proceeding to administer the certification of all of the eligible CLC petitions which were filed by September 1, 1995. As explained in D.95-07-054, the CLC petitions are to be processed and approved in two consolidated batches. The first batch of eligible petitions, representing facilities-based CLCs, will be approved in this decision for authority to begin offering competitive local exchange service effective January 1, 1996. Those facilities-based CLCs who met the September 1, 1995, filing date but who have not yet met the eligibility requirements for certification will be added to the pending group of petitions seeking CLC resale authority, which are \'5B*3\'5D scheduled for certification by March 1, 1996 if they meet the eligibility requirements by that time. All filings for certification after the September 1, 1995 deadline will be treated as routine applications for authority and will be processed individually, rather than in batches, their decisions being issued commencing after March 1, 1996. \par\par The California Public Utilities Commission (Commission), as the lead agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) in this matter, finds that the proposed projects for competitive local exchange service, incorporating mitigation measures agreed to by the CLCs, have no potential to cause significant adverse effects on the environment. \par\par Pursuant to this decision, we shall authorize 31 companies to provide facilities-based local exchange service within the service territories of Pacific Bell (Pacific) and GTE California (GTEC). \par\par II. Summary of Petitions Filed \par\par On September 1, 1995, petitions were filed by 66 CLCs seeking authority to enter the local exchange market. The 66 petitioners include cable television companies, cellular companies, long distance service providers, and various other telecommunications companies, including \'5B*4\'5D some that specialize in transporting data. Also among the petitioners are Pacific and GTEC each seeking authority to compete in each other's service territory. \par\par Forty of the 66 petitions seek authority to offer facilities-based service. The remaining 26 seek authority only to offer resale service using the facilities of either Pacific or GTEC, or other carriers. For those petitioners who seek authority for both facilities-based and resale service who are included in the Appen
Facilities-\par Based\par Authority\par Company Petition Granted\par No.\par 1 Advantage Communications Group, Inc. 15 Local\par 2 The Associated Group, Inc. 45 Local\par 3 AT&T Communications of California, Inc. 38 Local\par 4 Brooks Fiber Communications of Bakersfield 24 Local\par 5 Brooks Fiber Communications of Fresno 25 Local\par 6 Brooks Fiber Communications of Sacramento 1 Local\par 7 Brooks Fiber Communications of San Jose 2 Local\par 8 Brooks Fiber Communications of Stockton 27 Local\par 9 Cable Plus Company, L.P. 29 Local\par 10 Century Telecommunications, Inc. 31 Local\par 11 Continental Telecommunications of California 54 Local/IntraLATA\par 12 Electric Lightwave, Inc. 23 Local\par 13 Fiber Data Systems, Inc. 46 Local\par 14 GST Lightwave (CA), Inc. 36 Local\par 15 GST Pacific Lightwave, Inc. 37 Local\par 16 GTE California, Inc. 50 Local\par 17 GTE Intelligent Network Services, Inc. 49 Local\par 18 ICG Access Services, Inc. 20 Local\par 19 Info-Tech Communications 3 Local/IntraLATA\par 20 Linkatel Pacific, L.P. 35 Local\par 21 MCI Metro Access Transmission Services, Inc. 32 Local\par 22 MFS Intelenet of California, Inc. 5 Local\par 23 NewTelco, L.P. 18 Local/IntraLATA\par 24 NextLink of California, L.L.C. 28 Local\par 25 Pacific Bell 30 Local\par 26 Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. 7 Local\par 27 TCG Los Angeles 55 Local\par 28 TCG San Diego 56 Local\par 29 TCG San Francisco 57 Local\par 30 Viacom Communications, Inc. 33 Local/IntraLATA\par 31 Winstar Wireless of California, Inc. 59 Local\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*42\'5D \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Current New\par Company User Fee No. User Fee No.\par Advantage Communications Group, Inc. U-5317-C\par The Associated Group, Inc. U-5554-C\par AT&T Communications of California, Inc. U-5002-C\par Brooks Fiber Communications of Bakersfield U-5544-C\par Brooks Fiber Communications of Fresno U-5545-C\par Brooks Fiber Communications of Sacramento U-5419-C\par Brooks Fiber Communications of San Jose U-5420-C\par Brooks Fiber Communications of Stockton U-5546-C\par Cable Plus Company, L.P. U-5547-C\par Century Telecommunications, Inc. U-5548-C\par Continental Telecommunications of California U-5549-C\par Electric Lightwave, Inc. U-5377-C\par Fiber Data Systems, Inc. U-5166-C\par GST Lightwave (CA), Inc. U-5469-C\par GST Pacific Lightwave, Inc. U-5371-C\par GTE California, Inc. U-1002-C\par GTE Intelligent Network Services, Inc. U-5550-C\par ICG Access Services, Inc. U-5406-C\par Info-Tech Communications U-5551-C\par Linkatel Pacific, L.P. U-5307-C\par MCI Metro Access Transmission Services, Inc. U-5253-C\par MFS Intelenet of California, Inc. U-5397-C\par NewTelco, L.P. U-5552-C\par NextLink of California, L.L.C. U-5553-C\par Pacific Bell U-1001-C\par Pac-West Telecomm, Inc. U-5266-C\par TCG Los Angeles U-5462-C\par TCG San Diego U-5389-C\par TCG San Francisco U-5454-C\par Viacom Communications, Inc. U-5555-C\par Winstar Wireless of California, Inc. U-5556-C\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*43\'5D \par\par APPENDIX B \par\par PACIFIC BELL LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY TARIFF \par\par NETWORK AND EXCHANGE SERVICES \par\par A2. GENERAL REGULATIONS \par \par 2.1 RULES (Cont'd) \par \par 2.1.14 RULE NO. 14 - LIMITATION OF LIABILITY \par\par A. LIMITATIONS \par \par 1. The provisions of this rule do not apply to errors and omissions caused by willful misconduct, fraudulent conduct or violations of law. \par \par 2. In the event an error or omission is caused by the gross negligence of the Utility, the liability of the Utility shall be limited to and in no event exceed the sum of $10,000. \par \par 3. The Utility will not provide a credit allowance for interruptions of (N) service caused by the customer's facilities, equipment, or systems. (N) \par \par 4. Except as provided in A3. of this rule, the liability of the Utility for (T) damages arising out of mistakes, omissions, interruptions, delays, errors or defects in any of the services or facilities furnished by the Utility up to and including its local loop demarcation point, including exchange,(T) toll, private line, supplemental equipment, alphabetical directory listings (excluding the use of bold face type) and all other services, shall in no event exceed an amount equal to the pro rata charges to \'5B*44\'5D the customer for the period during which the services or facilities are affected by the mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect, provided, however, that where any mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect in any one service or facility affects or diminishes the value of any other service said liability shall include such diminution, but in no event shall the liability exceed the total amount of the charges to the customer for all services or facilities for the period affected by the mistake, omission, interruption, delay, error or defect. \par \par 5. Services Other Than Directory (T) \par \par The following allowances are provided for interruptions in service, as specified for particular services furnished solely by the Utility. (T) \par \par a. The Utility shall allow, for interruptions in service of 24 hours or more not due to conduct of the customer, an amount equal to the pro rata charges for each 24-hour period, or major fraction thereof after the initial period or interruption in the following services: \par\par (1) Mobile telephone service. \par\par (2) Private line services and channels, as follows: \par\par Private line telephone service. 