### By Activity 1. Project Planning 1. [Home](Home) 2. [Proposal](Proposal) - [Target and Benefits](Target-and-Benefits) 3. [Project Plan](Project-Plan) - [Resource needs](Resource-Needs) 4. [Legal Issues](Legal) 5. [QA Plan](QA-Plan) 2. Requirements and Specification 1. [User Needs](User-Needs) - [Interview Notes](Interview-Notes) 2. [Software Requirements Specification](SRS) - [Use Case Suite](Use-Case-Suite) - [Feature Set](Feature-Set) 3. Architecture and Design 1. [Design](Design) - [Architecture Worksheet](Design-Architecture) - [Source and Build](Design-Src-Org) - [User Interface Worksheet](Design-UI) - [Persistence Worksheet](Design-Persistence) - [Security Worksheet](Design-Security) 4. Implementation and Testing 1. [User Guide](User-Guide) 2. [Test Suite](Test-Suite) - [Test Case Format](Test-Case-Format) - [Test Cases](Test-Cases) 5. Deployment and Installation 1. [Release Checklist](Release-Checklist) 2. [Installation / Quick Start Guide](Installation-Guide) 3. [Release Notes](Release-Notes) 4. [Demo Script](Demo-Script) 6. Operations and Support 1. [FAQ / Troubleshooting](FAQ) 2. [Implementation Notes](Implementation-Notes) 7. Continuous or Final 1. [Glossary](Glossary) 2. [Status Report](Status-Report) 3. [Review Meeting Notes](Review-Meeting-Notes) 4. [Software Development Methodology](SDM) ### By Suggested Sequence 1. Step 1 1. [Home](Home) 2. [Proposal](Proposal) - [](Target-and-Benefits)[Target and Benefits](Target-and-Benefits) 3. [Project Plan](Project-Plan) - [Resource needs](Resource-Needs) 4. [Legal Issues](Legal) 5. [Glossary](Glossary) 2. Step 2 1. [User Needs](User-Needs) - [Interview Notes](Interview-Notes) 2. [Software Requirements Specification](SRS) - [Use Case Suite](Use-Case-Suite) - [Feature Set](Feature-Set) 3. [Software Development Methodology](SDM) 3. Step 3 1. [Design](Design) - [Architecture Worksheet](Design-Architecture) - [Source and Build](Design-Src-Org) - [User Interface Worksheet](Design-UI) - [Persistence Worksheet](Design-Persistence) - [Security Worksheet](Design-Security) 4. Step 4 1. [QA Plan](QA-Plan) 2. [Test Suite](Test-Suite) - [Test Case Format](Test-Case-Format) - [Test Cases](Test-Cases) 5. Step 5 1. [Review Meeting Notes](Review-Meeting-Notes) 6. Step 6 1. [Release Checklist](Release-Checklist) 7. Step 7 1. [Installation / Quick Start Guide](Installation-Guide) 2. [Release Notes](Release-Notes) 3. [User Guide](User-Guide) 4. [Demo Script](Demo-Script) 5. [FAQ / Troubleshooting](FAQ) 6. [Implementation Notes](Implementation-Notes) 8. Every week 1. [Status Report](Status-Report) ### All Templates 1. [Summary](Summary) 2. [Home](Home) 3. [Proposal](Proposal) - [Target and Benefits](Target-and-Benefits) 4. [Project Plan](Project-Plan) - [Resource needs](Resource-Needs) 5. [QA Plan](QA-Plan) - [Test Suite](Test-Suite) - [Test Case Format](Test-Case-Format) - [Test Cases](Test-Cases) - [Review Meeting Notes](Review-Meeting-Notes) 6. [Legal Issues](Legal) 7. [User Needs](User-Needs) - [Interview Notes](Interview-Notes) 8. [Software Requirements Specification](SRS) - [Use Case Suite](Use-Case-Suite) - [Feature Set](Feature-Set) 9. [Glossary](Glossary) 10. [Design](Design) - [Architecture Worksheet](Design-Architecture) - [Source and Build](Design-Src-Org) - [User Interface Worksheet](Design-UI) - [Persistence Worksheet](Design-Persistence) - [Security Worksheet](Design-Security) 11. [User Guide](User-Guide) 12. [Release Checklist](Release-Checklist) 13. [Installation / Quick Start Guide](Installation-Guide) 14. [Release Notes](Release-Notes) 15. [Demo Script](Demo-Script) 16. [FAQ / Troubleshooting](FAQ) 17. [Implementation Notes](Implementation-Notes) 18. [Status Report](Status-Report) 19. [Software Development Methodology](SDM) ### How to download these templates - [Download template archive](https://web.archive.org/web/20200701142616/http://readyset.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectDocumentList), or - Use CVS to [check out](https://web.archive.org/web/20200701142616/http://readyset.tigris.org/servlets/ProjectSource) project "readyset" or clone from [ReadySet GFM](https://github.com/bike-bill/readyset-gfm/wiki) on Github.