Overview Project Plan Workflows Current <!-- Markdown content here --> # [Design](design.html)&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;User Interface --- ##### Project: ::PROJECTNAME ##### Internal Release Number: ::X.Y.Z ##### Related Documents: - ::LINKS TO RELEVANT STANDARDS - ::LINKS TO OTHER DOCUMENTS --- ### Overview *TODO: Answer the questions below to help you design the user interface features of your system. Some ecomponents.htmlxample text is provided. Add or delete text as needed.* #### What are the most important facts that a developer should know about the user interface of this system? ::PARAGRAPH OR BULLETS #### What are the ranked goals for the user interface of this system? 1. ::[Understandability and learnability](glossary-std.html#understandability_and_learnability) 2. ::[Task support and efficiency](glossary-std.html#task_support_and_efficiency) 3. ::[Safety](glossary-std.html#safety) 4. ::[Consistency and familiarity](glossary-std.html#consistency_and_familiarity) ### Metaphors, Exemplars, and Standards &nbsp; #### What is the central metaphor of this UI design? ::PARAGRAPH #### What existing systems have user interfaces similar to the UI you want to build? What specific aspects are similar? - ::[amazon.com](http://www.amazon.com): Our e-commerce site will have stores and departments, and search like this site. - ::[Microsoft Office](http://www.microsoft.com/office/using/default.asp): We will use configurable toolbars the same way Office 2000 does. - ::[EXISTING-UI](LINK-TO-SYSTEM): DESCRIPTION #### What UI design standards, guidelines, and styles are you following? - ::[Microsoft UI guidelines](hcomponents.htmlttp://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dnwue/html/welcome.asp) - ::[Java UI guidelines](http://java.sun.com/products/jlf/ed1/guidelines.html) - ::[Mac UI guidelines](http://developer.apple.com/techpubs/macosx/Essentials/AquaHIGuidelines/AHIGHIGs/index.html) - ::[W3C Accessibility guidelines](http://www.w3.org/TR/WCAG10/) ### Task Models &nbsp; #### What types of users will use this system? ::See the [user needs document](user-needs). #### What types of tasks will those users perform? ::See the [use case suite](use-case-suite). ### Content Model / Interaction Contexts *TODO: List interaction contexts. Each interaction context is a "place" where users see information and where they select commands or options. In a graphical user interface, a interaction context will eventually be implemented as a window or dialog box. In other applications, an interaction context may be implemented as, e.g., a web page, a voice menu prompt, or a physical control panel.* *TIP: Each interaction context is an exclusive mode: the user can only use one interaction context at a time. All the components within one context are visible and usable at the same time. E.g., if a window has three tabs, that is three interaction contexts because only one tab can be used at a time.* *TODO: For each interaction context, list the abstract components within that context. Each component is a piece of information, or a user interface affordance. In a GUI, each abstract component will eventually become a widget, but the choice of specific widgets happens later. Choice of abstract components corresponds to step 2 in the [HTML prototyping example](http://www.ics.uci.edu/~jrobbins/htmlproto/index.html) demonstrated in class.* *TIP: Most high frequency use cases should be carried out in only one interaction contexts. A use case that requires three interaction contexts could be hard to use. However, interaction contexts with too many components can also be hard to use.* | Interaction Context --Abstract UI Components | Purpose | Contents / Constraints / Behavior | |------------------------------------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ::[Login dialog](LINK-TO-MOCKUP) | ::Verify that the current user is actually the person that they claim to be. | | | ::--Prompt | ::Tell the user that this dialog is to log in. | ::"Please log in". | | ::--Message area | ::Give the user some feedback about the login process. | ::Initially blank. Changes to "Checking username and password" when the user presses "Login". Changes to "Invalid username or password, please try again", if login fails. | | ::--Username | ::Identify the user account that the current user is trying to access. | ::The name of the user account. Regex: [-_a-z0-9]{1-16}. The application should not do anything that would help users guess usernames. E.g., this should not be a combo-box with recent users listed, and it should not offer auto-complete. | | ::--Password | ::Verify that the current user knows a secret password that only the true user of that user account should know. | ::The password of 4-16 characters. Do not display the password on the screen. The application should not do anything that would help users guess passwords. | | ::--Login | ::Allow the user to indicate that they have completed entry of their username and password. | ::"Login" Only enabled when Username != "". If the username or password is incorrect, delay a few seconds, and then clear all fields. | | ::--Lost Password | ::Allow the current user to start a process of generating a new password for a given username. | ::"Forgot your password? Click here." Only enabled when Username != "". | | ::[PAGE-NAME](LINK-TO-MOCKUP) | ::PURPOSE | | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::[PAGE-NAME](LINK-TO-MOCKUP) | ::PURPOSE | | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::[MAIN-WINDOW-NAME](LINK-TO-MOCKUP) | ::PURPOSE | | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::[DIALOG-NAME](LINK-TO-MOCKUP) | ::PURPOSE | | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::[DIALOG-NAME](LINK-TO-MOCKUP) | ::PURPOSE | | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | | ::--ABSTRACT-COMPONENT-NAME | ::PURPOSE | ::CONTENTS | ### Technical Constraints / Operational Context &nbsp; #### What are your assumptions about the output devices? ::We assume that the user has a 17-inch or larger screen with 1024x768 pixels that can display thousands of colors (16 bit or more). We assume basic audio that can play simple sound files. ::We make very few assumptions about the user's screen or web browser, other than the assumption that they can view page somehow. We will not use any audio features. ::This "pay-at-the-pump" system has a 320x200 16-color display and can beep. #### What are your assumptions about the input devices that you will use? ::We assume only that the user has a standard keyboard and mouse. ::This "pay-at-the-pump" system has digits 0-9, "OK", "Cancel", and four menu buttons along the right-hand edge of the screen. #### What are your assumptions about the amount of time users will spend on tasks? - ::Use cases UC-02 and UC-04 are expected to take a few minutes each. - ::Use case UC-00 should take less than 5 seconds each. All other use cases should take less than 30 seconds each. #### What windowing systems, UI libraries, or other UI technologies will you use? ::Standard Java Swing with no extra libraries. ::Simple HTML and CSS with simple GIF images. ### User Interface Checklist *TODO: Answer the following questions to help evaluate the design. You may add or remove questions to fit your project.* #### Understandability and learnability &nbsp; ##### Are there any labels of icons that are likely to be misunderstood? ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Is the user's current place and state clearly visible? E.g., wizard step 2 of 5, or edit-mode vs. play-mode. ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Are advanced options clearly separated from the most commonly used options? ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Are there no invisible options or commands? E.g., hold down the control key when opening a dialog box to see advanced options. ::1-3 SENTENCES #### Task Support and Efficiency &nbsp; ##### Which use cases force the user to work through more than two interaction contexts? ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Which use cases force the user to perform slow or difficult UI steps? E.g., entering a long code number like an ISBN. E.g., long mouse-drag operations. ::1-3 SENTENCES #### Safety &nbsp; ##### Are there any dangerous or irreversible actions that are done with only one step? ::1-3 SENTENCES #### Consistency and Familiarity &nbsp; ##### Do UI elements in your system work the same as they do in the existing example systems you identified? ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Do all elements in your system that appear the same, actually function the same? ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Do all elements in your system that appear the same, actually function the same? ::1-3 SENTENCES ##### Are all elements share consistent visual characteristics such as font and color scheme, unless there is a reason for them to differ? ::1-3 SENTENCES #####Are labels used consistently throughout the system? E.g., not "forward/back" in some contexts and "next/prev" in others. ::1-3 SENTENCES <!-- End Markdown content -->