1 \par\par Private line teletypewriter and Morse services. \'5B*45\'5D 1 \par\par Channels for data transmission. 1 \par\par Channels for remote metering, supervisory control and miscellaneous signaling purposes. 1 \par\par Continuous time announcement service. 1 \par\par Channels for one-way speech networks in connection with loudspeakers. 2 \par\par Channels for one-way program transmission networks in connection with loudspeakers. 2 \par\par Channels for farmer lines and toll service station lines. \par\par Bells and lights system attack warning service. \par\par (3) Wide Area Telecommunications Service (Refer to Schedule Cal.P.U.C. No. A7.1, A.b.). \par \par b. The Utility shall allow for interruptions in exchange telephone service of 24 hours or more not due to conduct of the customer an amount equal to the fixed monthly charges for exchange service multiplied by the ratio of the days of interruption to thirty days. When interruptions continue beyond 24 hours, credit allowance will be given in successive 24-hour multiples.\par \par \par NOTE 1: The allowance applies only to service within the same exchange area. \par NOTE 2: The allowance applies only to station equipment and/or channel facilities. \par \par c. RESERVED (T) \par\par (D) \par\par (D) \par \par d. The Utility shall allow for interruptions of 30 minutes or more not due to conduct of the customer \'5B*46\'5D (including authorized users) an amount equal to the pro rata charges in h
Length of Interruption Credit\par Less than 30 minutes None\par 30 minutes up to but not including 3 hours 1/10 day\par 3 hours up to but not including 6 hours 1/5 day\par 6 hours up to but not including 9 hours 2/5 day\par 9 hours up to but not including 12 hours 3/5 day\par 12 hours up to but not including 15 hours 4/5 day\par 15 hours up to 24 hours inclusive One day\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 Two or more interruptions of 30 minutes or more during any period up to but not including 3 hours, shall be considered as an interruption. \par\par -Interruptions Over 24 Hours \par\par Credit will be allowed in 1/5 day multiples for each 3 hour period of interruption or fraction thereof. No more than one full day's credit will be allowed for \'5B*50\'5D any period of 24 hours. \par \par i. The Utility shall allow for interruptions in the Gemini 100 offering of 24 hours or more not due to conduct of the customer an amount equal to the proportionate part of the fixed monthly charges in multiples of one day for each 24 hours or major fraction thereof for the Gemini 100 component service items rendered inoperative by the interruption. Allowance for interruptions of exchange service or private line service with which the Gemini 100 system is associated are subject to the provisions set forth in a., b. and d. preceding. \par\par For purposes of these regulations, an interruption is deemed to exist from the time it is reported to or detected by the Utility. \par \par 5. Subject to Section 3 of this rule the Utility shall allow for errors or omissions in alphabetical telephone directories (excluding the use of bold face type) an amount within the following limits: \par\par a. For listings in alphabetical telephone directories furnished without additional charge, an amount not in excess of the minimum monthly charge to the customer for exchange service during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. \par\par b. For listings and lines of information \'5B*51\'5D in alphabetical telephone directories furnished at additional charge set forth in Schedule Cal.P.U.C. No. A5.7, an amount not in excess of the charge for that listing or line of information during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. \par\par c. For listings in information records furnished without additional charge, an amount not in excess of the minimum monthly charge to the customer for exchange service during the period the error or omission continued. \par\par d. For listings in information records furnished at additional charge, an amount not in excess of the charge for the listing during the period the error or omission continued. \par\par e. For listings in telephone directories furnished in connection with mobile telephone service, an amount not in excess of the guarantee and fixed charges for the service during the effective life of the directory in which the error or omission occurred. \par \par 6. Temporary Suspension for Repairs \par\par The Utility shall have the right to make necessary repairs or changes in its facilities at any time and will have the right to suspend or interrupt service temporarily for the purpose of making the necessary repairs or changes in its \'5B*52\'5D system. When such suspension or interruption of service for any appreciable period is necessary, the Utility will give the customers who may be affected as reasonable notice thereof as circumstances will permit, and will prosecute the work with reasonable diligence, and if practicable at times that will cause the least inconvenience. \par\par When the Utility is repairing or changing its facilities, it shall take appropriate precautions to avoid unnecessary interruptions of conversations or customer's service. \par \par 7. Errors in Transmitting, Receiving or Delivering Oral Messages by Telephone \par\par The Utility shall not be liable for errors in transmitting, receiving or delivering oral messages by telephone over the lines of the Utility and connecting utilities. \par \par 8. Loss Arising From Non-Delivery of Written Messages \par\par The Utility shall be liable for loss or damage that may occur in the course of the employment of any messenger not to exceed twenty-times the charge for such messenger service, and shall be liable for loss or damage that may occur in the transmission of any message over its lines not to exceed the
