@echo off pushd %~dp0 set models_path=%CD% for %%d in (%~dp0..) do set root_path=%%~fd popd set argc=0 for %%x in (%*) do set /A argc+=1 set models=tiny.en tiny base.en base small.en small medium.en medium large-v1 large-v2 large-v3 large-v3-turbo if %argc% neq 1 ( echo. echo Usage: download-ggml-model.cmd model CALL :list_models goto :eof ) set model=%1 for %%b in (%models%) do ( if "%%b"=="%model%" ( CALL :download_model goto :eof ) ) echo Invalid model: %model% CALL :list_models goto :eof :download_model echo Downloading ggml model %model%... cd "%models_path%" if exist "ggml-%model%.bin" ( echo Model %model% already exists. Skipping download. goto :eof ) PowerShell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "Start-BitsTransfer -Source https://huggingface.co/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/resolve/main/ggml-%model%.bin -Destination ggml-%model%.bin" if %ERRORLEVEL% neq 0 ( echo Failed to download ggml model %model% echo Please try again later or download the original Whisper model files and convert them yourself. goto :eof ) echo Done! Model %model% saved in %root_path%\models\ggml-%model%.bin echo You can now use it like this: echo build\bin\Release\whisper-cli.exe -m %root_path%\models\ggml-%model%.bin -f %root_path%\samples\jfk.wav goto :eof :list_models echo. echo Available models: (for %%a in (%models%) do ( echo %%a )) echo. exit /b