subo-bizopprodplan/team-sweng/Tooling Task

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2024-12-26 15:38:40 -05:00
# Tooling Task List
## Add architecture-specific directories to file tree
### Various cross-compiler parts
From <>, you can find the following:
### GNU C/C++ Compiler
You can find the sources to Arm Embedded GCC at [git://](git:// All contributions are made to trunk. Patches are cherry-picked as needed to the Arm embedded branches.
### Binutils
You can find the sources to Arm Embedded Binutils at [git://](git:// All embedded branches are under [users/ARM/embedded-binutils-[version]-branch](users/ARM/embedded-binutils-[version]-branch). Contribution is similar to GCC.
### GDB
You can find the sources to Arm Embedded Binutils at [users/ARM/embedded-binutils-[version]-branch](git:// All embedded branches are at [users/ARM/embedded-gdb-[version]-branch](users/ARM/embedded-gdb-[version]-branch). You can contribute in the same way that you contribute to GCC.
### Newlib
You can find the sources at [users/ARM/embedded-gdb-[version]-branch](users/ARM/embedded-gdb-[version]-branch). We contribute to master, and the toolchain is based on master branch.
### crosstool-NG [](
x86 install (buildbox)
### Arduino-cli
x86 - RPi cluster install (into /subo/arm directory), deploying Uno and Mega Arduinos)
### Cross-compilers
x86-to-ARM cross-compiler (gcc, binutils, gdb), deploying RPi
x86-to-M0 cross-compiler (gcc, binutils, gdb), deploying M0
x86-to-AVR cross-compiler (gcc, etc.?), deploying Uno, Mega
### CUDA / JetPack (low priority)
jetson nano
suboprod[n] - 01 through 05
### Configure Jenkins
## Avionics - Seeeduino
### Install FreeRTOS
### IMU - Interface with
Multiple i2c
Functions - ReadPitch, ReadYaw, ReadRoll, ReadTime, ReadTemp, etc.
### Parafoil Control
Motor driver board drivers
Functions - OrbiterOperateParafoil (motor left, right, up, down), OrbiterCutDown, EnvelopePop, DeployParafoil, OrbiterSelfDestruct
### Power Management
Functions - ReadVoltage, ReadCurrent, ReadAmps, ReadChargeLevel, etc.
### Telemetry
Key data - Charge levels, Full IMU data, Full sensor data (light, temp, etc.)
Broadcast to ground stations (via lora), other aircraft (via ads-b)
> Future, no ads-b yet, ADS-B(send), ADS-B(receive)
> Lora(send), lora(receive), IMU Sensor Read, IMU
Sensor Send, Data Logging, GPS Read, GPS Send, Charge Status, Battery Voltage
### Overhead / Housekeeping
Functions - TickleTheTail
## Avionics - Raspberry Pi
Payload Power Management
### Functions - Payload Power On, Payload PowerOff, Payload Location Lookup
### Geo Fencing obtain tile38 data
### Operating System - Balena OS, Openmtc
### Avionics Updating will use Arduino-cli
## Ground Station Avionics
### Receive lora broadcasts
### Convert lora data to IP packets, push packets to a bus
### Set up chirpserver
### Set up openmtc