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par I. LAND USE AND PLANNING.\par Would the proposal:\par a) Conflict with general \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par plan designation or\par zoning?\par b) Conflict with \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par applicable\par environmental plans\par or policies adopted by\par agencies with\par jurisdiction\par over the project?\par c) Be incompatible with \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par existing land use in the\par vicinity?\par d) Affect agricultural \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par resources or operations\par (e.g. impacts\par to soils or\par farmlands, or impacts\par from incompatible land\par uses)?\par e) Disrupt or divide the \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par physical arrangement of\par an established community\par (including a low-\par income or minority\par community)?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The proposed projects are not anticipated to have any significant impacts on general \'5B*93\'5D or environmental plans, zoning, existing land usage, or agricultural resources. The projects are essentially modifications to existing facilities within established utility rights-of-way. Since these rights-of-way are already designed to be in compliance with zoning and land use plans, disruption of such plans are not forseeable. In the event that the petitioners need to construct facilities that extend beyond the rights-of-way, see Mitigation Measure A in the Negative Declaration. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par II. POPULATION AND\par HOUSING.\par Would the proposal:\par a) Cumulatively exceed \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par official regional or\par local population\par projections?\par b) Induce substantial \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par growth in an area either\par directly or indirectly\par (e.g. through projects in\par an undeveloped area\par or extension of major\par infrastructure?\par c) Displace existing \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par housing, especially\par affordable\par housing?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The proposed projects will not have impacts upon population or housing. The purpose of the projects is to introduce competition into \'5B*94\'5D the local telephone service market. Since competition will be generally statewide and not centered in one locale, it is Is not anticipated that the projects will have an effect on population projections or housing availability of any particular area. The areas that will not initially receive the competition are rural, less populated areas; it cannot be seen that the initial lack of competitive services in these areas will result in significant movements of people to areas where competition will be heavy. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par III. GEOLOGIC PROBLEMS.\par Would the proposal result\par in or expose people\par to potential\par impacts involving:\par a) Fault rupture? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par b) Seismic ground \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par shaking?\par c) Seismic ground \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par failure,\par including liquefaction?\par d) Seiche, tsunami, or \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par volcanic hazard?\par e) Landslides or \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par mudflows?\par f) Erosion, changes in \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par topography or unstable\par soil conditions from\par excavation, grading, or\par fill?\par g) Subsidence of land? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par h) Expansive soils? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par i) Unique geologic or \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par physical features?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*95\'5D \par The projects will be constructed within existing utility facilities or established utility rights-of-way and will therefore not expose people to new risks for any of these impacts, except possibly erosion. Should additional cable facilities require the installation of new or upgraded conduits, trenching, excavation, grading and fill could be required. For appropriate mitigation, see Mitigation Measures (B) and (C) for details in the Negative Declaration. \par \par IV. WATER. Would the proposal result in: \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par a) Changes in absorption \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par rates, drainage patterns,\par or the rate and amount\par of surface runoff?\par b) Exposure of people of \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par property to water\par related hazards such\par as flooding?\par c) Discharge into \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par surface\par waters or other\par alteration\par of surface water quality\par (e.g. temperature,\par dissolved\par oxygen or turbidity)?\par d) Changes in the \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par amount of\par surface water in any\par water body?\par e) Changes in \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par currents, or\par the course or direction\par of water movements?\par f) Change in the \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par quantity\par of ground waters, either\par through direct additions\par or withdrawals, or\par through interception of\par an aquifer by cuts or\par excavations or through\par substantial loss of\par groundwater recharge\par capability?\par g) Altered direction \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par or rate\par of flow of groundwater?\par h) Impacts to \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par groundwater\par quality?\par i) Substantial reduc- \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par tion in\par the amount of groundwater\par otherwise available for\par public water supplies?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*96\'5D \par The projects will involve alterations to existing telecommunication facilities (underground conduits or overhead poles) but could expose additional risks if more than one petitioner decide to compete in the same locality. Efforts to install cables, or if necessary, new conduits, in utility rights-of-way that are in close proximity to an underground or surface water sources could carry significant effects for quality, flow, quantity, direction or drainage if done improperly and without coordination. See Mitigation Measures (B) and (D) in the Negative Declaration for details. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\par V. AIR QUALITY.\par Would the proposal:\par Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par a) Violate any air \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par quality\par standard or contribute\par to an existing or\par projected\par air quality violation?\par b) Expose sensitive \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par receptors\par to pollutants?\par c) Alter air movement, \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par moisture,\par or temperature, or\par cause any change in\par climate?\par d) Create objection- \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par able odors?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par If the projects do not require excavation or \'5B*97\'5D trenching of underground conduits, they will not have an effect upon air quality, movement, temperature or climate. However, should the projects require such work and, if more than one petitioner decide to work in the same locale, there is potential for an increase in dust in the immediate area. See Mitigation Measures (B) and (E) in the Negative Declaration for details. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
