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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id: slack-rolediff 125 2006-09-27 07:50:07Z alan $
# vim:sw=2
# vim600:fdm=marker
# Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Alan Sundell <alan@sundell.net>
# All Rights Reserved. This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
# See the file COPYING for details.
# This script provides a preview of scripts or files about to be installed.
# Basically, it calls diff -- its smarts are in knowing where things are.
require 5.006;
use warnings FATAL => qw(all);
use strict;
use sigtrap qw(die untrapped normal-signals
stack-trace any error-signals);
use File::Path;
use File::Find;
use constant LIB_DIR => '/usr/lib/slack';
use lib LIB_DIR;
use Slack;
my @diff = ('slack-diff',
# directories to compare
my %subdir = (
files => 1,
scripts => 1,
(my $PROG = $0) =~ s#.*/##;
sub diff ($$;@);
# Environment
# Helpful prefix to die messages
$SIG{__DIE__} = sub { die "FATAL[$PROG]: @_"; };
# Set a reasonable umask
umask 077;
# Get out of wherever (possibly NFS-mounted) we were
or die "Could not chdir /: $!";
# Autoflush on STDERR
select((select(STDERR), $|=1)[0]);
# Config and option parsing {{{
my $usage = Slack::default_usage("$PROG [options] <role> [<role>...]");
$usage .= <<EOF;
--subdir DIR
Check this subdir only. Possible values for DIR are 'files' and
--diff PROG
Use this program to do diffs. [@diff]
# Option defaults
my %opt = ();
opthash => \%opt,
command_line_options => [
usage => $usage,
required_options => [ qw(cache stage root) ],
# Arguments are required
die "No roles given!\n\n$usage" unless @ARGV;
# We only allow certain values for this option
if ($opt{subdir}) {
unless ($opt{subdir} eq 'files' or $opt{subdir} eq 'scripts') {
die "--subdir option must be 'files' or 'scripts'\n\n$usage";
# Only do this subdir
%subdir = ( $opt{subdir} => 1 );
# Let people override our diff. Split on spaces so they can pass args.
if ($opt{diff}) {
@diff = split(/\s+/, $opt{diff});
# }}}
my $exit = 0;
# Do the diffs
for my $full_role (@ARGV) {
# Split the full role (e.g. google.foogle.woogle) into components
my @role = split(/\./, $full_role);
if ($subdir{scripts}) {
# Then we compare the cache vs the stage
my $old = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $full_role . "/scripts";
my $new = $opt{cache} . "/roles/" . $role[0] . "/scripts";
# For scripts, we don't care so much about mode and owner (since those are
# inherited in the CACHE from the SOURCE), so --noperms.
$exit |= diff($old, $new, '--noperms');
if ($subdir{files}) {
# Then we compare the stage vs the root
my $old = $opt{root};
my $new = $opt{stage} . "/roles/" . $full_role . "/files";
# For files, we don't care about files that exist in $old but not $new
$exit |= diff($old, $new, '--unidirectional-new-file');
exit $exit;
sub diff ($$;@) {
my ($old, $new, @options) = @_;
my @command = (@diff, @options);
# return if there's nothing to do
return 0 if (not -d $old and not -d $new);
($opt{verbose} > 0) and print STDERR "$PROG: Previewing with '@command'\n";
my $return = 0;
my $callback = sub {
my ($new_file) = @_;
my $old_file = $new_file;
($old_file =~ s#^$new#$old#)
or die "sub failed: $new|$new_file";
if (system(@command, $old_file, $new_file) != 0) {
$return |= Slack::get_system_exit(@command);
# We have to use this function, rather than recursive mode for slack-diff,
# because otherwise we'll print a bunch of bogus stuff about directories
# that exist in $ROOT and therefore aren't being synced.
Slack::find_files_to_install($new, $old, $callback);
return $return;