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synced 2025-03-15 00:36:36 +00:00
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Bindings Tests (Ruby) / ubuntu-latest (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest (linux/amd64) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest (linux/ppc64le) (push) Has been cancelled
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CI / ubuntu-latest-arm64 (linux/arm64) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-arm-v7 (linux/arm/v7) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-arm-v7 (linux/arm64) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / macOS-latest (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/amd64, Debug) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/amd64, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/ppc64le, Debug) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc (linux/ppc64le, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-arm64 (linux/arm64, Debug) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-arm64 (linux/arm64, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
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CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-arm-v7 (linux/arm/v7, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/amd64, Debug) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/amd64, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/arm64, Debug) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/arm64, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/ppc64le, Debug) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-clang (linux/ppc64le, Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-sanitized (linux/amd64, ADDRESS) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-sanitized (linux/amd64, THREAD) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-latest-gcc-sanitized (linux/amd64, UNDEFINED) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/amd64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/arm/v7, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/arm64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl (linux/ppc64le, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/amd64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/arm/v7, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/arm64, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ubuntu-22-cmake-sycl-fp16 (linux/ppc64le, icx, icpx, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows-msys2 (Release, clang-x86_64, CLANG64) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows-msys2 (Release, ucrt-x86_64, UCRT64) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows (Win32, Release, win32-x86, x86, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows (x64, Release, win32-x86-64, x64, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows-blas (Win32, ON, Release, x86, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows-blas (x64, ON, Release, x64, 2.28.5, ON) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows-cublas (x64, Release, ON, 11.8.0, ON, 2.28.5) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / windows-cublas (x64, Release, ON, 12.2.0, ON, 2.28.5) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / emscripten (Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / ios-xcode-build (Release) (push) Has been cancelled
CI / android (push) Has been cancelled
CI / quantize (push) Has been cancelled
Publish Docker image / Push Docker image to Docker Hub (map[dockerfile:.devops/main.Dockerfile platform:linux/amd64 tag:main]) (push) Has been cancelled
This is the main example demonstrating most of the functionality of the Whisper model.
It can be used as a reference for using the whisper.cpp
library in other projects.
./build/bin/whisper-cli -h
usage: ./build-pkg/bin/whisper-cli [options] file0.wav file1.wav ...
-h, --help [default] show this help message and exit
-t N, --threads N [4 ] number of threads to use during computation
-p N, --processors N [1 ] number of processors to use during computation
-ot N, --offset-t N [0 ] time offset in milliseconds
-on N, --offset-n N [0 ] segment index offset
-d N, --duration N [0 ] duration of audio to process in milliseconds
-mc N, --max-context N [-1 ] maximum number of text context tokens to store
-ml N, --max-len N [0 ] maximum segment length in characters
-sow, --split-on-word [false ] split on word rather than on token
-bo N, --best-of N [5 ] number of best candidates to keep
-bs N, --beam-size N [5 ] beam size for beam search
-ac N, --audio-ctx N [0 ] audio context size (0 - all)
-wt N, --word-thold N [0.01 ] word timestamp probability threshold
-et N, --entropy-thold N [2.40 ] entropy threshold for decoder fail
-lpt N, --logprob-thold N [-1.00 ] log probability threshold for decoder fail
-tp, --temperature N [0.00 ] The sampling temperature, between 0 and 1
-tpi, --temperature-inc N [0.20 ] The increment of temperature, between 0 and 1
-debug, --debug-mode [false ] enable debug mode (eg. dump log_mel)
-tr, --translate [false ] translate from source language to english
-di, --diarize [false ] stereo audio diarization
-tdrz, --tinydiarize [false ] enable tinydiarize (requires a tdrz model)
-nf, --no-fallback [false ] do not use temperature fallback while decoding
-otxt, --output-txt [false ] output result in a text file
-ovtt, --output-vtt [false ] output result in a vtt file
-osrt, --output-srt [false ] output result in a srt file
-olrc, --output-lrc [false ] output result in a lrc file
-owts, --output-words [false ] output script for generating karaoke video
-fp, --font-path [/System/Library/Fonts/Supplemental/Courier New Bold.ttf] path to a monospace font for karaoke video
-ocsv, --output-csv [false ] output result in a CSV file
-oj, --output-json [false ] output result in a JSON file
-ojf, --output-json-full [false ] include more information in the JSON file
-of FNAME, --output-file FNAME [ ] output file path (without file extension)
-np, --no-prints [false ] do not print anything other than the results
-ps, --print-special [false ] print special tokens
-pc, --print-colors [false ] print colors
-pp, --print-progress [false ] print progress
-nt, --no-timestamps [false ] do not print timestamps
-l LANG, --language LANG [en ] spoken language ('auto' for auto-detect)
-dl, --detect-language [false ] exit after automatically detecting language
--prompt PROMPT [ ] initial prompt (max n_text_ctx/2 tokens)
-m FNAME, --model FNAME [models/ggml-base.en.bin] model path
-f FNAME, --file FNAME [ ] input WAV file path
-oved D, --ov-e-device DNAME [CPU ] the OpenVINO device used for encode inference
-dtw MODEL --dtw MODEL [ ] compute token-level timestamps
-ls, --log-score [false ] log best decoder scores of tokens
-ng, --no-gpu [false ] disable GPU
-fa, --flash-attn [false ] flash attention
--suppress-regex REGEX [ ] regular expression matching tokens to suppress
--grammar GRAMMAR [ ] GBNF grammar to guide decoding
--grammar-rule RULE [ ] top-level GBNF grammar rule name
--grammar-penalty N [100.0 ] scales down logits of nongrammar tokens