VI. TRANSPORTATION/\par CIRCULATION.\par Would the proposal\par result in:\par Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par a) Increased vehicle \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par trips or\par traffic congestion?\par b) Hazards to \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par safety from\par design features (e.g.\par sharp curves or\par dangerous\par intersections) or\par incompatible uses\par (e.g. farm equipment)?\par c) Inadequate emergency \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par access or access to\par nearby\par uses?\par d) Insufficient parking \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par capacity on-site\par or off-site?\par e) Hazards or barriers \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par for pedestrians\par or bicyclists?\par f) Conflicts with \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par adopted policies\par supporting\par alternative\par transportation\par (e.g. bus turnouts,\par bicycle racks)?\par g) Rail, waterborne \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par or air\par traffic impacts?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*98\'5D \par The petitioners plan to modify existing utility conduits or poles within existing utility rights-of-way initially in urban, commercial zones and residential areas. Modification of these facilities by a single party does not present significant impacts upon traffic or circulation since the installation process is not expected to be lengthy. However, if more than one of the petitioners decide to compete in the same locality, their efforts to install their own cables will have a significant cumulative effect on circulation, especially in dense, urban commercial areas. As a result, increases in traffic congestion, insufficient parking, and hazards or barriers for pedestrian are possible. \par \par See Mitigation Measures (B) and (F) in the Negative Declaration for details. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par VII. BIOLOGICAL\par RESOURCES.\par Would the proposal\par result in impacts to:\par a) Endangered, \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par threatened, or rare\par species or their\par habitats (including\par but not limited to\par plants, fish,\par insects, animals,\par and birds)?\par b) Locally designated \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par species\par (e.g. heritage trees)?\par c) Locally designated \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par natural\par communities (e.g. oak\par forest, coastal\par habitat, etc.)?\par d) Wetland habitat \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par (e.g. marsh,\par riparian and vernal\par pool)?\par e) Wildlife dispersal or \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par migration corridors?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*99\'5D \par The projects will not affect any biological resources since all anticipated work will occur within existing utility facilities or established utility rights-of-way. Established utility rights-of-way are assumed to be outside of locally designated natural communities, habitats or migration corridors. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par VIII. ENERGY AND MINERAL\par RESOURCES.\par Would the proposal\par result in:\par a) Conflict with adopted \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par energy conservation\par plans?\par b) Use non-renewable \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par resources\par in a wasteful and\par inefficient manner?\par c) Result in the loss \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par of availability\par of a known mineral\par resource that would\par be of future\par value to the\par region and the resi-\par dents of the State?\par \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The projects will no impact upon mineral resources or the use of energy. The projects provide competitive telecommunication services that have no direct relationship to efficient energy use or mineral resources. The installation of additional fiber optic cables are within existing facilities or rights-of-way that \'5B*100\'5D are assumed to have adequate mitigation designs to avoid impacts on any mineral resources within proximity. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par IX. HAZARDS. Would the\par proposal involve:\par a) A risk of accidental \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par explosion or release of\par hazardous substances\par (including, but not\par limited\par to: oil, pesticides,\par chemicals\par or radiation)?\par b) Possible inter- \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par ference with\par an emergency response\par plan or emergency\par evacuation plan?\par c) The creation of \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par any health\par hazard or potential\par health hazard?\par d) Exposure of people to \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par existing sources\par of potential\par health hazards?\par e) Increased fire hazard \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par in areas with\par flammable\par brush, grass, or trees?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The installation of fiber optic cables can be a quick, clean and simple procedure with little use of heavy machinery. However there may be situations where excavation and trenching of underground conduits is necessary if the conduits are not easily accessible. Should this occur, uncoordinated efforts by \'5B*101\'5D the petitioners in one concentrated area could potentially affect emergency response or evacuation plans for that locale. See Mitigation Measures (B) and (G) in the Negative Declaration for details. Once the project is completed, the additional cables do not represent any additional hazards to people nor do they increase the possibility of fires. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par X. NOISE. Would the\par proposal result in:\par a) Increases in existing \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par noise levels?\par b) Exposure of people \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par to severe noise\par levels?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The anticipated projects can be a quick and simple procedure, but in some cases could require heavy machinery or construction activity such as excavation, trenching, grading and refill. There is also the possibility that uncoordinated efforts by the petitioners in one locale could increase existing noise levels, if their activities involve the construction described. See Mitigation Measures (B) and (H) in the Negative Declaration for details. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par XI. PUBLIC SERVICES.