Overview Project Plan Workflows Current <!-- Markdown content here --> # User FAQ --- *TODO: Answer these common questions. Some sample answers are provided for you. Add new questions and new sections to fit the needs of your users.* *TIP: This FAQ is for end users, you may want to write FAQ's for other types of stakeholders such as potential customers, open source contributors, members of a developers' network, or administrators.* ### General Information &nbsp; #### What is ::PRODUCTNAME? ::It is a XXXXX. Read our [PRODUCTNAME overview](http://www.COMPANY.com/products/PRODUCTNAME/). #### Who should use ::PRODUCTNAME? ::Anyone who wants XXXXXXX. Read more about our [target audience and benefits](target-and-benefits.html). ### Download and Install &nbsp; #### How can I obtain ::PRODUCTNAME? ::You may [download PRODUCTNAME](LINK-TO-DOWNLOAD). ::You may [place an order for PRODUCTNAME](LINK-TO-ORDER). #### What do I need to use ::PRODUCTNAME? ::System requirements are described in the [release notes](release-notes.html). ::System requirements are a Intel-compatible PC with a processor speed of at least XXX MHz, XXX MB of RAM. XXX MB of free disk space, and one of the following operating systems: Windows 98/2000/XP, Mac OSX, Linux. #### How do I install ::PRODUCTNAME? ::[Installation instructions](install.html) are available on-line. #### How do I upgrade from an older version of PRODUCTNAME? ::[Installation instructions](install.html) are available on-line. ### Getting Started &nbsp; #### What is ::TECHNICAL-TERM? ::It means XXXXX. For additional technical terms, see the [glossary](glossary.html). #### What is ::GUI-ELEMENT? ::It is a XXXXX. It is used for YYYYY. #### How do I do ::COMMON-TASK? ::You should understand that XXX. Once you are ready, you can: 1. ::Step one 2. ::Step two 3. ::Step three ### SECTION NAME &nbsp; #### ::QUESTION? ::ANSWER. #### ::QUESTION? ::ANSWER. #### ::QUESTION? ::ANSWER. #### ::QUESTION? ::ANSWER. ### Troubleshooting &nbsp; #### ::I see an error message "ERROR-MESSAGE". What's wrong? ::ANSWER. #### ::I can't do COMMON-TASK. What's wrong? ::ANSWER. ### Other Questions &nbsp; #### ::My question is not on this page. How do I find the answer? :: First read the [user guide](user-guide) and other on-line help. Your question may have already been asked and answered, to find it: search the project [mail archives](#) and [issue tracking system](#). If you still don't find it, you can ask the question on the [users' mailing list](#) or the [developers' mailing list](#) or you can [enter an issue](#). #### ::Where should I send comments on this FAQ? :: You can write to [EMAIL-ADDRESS](mailto:#) or any of the developers on the [developers' mailing list](mailto:#). <!-- End Markdown content -->