--- title: Our Notes On React sidebar: Handbook showTitle: true hideAnchor: true --- The [React docs](https://reactjs.org/docs/getting-started.html) are great for getting from zero to one. ## Hooks I found hooks somewhat counterintuitive at first, but they're very powerful once you grasp them. Refer to the [Rules of Hooks](https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-rules.html). - @samwinslow 1. Only call from the top level of a functional component 2. Do not call outside a functional component or from plain JS (you can call from custom hooks) ### useState Uses destructured array assignment syntax `const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue)` An updater function can be passed to the setter so that multiple updates can be called in sequence, or to merge-update the state via spreading if it's an object. The updater is a pure function which takes previous state and returns next. ```jsx // bad setValue(value + 1) setValue(value + 1) // good setValue(value => value + 1) setValue(value => value + 1) ``` In general, derive data while rendering rather than storing derived values in state (e.g. filtering local data). However, if expensive filtering or join operations are to be performed and/or the component re-renders frequently, a memoized state management library might be better. ### useEffect Takes a callback function which may have (potentially global) side effects. Runs on every re-render by default. ```jsx function EffectExample() { const [value, setValue] = useState(initialValue) useEffect(() => { document.title = `The value is now ${value}` }) return (


) } ``` The rendered value is not a special data binding that causes it to listen. It is merely a reflection of a new value rendered as a result of calling the setter. Can return a cleanup function from the effect and declare when it should run ```jsx function ApiStatus({ service }) { const [isOnline, setOnline] = useState(null) const { id } = service useEffect(() => { const handleStatusChange(status) => { setOnline(status.isOnline) } SomeApi.subscribe(id, handleStatusChange) return () => SomeApi.unsubscribe(id, handleStatusChange) }, [id]) // Only run when `id` changes (sync to state) // rendering } ``` ### useLayoutEffect Same as `useEffect`, but runs callback synchronously during commit lifecycle phase ### useMemo Recalculates value only when dependencies change ### useCallback Updates callback function reference when dependencies change ### useRef Mutable ref used to access returned child. - Persists between renders - Default: `{ current: null }` - Plain object; mutating does not trigger re-renders ### Custom Hooks Listeners and API connections can be extracted to a custom hook and reused Examples from popular libraries: - React-Redux: `useSelector`, `useDispatch` - React-Router: `useHistory`, `useLocation`, `useParams` - `useFormState` ## Useful resources - [Dan Abramov - A Complete Guide to useEffect](https://overreacted.io/a-complete-guide-to-useeffect/) - [Mark Erikson - A Complete Guide to React Rendering Behavior](https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com/2020/05/blogged-answers-a-mostly-complete-guide-to-react-rendering-behavior/) **[Back: Technologies to learn](../technologies-to-learn)**