\par Would the\par proposal have an\par effect upon, or result\par in a need\par for new or altered\par government services\par in any of\par the following areas:\par a) Fire protection? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par b) Police protection? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par c) Schools? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par d) Maintenance of pub- \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par lic facilities,\par including roads?\par e) Other government \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par services?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*102\'5D \par The proposed projects will increase competition in the local telephone service. The construction associated with the projects have potential impacts on the maintenance of public streets and roads. Numerous disturbances to the street surfaces depreciates the quality and longevity of the pavement. Mitigation Measure F addresses this impact. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par XII. UTILITIES AND\par SERVICE SYSTEMS.\par Would the\par proposal result\par in a need for\par new systems or supplies,\par or substantial alter-\par ations to\par the following utilities:\par a) Power or natural gas? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par b) Communication \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par systems?\par c) Local or regional \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par water treatment or\par distribution facilities?\par d) Sewer or septic \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par tanks?\par e) Storm water drainage? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par f) Solid waste disposal? \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par g) Local or regional \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par water supplies?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The proposed projects could substantially alter communication systems in the event that existing facilities are \'5B*103\'5D unable to accomodate all of the participants in the market. If this should occur, additional conduits or poles for telecommunication equipment will need to be inserted in existing utility rights-of-way or the petitioners may seek entry to other rights-of-way. If the petitioners are forced to construct outside of the existing utility rights-of-way, Mitigation Measure A is applicable. For work within the rights-of-way, see Mitigation Measure B in the Negative Declaration. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par XIII. AESTHETICS.\par Would the proposal:\par a) Affect a scenic vista \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par or scenic highway?\par b) Have a demonstrated \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par negative\par aesthetic effect?\par c) Create light \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par or glare?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The proposed projects will occur within utility rights of way that will be either be undergrounded or on existing poles. Undergrounded facilities will have no demonstrated negative aesthetic effects. Additional lines on the poles may be a concern, but the proposed cables are not easily discernable and will unlikely have a \'5B*104\'5D negative impact. The only scenario where an aesthetic effect can occur is if the number of competitors for a particular area become so heavy that the cables on the poles become excessive. There is potential for an increase in service boxes if the boxes cannot be installed within buildings or underground. Should this occur, the petitioners should follow Mitigation Measures (B) and (I) as described in the Negative Declaration. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par XIV. CULTURAL RESOURCES.\par Would the proposal:\par a) Disturb paleontol- \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par ogical\par resources?\par b) Disturb archaeo- \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par logical\par resources?\par c) Affect historical \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par resources?\par d) Have potential to \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par cause a physical\par change\par which would affect\par unique\par ethnic cultural values?\par e) Restrict existing \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par religious or sacred\par uses within\par the potential impact\par area?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The projects will involve existing utility facilities or established rights-of-way that are assumed to be clear from any paleontological, \'5B*105\'5D historical or archaeological resources. However, some projects may require excavation or trenching of utility rights-of-way, or outside the rights-of-way. If unanticipated cultural resources are encountered during such work, then the Mitigation Measures (B) and (J) should be followed. See Negative Declaration for details. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par XV. RECREATION.\par Would the proposal:\par a) Increase the \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par demand for\par neighborhood or\par regional parks or other\par recreational facilities?\par b) Affect existing \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par recreational\par opportunities?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \par The projects will have no impact on recreational facilities or opportunities since these resources have no direction relationship to increased competition in local telephone services. \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Potentially\par Significant\par Potentially Unless Less Than\par Significant Mitigation Significant No\par Impact Incorporated Impact Impact\par XVI. MANDATORY FINDINGS\par OF SIGNIFICANCE.\par a) Does the project \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par have the potential\par to degrade the\par quality of the\par environment,\par substantially\par reduce the\par habitat of a fish\par or wildlife species,\par cause a fish or\par wildlife population\par to drop\par below self-sustaining\par levels, threaten to\par eliminate\par a plant or animal\par community, reduce the\par number\par or restrict the range\par of a rare or endangered\par plant\par or animal, or eliminate\par important examples of\par the major\par periods of California\par history or prehistory?\par b) Does the project \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par have the\par potential to achieve\par short-term, to the\par disadvantage\par of long-term,\par environmental goals?\par c) Does the project \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D\par have impacts\par that are individually\par limited, but\par cumulatively\par considerable?\par (\'22Cumulatively\par considerable\'22 means\par that the\par incremental effects of a\par project are consid-\par erable when\par viewed in connection\par with the effects of past\par projects,\par the effects of other\par current projects, and\par the effects\par of probably future\par projects.)\par d) Does the project have \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5B\'5D \'5Bcheckmark\'5D\par environmental\par effects which\par will cause substantial\par adverse\par effects on human beings,\par either directly or\par indirectly?\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*106\'5D \par\par Appendix A \par\par \'5BSEE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE AREAS CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION IN ORIGINAL\'5D \par\par APPENDIX B \par\par Project Sponsors and Addresses \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
