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2018-08-14 12:48:17 +00:00
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2018-08-14 17:39:17 +00:00
# [SRS](SRS) > Use Case Suite
2018-08-14 12:48:17 +00:00
##### Project:
2018-08-14 15:28:58 +00:00
2018-08-14 12:48:17 +00:00
##### Internal Release Number:
##### Related Documents:
2018-08-14 18:11:57 +00:00
- [Project proposal](proposal) > [User needs](User-Needs)
2018-08-14 17:39:17 +00:00
- [SRS](SRS) > [Feature set](feature-set)
2018-08-14 12:48:17 +00:00
- [Use case format](use-case-format)
**Process impact:** A use case suite is simply a table of contents for
the individual use cases. Much like a test suite, organizing the suite
of use cases by priority, functional area, actor, business object, or
release can help identify parts of the system that need additional use
*TODO: Before writing individual use cases, list the use cases that you
think you will need. Organize them in a way that will purposely leave
visible blanks on this page if you are missing use cases. E.g., see
"Scalability and availability". Choose one or more of the organizations
show below.*
*TIP: Refer back to the user stories in your [user
2018-08-14 18:11:57 +00:00
needs](User-Needs) document. Use them for ideas and make sure that
2018-08-14 12:48:17 +00:00
you cover all of them. Remember that use cases are more precise than
user stories, and there may be several use cases for a given user story.*
*TIP: The use case suite can be organized into nested lists according to
other coverage criteria, e.g., by actor. Or, it can be organized into
tables that consider two aspects at a time, e.g., business objects vs.
actor. If a certain section of the tree or table does not need use
cases, explicitly mark it "N/A". Otherwise, mark it "TODO".*
### Use Cases by Functional Area
- ::User account management
- ::[UC-00](use-cases#UC-00) Configure the site
- ::[UC-01](use-cases#UC-01) Register as a new user
- ::[UC-02](use-cases#UC-02) Request new password
- ::[UC-03](use-cases#UC-03) Edit user profile
- ::[UC-04](use-cases#UC-04) View user profile
- ::Course management
- ::[UC-10](use-cases#UC-10) Create course
- ::[UC-11](use-cases#UC-11) View catalog description
- ::[UC-31](use-cases#UC-31) Assign course to room
- ::Course enrollment
- ::[UC-20](use-cases#UC-20) Enroll in course
- ::[UC-21](use-cases#UC-21) Drop course
- ::Scalability and availability
- ::N/A: These features are completely automated and internal, users
never interact with them
- ::Facilities management
- ::[UC-30](use-cases#UC-30) View room description
- ::[UC-31](use-cases#UC-31) Assign course to room
- ::Grading and transcripts
- ::TODO: need to write use cases here
- ::[UC-70](use-cases#UC-70) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-71](use-cases#UC-71) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-80](use-cases#UC-80) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-81](use-cases#UC-81) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-90](use-cases#UC-90) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-91](use-cases#UC-91) NAME OF USE CASE
### Use Cases by Stakeholder
This information is shown in the [use case diagram](LINK-TO-DIAGRAM),
but it is shown here as a list or table so that missing use cases are
more noticeable.
- ::All Stakeholders
- ::[UC-11](use-cases#UC-11) View catalog description
- ::[UC-30](use-cases#UC-30) View room description
- ::Students
- ::[UC-01](use-cases#UC-01) Register as a new user
- ::[UC-02](use-cases#UC-02) Request new password
- ::[UC-03](use-cases#UC-03) Edit user profile
- ::[UC-20](use-cases#UC-20) Enroll in course
- ::[UC-21](use-cases#UC-21) Drop course
- ::Instructors
- ::[UC-04](use-cases#UC-04) View user profile
- ::Administrators
- ::[UC-00](use-cases#UC-00) Configure the site
- ::[UC-10](use-cases#UC-10) Create course
- ::[UC-31](use-cases#UC-31) Assign course to room
- ::Executives
- ::N/A: this stakeholder never directly interacts with the system
- ::Vendors
- ::TODO: need to write use cases here
- ::[UC-70](use-cases#UC-70) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-71](use-cases#UC-71) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-80](use-cases#UC-80) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-81](use-cases#UC-81) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-90](use-cases#UC-90) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-91](use-cases#UC-91) NAME OF USE CASE
### Use Cases by Priority
- Essential
- ::[UC-00](use-cases#UC-00) Configure the site
- ::[UC-01](use-cases#UC-01) Register as a new user
- ::[UC-10](use-cases#UC-10) Create course
- ::[UC-11](use-cases#UC-11) View catalog description
- ::[UC-20](use-cases#UC-20) Enroll in course
- ::[UC-21](use-cases#UC-21) Drop course
- ::[UC-30](use-cases#UC-30) Assign course to room
- ::[UC-31](use-cases#UC-31) Assign course to room
- Expected
- ::[UC-02](use-cases#UC-02) Request new password
- ::[UC-03](use-cases#UC-03) Edit user profile
- ::[UC-04](use-cases#UC-04) View user profile
- ::[UC-70](use-cases#UC-70) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-71](use-cases#UC-71) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-80](use-cases#UC-80) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-81](use-cases#UC-81) NAME OF USE CASE
- Desired
- ::N/A: There are no use cases with Priority = Desired
- Optional
- ::[UC-30](use-cases#UC-30) View room description
- ::[UC-90](use-cases#UC-90) NAME OF USE CASE
- ::[UC-91](use-cases#UC-91) NAME OF USE CASE
### Use Cases by Business Object and Actor
<!-- Hint: turn off text wrap for this large table -->
| BO \ Actor | All | ::Student | ::Instructor | ::Admin |
| ::Student record | ::N/A | <ul><li>::[Register as new user](use-cases#uc-01)</li><li>::[Request new password](use-cases#uc-02)</li><li>::[Edit user profile](use-cases#uc-03)</li></ul> | ::[View user profile](use-cases#uc-04) | ::N/A |
| ::Course | ::[View catalog description](use-cases#uc-11) | <ul><li>::[Enroll in course](use-cases#uc-20)</li><li>::[Drop course](use-cases#uc-21)</li></ul> | ::TODO | <ul><li>::[Create course](use-cases#uc-10)</li><li>::[Assign room](use-cases#uc-31)</li></ul> |
| ::Room | ::[View room description](use-cases#uc-30) | ::N/A | ::N/A | ::[Assign room](use-cases#uc-31) |
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