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2023-10-25 12:48:36 -05:00
< p > Welcome to Starting Line Productions (STL)! < / p >
< p > We created STL to serve the needs of our parent corporation (Turnkey Network Systems) and support R& D at Suborbital Systems (high altitude balloons) and MeetMorse (ground stations and subscriber equipment). We have spare capacity in between hardware revisions and wanted to monetize the asset base. Hence, we are making it available to the public at industry leading breakthrough pricing and access hours. < / p >
< p > This document provides a comprehensive overview of the tools, equipment and supplies provided as part of your rental. It covers all the rental areas, what is provided with each and
links to vendor/product documentation. A big goal of STL is to have the lab be fully reproducible by anyone! < / p >
< p > We include pictures of all the areas and tools/equipment. We put quite a bit of work into building this shop and want to show it off! < / p >
< p > Furthermore, this manual is intended to be comprehensive and cover everything you may need to know!< / p >
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< span class = "git-revision-date-localized-plugin git-revision-date-localized-plugin-date" > October 25, 2023< / span >
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< span class = "git-revision-date-localized-plugin git-revision-date-localized-plugin-date" > October 25, 2023< / span >
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2023-10-25 12:48:36 -05:00
2024-05-11 16:54:22 -05:00
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2023-10-25 12:48:36 -05:00
2024-05-11 16:54:22 -05:00
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