1. Advantage Communications Group 100 Swan Way, Suite 200\par Oakland, CA 94621\par 2. AT&T Communications of California 795 Folsom Street\par San Francisco, CA 94107\par 3. Bakersfield Cellular Telephone Co. 4200 Truxton Avenue\par Bakersfield, CA 90035\par 4. Brooks Fiber Communication 525 Almanor Avenue\par of Bakersfield\par Sunnyvale, CA 94086\par 5. Brooks Fiber Communication 525 Almanor Avenue\par of Fresno\par Sunnyvale, CA 94086\par 6. Brooks Fiber Communication 10316 Placer Lane\par of Sacramento\par Sacramento, CA 95827\par 7. Brooks Fiber Communication 525 Almanor Avenue\par of San Jose\par Sunnyvale, CA 94086\par 8. Brooks Fiber Communication 525 Almanor Avenue\par of Stockton\par Sunnyvale, CA 94086\par 9. Cable Plus Company 11400 S.E. Sixth Street,\par Suite 120\par dba Telephone Plus Bellevue, WA 98004\par 10. Caribbean Telephone and Telegraph 1249 Washington Blvd.,\par Suite 2015\par Detroit, MI 48226\par 11. Cellular 2000 3250 G Street\par Merced, CA 95340\par 12. Century Telecommunications 50 Locust Avenue\par New Canaan, Connecticut 06840\par 13. Communication TeleSystems 4350 La Jolla Village\par International Dr., Suite 100\par San Diego, CA 92122\par 14. Continental Telecommunications 550 N. Continental Blvd.,\par of California Suite 250\par El Segundo, CA 90245\par 15. Electric Lightwave 8100 N.E. Parkway\par Drive, Suite 150\par Vancouver, CA 98662\par 16. Fiber Data Systems 111 West Washington Boulevard\par Suite G\par Montebello, CA 90640\par 17. GST Lightwave 580 Executive Center\par 11501 Dublin Boulevard,\par Suite 200\par Dublin, CA 94568\par 18. GST Pacific Lightwave 3403 Tenth Street, Suite 630\par Riverside, CA 92501\par 19. GTE California One GTE Place\par Thousand Oaks, CA 91362-3811\par 20. GTE Intelligent Network Services 5525 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 445\par Irving, TX 75038\par 21. ICG Access Services 1050 17th. Street, Suite 1610\par Denver, CO 80265\par 22. Info-Tech Communications 1515 Lincoln Way\par Auburn, CA 95603\par 23. Linkatel Pacific 1924 Deere Avenue, Suite 110\par Santa Ana, CA 92706\par 24. Mammoth Cellular 330 120th Avenue N.E., #200\par Bellevue, WA 98005\par 25. MCI Metro Access Transmission 2250 Lakeside Boulevard\par Services\par
\f0 \'5B*107\'5D \par\par APPENDIX C \par\par Response to Comments: \par \par Comment letters were received from several local agencies on the draft Negative Declaration and Initial Study. The following are responses to these comments: \par \par 1. Antero Rivasplata, Chief, State Clearinghouse, dated 11/17/95. \par\par No comments from state agencies sent through the Clearinghouse. \par \par 2. Kellie Morgantini, Community Services Director, City of Greenfield, dated 10/20/95. \par\par No comments on the projects. \par \par 3. Richard Hoffstadt, Development/Subdivision Engineer, City of Newport Beach, dated 10/25/95. \par \par Comment #1: The Negative Declaration does not address the potential impacts of the projects on the City's streets. The installation of additional lines, manholes and service cabinets in the right-of-way will overwhelm the existing right-of-way, and interfere with the maintenance of other utility services. Recommends that a maximum of four (4) petitioners be permitted in any one street right-of-way. All other petitioners will be forced to lease facilities from those already in the right-of-way. \par \par Response: The impact of the projects on streets is noted and the petitioners would be required to work in cooperation \'5B*108\'5D with each other and the local agencies so that the number of disturbances to the right-of-way are minimized as discussed in Mitigation Measures B and F. One suggestion is for the local agencies to establish one or more construction time periods or \'22windows\'22 for the petitioners to install their facilities in the public right-of-way. The windows could be determined by street construction projects already planned. Applications received after a predetermined date could have to wait for the next construction \'22window\'22 established by the local agency. We cannot accept the recommendation to limit the petitioners to four (4) per street because the Commission has already determined in D.95-07-054 that competition for local telephone service is open to all petitioners who filed their intent to provide that service. \par \par Comment #2: The Negative Declaration does not address the reduction of service life of streets as a result of trenching and patching. Studies indicate that pavement life is reduced from 20% to 30% once it has been trenched. Recommends that a variety of specific construction standards for street patching and the assessment of a Street Deterioration Fee to offset the reduction \'5B*109\'5D of street life. \par \par Response: Question XI(d) of the Initial Study has been amended to discuss impacts to maintenance of public roads. Mitigation Measure F has been amended to specifically state that the petitioners are required to abide by all local standards by obtaining various ministerial permits such as encroachment or building permits. Specific construction standards as recommended in the comment can be incorporated into the local permit process. The same can be said for the Street Deterioration Fee. However, ministerial permits and local standards cannot be used by a local agency as a discretionary tool to prevent or limit a state-wide interest in competition for local telephone service. \par \par Comment #3: The Negative Declaration does not address the visual impacts of the above service grade cabinets needed to provide service. Besides visual impacts, the City is concerned about potential liability for the cabinets in sidewalks, and that the petitioners may be required to obtain easements from property owners in areas where space for the cabinets are not available. Recommends that the cabinets be spaced at least 500 feet apart. \par \par Response: The proposed facilities as \'5B*110\'5D described in 4. Schuller's Comment below are part of a utility's intended project to upgrade its existing infrastructure and is not related to the proposed projects as discussed in the Negative Declaration (projects to extend facilities to new territories for service). However it is anticipated that some petitio
