### Mission and Scope *TODO: Answer these questions in your own words. This is condensed from the project [Home](Home).* #### What problem does this project address? ::2-4 SENTENCE PROBLEM #### What is the goal of this project? ::2-4 SENTENCE GOAL #### What is the scope of this project ::2-4 SENTENCE SCOPE ### Status *TODO: Briefly describe the status of this project. E.g., what phase are you in? And, what is your next major milestone? Detailed project status is written in the status reports, not here.* ::We have completed our second beta release and are currently working on adding more of the functionality described in our product [specification](srs.html) and fixing defects. ::The next major milestone is a third beta release with nearly complete functionality and a wider set of testers. #### Status reports: - ::[Status report 1](status-report.html) - ::[Status report 2](status-report2.html) - ::Etc. ### Resources and schedule *TODO: Briefly describe the project resources and schedule. This is condensed from the [project plan](plan.html), [resource needs](resource-needs.html), and [legal issues](legal.html) documents.* #### What are the deadlines for this project? - ::DATE: MILESTONE - ::DATE: MILESTONE - ::DATE: MILESTONE - ::DATE: RELEASE-NUMBER #### Who is working on this project? - ::100% PERSON-NAME - ::100% PERSON-NAME - ::75% PERSON-NAME - ::33% PERSON-NAME #### What capital resources are allocated to this project? - ::HARDWARE - ::SOFTWARE LICENSE - ::FACILITIES #### What are the main legal concerns for this project? - ::Intellectual property: DESCRIPTION - ::Privacy and security: DESCRIPTION - ::Potential harm: DESCRIPTION ### Requirements *TODO: Briefly describe the most important system requirements. This is condensed from the [user needs](user-needs.html), [interview notes](interview-notes.html), [SRS](srs.html), [use case suite](use-case-suite.html), and [feature set](feature-set.html) documents.* #### Who are the project stakeholders? - ::PROJECT CHAMPION / EXECUTIVE SPONSOR - ::DEPARTMENTS WITHIN YOUR COMPANY - ::CORPORATE PARTNERS - ::KEY CUSTOMERS #### What user needs have you gathered? - ::[User stories](LINK-TO-USER-STORIES) - ::[Interview notes](LINK-TO-INTERVIEW-NOTES) #### What are the requirements specifications? - ::[Use cases](LINK-TO-USE-CASES) - ::[Feature specifications](LINK-TO-FEATURE-SPECS) - ::[Environmental requirements](LINK-TO-ENV-REQ) - ::[Other requirements](LINK-TO-OTHER-REQ) ### Design *TODO: Briefly describe the most important aspects of the design. This is condensed from the [design](design.html) template and associated worksheets.* #### What are your ranked design goals? 1. ::Correctness - ::This design correctly matches the given requirements. 2. ::Feasibility - ::This design can be implemented and tested with the planned amount of time and effort. 3. ::Understandability - ::Developers can understand this design and correctly implement it. 4. ::Implementation phase guidance - ::This design divides the implementation into components or aspects that can correspond to reasonable implementation tasks. 5. ::Modularity - ::Concerns are clearly separated so that the impact of most design changes would be limited to only one or a few modules. 6. ::Extensibility - ::New features can be easily added later. 7. ::Testability - ::It is easy to test components of this design independently, and information is available to help diagnose defects. 8. ::Efficiency - ::The design enables the system to perform functions with an acceptable amount of time, storage space, bandwidth, and other resources. #### Where are your design documents? - ::[UML class diagram](LINK-TO-CLASS-DIAGRAM) - ::[UML class diagram](LINK-TO-CLASS-DIAGRAM) - ::[UML state diagram](LINK-TO-STATE-DIAGRAM) - ::[UML sequence diagram](LINK-TO-SEQUENCE-DIAGRAM) - ::[UML deployment diagram](LINK-TO-DEPLOYMENT-DIAGRAM) - ::[Other design](LINK-TO-OTHER-DESIGN) ### Quality Assurance *TODO: Briefly describe your quality goals and how you will achieve them. This is condensed from the [QA plan](qa-plan.html), [test suite](test-suite), and [test cases](test-cases.html) documents.* #### What are your ranked quality goals? 1. ::Correctness 2. ::Robustness 3. ::Accuracy 4. ::Compatibility 5. ::Usability 6. ::Security 7. ::Reliability 8. ::Scalability 9. ::Operability 10. ::Maintainability #### What QA activities will you use? - ::Preconditions and assertions - ::Buddy reviews - ::Review meetings - ::Unit testing - ::System testing #### Where are the test cases? - ::[Test case](LINK-TO-TEST-CASE) - ::[Test case](LINK-TO-TEST-CASE) - ::[Test case](LINK-TO-TEST-CASE) - ::[Test case](LINK-TO-TEST-CASE) ### Packaging, Delivery, and Deployment Where is the release checklist or sign-off document? ::[Release checklist](LINK-TO-RELEASE-CHECKLIST) #### How is the product packaged and deployed? - ::Packaging: DESCRIPTION - ::Deployment: DESCRIPTION - ::[Release notes](LINK-TO-RELEASE-NOTES) #### How is the product installed? - ::System requirements: DESCRIPTION - ::STEP - ::STEP - ::STEP ### User Support Where is the user documentation? - ::[User guide](LINK-TO-USER-GUIDE) - ::[User FAQ](LINK-TO-FAQ) #### How can users get technical support or report problems? - ::Support: DESCRIPTION - ::Issue tracking: DESCRIPTION ### Glossary *TODO: Define any technical terms that you use above, if a new member of the team would not already know them. This is condensed from the [glossary](glossary.html) documents.* ##### ::TECHNICAL TERM ::DEFINITION ##### ::TECHNICAL TERM ::DEFINITION ##### ::TECHNICAL TERM ::DEFINITION ##### ::TECHNICAL TERM ::DEFINITION