# {{PARTY2}} Contributions to the joint venture - {{PARTY2}} will retain all financial control (bank accounts/third party payment processors) of the business. - {{PARTY2}} will negotiate and execute a contract [template terms](https://git.knownelement.com/KNEL/KNELContracts/src/branch/main/KNEL-Services-ContractTemplate-AllComponents.md) for IT/business services within 5 calendar days of executing this contract with {{PARTY1}}. - {{PARTY2}} will have total control over the: - Business Plan - Funding / Fundraising - Website - Application - Customers - Partners - Vendors (as long as they don’t provide a service provided by KNEL) (or a negotiated exception is granted) - Employees - Contractors - Licensing of code - Terms of service - Pricing - Executive team - Series LLC members - Series LLC operating agreement (other than non override parts from the Turnkey Network Systems LLC operating agreement) - TSYS Group board committee for the series - etc for the following businesses: - TeamRental.net - RackRental.net (non Richelle franchises) (close consultation / collaboration / code availability on any development done on the RackRental.net microservices) - STL (non Richelle franchises) close consultation / collaboration / code availability on any development done on the STL micro services) - YourDreamNameHere - MerchantsOfHope - Redwood Springs Capital Partners (excluding the TopHat Fund) (and any/all other funds that may emerge in the future related to fundraising for Suborbital Systems , HFNOC, HFNFC). - Ap4ap.org - sol-calc.com micro service (it will remain under its custom license) - {{PARTY2}} wants to be a leader, be in the driver seat, put their brand/stamp on everything. - {{PARTY2}} has a deep network of relevant personnel/talent , a deep contact network etc to increase the likelihood of success. - {{PARTY2}} understands that {{PARTY1}} has no real interest in these ancillary businesses but would like to retain a minority silent stake in exchange for providing the following contributions: - brand - KNEL back office - this contract - StartupStarterPackage