Impact Mitigation Measure\par ALL FACTORS\par Extension or work A. Petitioner must file a Petition\par beyond or outside of to modify its CPCN. An appropriate\par of the existing environmental study of the\par utility right-of-way project is done.\par into undisturbed\par areas.\par CUMULATIVE EFFECTS\par Cumulative im- B. Coordination efforts among\par pacts due to the petitioners and the affect-\par multiple disturb- ed local agencies so that\par ances to a par- construction projects in the\par ticular area. same location can be com-\par bined or simultaneous.\par GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES\par Potential erosion C. Petitioners shall comply\par due to excavation, with all local design, construc-\par grading and fill. tion and safety standards\par through permit process. Erosion\par control plans for areas identified\par as susceptible to erosion.\par WATER RESOURCES\par Potential impact on water D. Petitioners shall consult with\par resources, underground all appropriate water resource\par or surface due to exca- agencies for projects in close\par vation or grading work. proximity to water resources\par Appropriate mitigation plans shall\par be developed and compliance to\par all local and state water regu-\par lations is required.\par AIR QUALITY\par Excessive dust E. Appropriate dust control\par and other air measures by petitioner.\par emissions due to Compliance with all applicable\par construction. air quality standards as established\par by air quality management districts.\par TRANSPORTATION &\par CIRCULATION\par Traffic congestion, insuf- F. Coordination by petitioners\par ficient parking, and through local agencies to mi-\par hazards for pedestrians. nimize right-of-way encroachments.\par All local safety and construc-\par tion standards shall be met\par through the local permit process.\par Advance notice to surrounding\par area of construction date and time.\par HAZARDS\par Construction in right-of-way G. Measure F above shall be\par may interfere with emergency augmented by informing and\par or evacuation plans. consulting with emergency\par and evacuation agencies if the\par proposed project impacts a route\par used for emergencies or evacua-\par tions.\par Potential increase in overhead G. Petitioner shall obtain all neces-\par poles and communication lines. sary building permits for the poles.\par CPUC's Safety & Enforcement\par Division will inspect the overhead\par lines.\par NOISE\par Noise standards for the area are H. All applicable noise standards\par exceeded due to construction. shall be complied with by the peti-\par tioners.\par Petitioners shall notice the\par
\f0 \'5B*144\'5D \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Monitoring/Reporting\par Impact Action\par ALL FACTORS\par Extension or work Quarterly reports.\par beyond or outside of\par of the existing\par utility right-of-way\par into undisturbed\par areas.\par CUMULATIVE EFFECTS\par Cumulative im- Quarterly reports.\par pacts due to\par multiple disturb-\par ances to a par-\par ticular area.\par GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES\par Potential erosion Quarterly reports.\par due to excavation,\par grading and fill.\par WATER RESOURCES\par Potential impact on water Quarterly reports.\par resources, underground\par or surface due to exca-\par vation or grading work.\par AIR QUALITY\par Excessive dust Quarterly reports.\par and other air\par emissions due to\par construction.\par TRANSPORTATION & CIRCULATION\par Traffic congestion, insuf- Quarterly reports.\par ficient parking, and\par hazards for pedestrians.\par HAZARDS\par Construction in right-of-way Quarterly reports.\par may interfere with emergency\par or evacuation plans.\par Potential increase in overhead Quarterly reports.\par poles and communciation lines.\par NOISE\par Noise standards for the area are Quarterly reports.\par exceeded due to construction.\par AESTHETICS\par Service boxes or cabinets may Quarterly reports.\par be a visual blight.\par CULTURAL RESOURCES\par Cultural resources are encount- Quarterly reports.\par ered during construction; resour-\par ces are damaged or moved.\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*145\'5D \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Effectiveness\par Impact Criteria\par ALL FACTORS\par Extension or work Any work outside of\par beyond or outside of existing utility right-of-\par of the existing way is assessed\par utility right-of-way through an environ-\par into undisturbed mental study.\par areas.\par CUMULATIVE EFFECTS\par Cumulative im- The number and duration\par pacts due to of disturbances to a\par multiple disturb- particular area are\par ances to a par- minimized.\par ticular area.\par GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES\par Potential erosion Erosion at the project\par due to excavation, areas is contained.\par grading and fill.\par WATER RESOURCES\par Potential impact on water Impacts to water qua-\par resources, underground lity, drainage, flow, di-\par or surface due to exca- rection and quantity\par vation or grading work. are averted.\par AIR QUALITY\par Excessive dust Dust and other emis-\par and other air sions are contained.\par emissions due to Air quality standards\par construction. for area are met.\par TRANSPORTATION & CIRCULATION\par Traffic congestion, insuf- Traffic congestion is\par ficient parking, and minimized.\par hazards for pedestrians.\par HAZARDS\par Construction in right-of-way Construction projects\par may interfere with emergency do not interfere with\par or evacuation plans. emergency or evacu-\par ation routes.\par Potential increase in overhead Poles are built in com-\par poles and communciation lines. pliance with local safe-\par ty standards. Lines\par are inspected and\par maintained as safe.\par NOISE\par Noise standards for the area are Noise from construc-\par exceeded due to construction. tion is kept to levels\par that do not exceed\par local standards.\par AESTHETICS\par Service boxes or cabinets may Cabinets are placed\par be a visual blight. within existing build-\par ings, underground, or\par in areas that are land-\par scaped so that aesthe-\par tic impacts are minimi-\par zed.\par CULTURAL RESOURCES\par Cultural resources are encount- Cultural resources that\par ered during construction; resour- are encountered are\par ces are damaged or moved. not destroyed or ad-\par versely impacted.\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*146\'5D \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Impact Responsible\par Agency\par ALL FACTORS\par Extension or work CPUC\par beyond or outside of Local agencies.\par of the existing\par utility right-of-way\par into undisturbed\par areas.\par CUMULATIVE EFFECTS\par Cumulative im- CPUC\par pacts due to Local agencies.\par multiple disturb-\par ances to a par-\par ticular area.\par GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES\par Potential erosion CPUC\par due to excavation, Local agencies.\par grading and fill.\par WATER RESOURCES\par Potential impact on water CPUC\par resources, underground Local agencies.\par or surface due to exca- Applicable state\par vation or grading work. water resource\par agencies.\par AIR QUALITY\par Excessive dust CPUC\par and other air Air quality\par emissions due to management\par construction. districts.\par TRANSPORTATION & CIRCULATION\par Traffic congestion, insuf- CPUC\par ficient parking, and Local agencies.\par hazards for pedestrians. Caltrans\par HAZARDS\par Construction in right-of-way CPUC\par may interfere with emergency Local agencies.\par or evacuation plans.\par Potential increase in overhead CPUC\par poles and communciation lines. Local agencies.\par NOISE\par Noise standards for the area are CPUC\par exceeded due to construction. Local agencies.\par AESTHETICS\par Service boxes or cabinets may CPUC\par be a visual blight. Local agencies.\par CULTURAL RESOURCES\par Cultural resources are encount- CPUC\par ered during construction; resour- Local, state\par ces are damaged or moved. and/or federal\par agencies.\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*147\'5D \f1 \par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
