::The administrator navigates to the site configuration page and uses it to change the behavior of the web application. Specifically, the user-visible timezone is being set.
**Use Frequency:**
**Direct Actors:**
::Admin: Web-site administrator
**Main Success Scenario:**
1. ::visit SiteConfiguration page
2. ::see site configuration options
3. ::enter timezone abbreviation for date displays
4. ::submit form
5. ::confirm changes
6. ::see SiteConfiguration page again, with updated values
**Alternative Scenario Extensions:**
- ::If the timezone abbreviation is incorrect, an error message will be displayed and no changes will be made.
**Notes and Questions**
- ::How will administrators know the right timezone abbreviation?
- They would know it if they live in that timezone. Maybe we could
provide a drop-down list of all choices, but each would need some explanation.
### UC-01: Register as a new user
::Users need to register themselves in this web application.
**Use Frequency:**
::Once per user
**Main Success Scenario:**
1. ::visit Login page
2. ::click to register as new user
3. ::enter identifying information: username, email, real name, password (twice)
4. ::submit form
5. ::check email
6. ::reply to confirmation message
7. ::log in
**Alternative Scenario Extensions:**
- ::If the username is taken, then the system will suggest an available username based on the user's email address and/or real name.
**Notes and Questions**
- ::NOTE
### UC-02: Request new password
::If a user forgets their password, they can request a new one be emailed to them.
**Use Frequency:**
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::TODO
**Notes and Questions**
- ::Alternatively, we could use password hints.
### UC-03: Edit user profile
** Summary:**
::Users can edit their own account preferences.
**Use Frequency:**
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::TODO
### UC-04: View user profile
:: Users can view the profiles of other users under certain circumstances.
**Use Frequency:**
**Direct Actors:**
::Admin: Web-site administrator
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::TODO
### UC-10: Create course
::An administrator creates dozens of course offerings before the beginning of each school term.
::Students may view the course catalog description of a course before registering. They are especially likely to view it if they are prevented from enrolling in a course because of a missing prerequisite.
**Use Frequency:**
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::visit one of several in application pages that deal with courses
- ::click link to course description
- ::see course description in pop-up window
- ::close pop-up window to continue using application
**Notes and Questions**
- ::How do we accommodate users that configure their browsers to block pop-ups?
### UC-20: Enroll in course
::Students will enroll in courses
**Use Frequency:**
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::visit main menu
- ::click link to enroll in courses
- ::enter major and course number
- ::select course section from list of available sections
- ::submit choice
- ::confirm choice
- ::see list of current enrolled courses
**Alternative Scenario Extensions:**
- ::If a course is full, then the student may join the wait-list.
- ::Course capacity and number of students currently waiting should be shown so that students may choose the section that they are most likely to be able to get into.
### UC-21: Drop a course
::A student may drop a course that they are enrolled in.
**Use Frequency:**
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::visit list of currently enrolled courses
- ::select course from list
- ::click button to drop course
- ::see warning that they may not be able to add this course again
- ::confirm choice
- ::see revised list of currently enrolled courses
**Notes and Questions**
- ::Only one course can be dropped at a time. There is no need to allow students to quickly drop more than one course.
- ::It would be nice to offer an atomic "switch sections" operation that drops and adds another, or does nothing.
### UC-30: View room description
::Users can view descriptions of classrooms. E.g., is it a lecture hall or a lab? E.g., does it have a built-in LCD projector?
**Use Frequency:**
**Main Success Scenario:**
- ::TODO
### UC-31: Assign course to room
::An administrator assigns each course to a room. This is often done after a course is created, but it can be redone at any time.