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<h1 id="tsys-group-facts-that-matter"><a class="header" href="#tsys-group-facts-that-matter">TSYS Group Facts That Matter</a></h1>
<p>TSYS Group is self-funded. We havent ever brought in equity based outside financing. Since our earliest days this has been incredibly
important in providing freedom to shape the organization and its business practices.</p>
<p>TSYS Group does not own its intellectual property. This is far from the norm, in the technology industry. Everything that we produce that we ship to customers
is licensed under the AGPLv3 and we do not require copyright assignment. This is to ensure the long term survival of the product against all threats. We value
mission integrity and solving the real world digital divide above all else.</p>
<p>We seek to surprise and delight everyone who interacts with all aspects of TSYS Group in any way shape or form. That is our daily guiding principal. </p>
<p>We fund capabilities with internal cash, ensuring a solid asset base that we can always fallback to. </p>
<p>We finance capacity with outside (non equity) funding.</p>
<p>We have zero internal cost centers. We outsource all cost centers (e-mail, expense management, inbound voice communications).</p>
<p>We self host , both on premise and on leased equipment at offsite facilities.</p>
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