Impact Timing\par ALL FACTORS\par Extension or work Before construction\par beyond or outside of\par of the existing\par utility right-of-way\par into undisturbed\par areas.\par CUMULATIVE EFFECTS\par Cumulative im- Before construction\par pacts due to\par multiple disturb-\par ances to a par-\par ticular area.\par GEOLOGICAL RESOURCES\par Potential erosion Before and during\par due to excavation, construction.\par grading and fill.\par WATER RESOURCES\par Potential impact on water Before and during\par resources, underground construction.\par or surface due to exca-\par vation or grading work.\par AIR QUALITY\par Excessive dust Before and during\par and other air construction.\par emissions due to\par construction.\par TRANSPORTATION & CIRCULATION\par Traffic congestion, insuf- Before and during\par ficient parking, and construction.\par hazards for pedestrians.\par HAZARDS\par Construction in right-of-way Before and during\par may interfere with emergency construction.\par or evacuation plans.\par Potential increase in overhead Before and during\par poles and communciation lines. construction.\par NOISE\par Noise standards for the area are Before and during\par exceeded due to construction. construction.\par AESTHETICS\par Service boxes or cabinets may Before and during\par be a visual blight. construction.\par CULTURAL RESOURCES\par Cultural resources are encount- During construction.\par ered during construction; resour-\par ces are damaged or moved.\par________________________________________________________________________________\par\par
\f0 \'5B*148\'5D \par\par APPENDIX E \par\par INFORMATION REQUESTED OF COMPETITIVE LOCAL CARRIERS \par\par INFORMATION REQUESTED OF COMPETITIVE LOCAL CARRIERS \par \par TO: ALL COMPETITIVE LOCAL CARRIERS \par \par Article 5 of the Public Utilities Code grants authority to the California Public Utilities Commission to require all public utilities doing business in California to file reports as specified by the Commission on the utilities' California operations. \par \par A specific annual report form has not yet been prescribed for the California's competitive local carriers. However, you are hereby directed to submit an original and two copies of the information requested on the following page no later than March 31st of the year following the calendar year for which the annual report is submitted. \par \par Address your report to: \par\par California Public Utilities Commission \par\par Auditing and Compliance Branch, Room 3251 \par\par 505 Van Ness Avenue \par\par San Francisco, CA 94102-3298\par \par Failure to file this information on time may result in a penalty as provided for in {\f0\'A7}{\f0\'A7} 2107 and 2108 of the Public Utilities Code. \par \par If you have any question concerning this matter, please call (415) 703-1961. \par\par INFORMATION REQUESTED OF COMPETITIVE LOCAL CARRIERS \par \par To be \'5B*149\'5D filed with the California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3251, San Francisco, CA 94102-3298, no later than March 31st of the year following the calendar year for which the annual report is submitted. \par \par 1. Exact legal name and U # of reporting utility. \par \par 2. Address. \par \par 3. Name, title, address, and telephone number of the person to be contacted concerning the reported information. \par \par 4. Name and title of the officer having custody of the general books of account and the address of the office where such books are kept. \par \par 5. Type of organization (e.g., corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship, etc.). \par\par If incorporated, specify: \par \par a. Date of filing articles of incorporation with the Secretary of State. \par \par b. State in which incorporated.\par \par \par 6. Commission decision number granting operating authority and the date of that decision. \par \par 7. Date operations were begun. \par \par 8. Description of other business activities in which the utility is engaged. \par \par 9. A list of all affiliated companies and their relationship to the utility. State if affiliate is a: \par \par a. Regulated public utility. \par \par b. Publicly held corporation.\par \par \par 10. Balance sheet as of December \'5B*150\'5D 31st of the year for which information is submitted. \par \par 11. Income statement for California operations for the calendar year for which information is submitted.\par APPENDIX F \par\par Outstanding CLC Deficiencies of Petitoners \par \par GENERAL ISSUES THAT ALL PETITIONERS MUST CORRECT: \par \par When the compliance tariffs are filed, they should be noted as original sheets, contain original sheet numbers, and should not contain any sidebar notations. Type in decision number of this decision, the December 27, 1995 filing date and the January 1, 1996 effective date. \par \par CLC tariffs must contain rates for all services and elements listed in a CLC's tariffs, except those services offered only on a resale basis can be added later. \par \par CLC tariffs should not reference a prior Commission Decision or P.U. Code section without describing completely its content. For example, regarding Privacy-CLC tariffs may not reference a PU Code or Decision without giving a complete description of the policy/content entailed in that code or decision. \par \par Pacific and GTEC will not have INP tariffs in place until sometime after February 1, 1996. Therefore, CLCs that have filed tariffs for INP have the option \'5B*151\'5D of removing INP rates in their tariffs at this time and ma
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\f1 \fs20 \page ****------------------------------------------------------------------------****\par \par * 76 PAGES 3529 LINES JOB 75977 100E67 *\par * 3:37 P.M. STARTED 3:39 P.M. ENDED 10/23/97 *\par ****------------------------------------------------------------------------****\par ****------------------------------------------------------------------------****\par * EEEEE N N DDDD *\par * E N N D D *\par * E NN N D D *\par * EEE N N N D D *\par * E N NN D D *\par * E N N D D *\par * EEEEE N N DDDD *\par \par ****------------------------------------------------------------------------****\par \par ****------------------------------------------------------------------------****\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par SEND TO: WILLIAMS, KALE \par CALIFORNIA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMM. \par LEGAL DIVISION \par 505 VAN NESS AVENUE, ROOM 2204 \par SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94102-3298}