mirror of
synced 2025-02-02 17:10:38 +00:00
chess.wasm: poc of chess rules
This commit is contained in:
@ -92,6 +92,293 @@ void command_get_audio(int ms, int sample_rate, std::vector<float> & audio) {
std::copy(g_pcmf32.end() - n_take, g_pcmf32.end(), audio.begin());
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 64> positions = {
"a1", "b1", "c1", "d1", "e1", "f1", "g1", "h1",
"a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "f2", "g2", "h2",
"a3", "b3", "c3", "d3", "e3", "f3", "g3", "h3",
"a4", "b4", "c4", "d4", "e4", "f4", "g4", "h4",
"a5", "b5", "c5", "d5", "e5", "f5", "g5", "h5",
"a6", "b6", "c6", "d6", "e6", "f6", "g6", "h6",
"a7", "b7", "c7", "d7", "e7", "f7", "g7", "h7",
"a8", "b8", "c8", "d8", "e8", "f8", "g8", "h8",
static constexpr std::array<const char*, 6> pieceNames = {
"pawn", "knight", "bishop", "rook", "queen", "king",
class Board {
struct Piece {
enum Types {
static_assert(pieceNames.size() == Piece::Taken, "Mismatch between piece names and types");
enum Colors {
Types type;
Colors color;
int pos;
std::array<Piece, 16> blackPieces = {{
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 48 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 49 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 50 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 51 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 52 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 53 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 54 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::Black, 55 },
{Piece::Rook, Piece::Black, 56 },
{Piece::Knight, Piece::Black, 57 },
{Piece::Bishop, Piece::Black, 58 },
{Piece::Queen, Piece::Black, 59 },
{Piece::King, Piece::Black, 60 },
{Piece::Bishop, Piece::Black, 61 },
{Piece::Knight, Piece::Black, 62 },
{Piece::Rook, Piece::Black, 63 },
std::array<Piece, 16> whitePieces = {{
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 8 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 9 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 10 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 11 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 12 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 13 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 14 },
{Piece::Pawn, Piece::White, 15 },
{Piece::Rook, Piece::White, 0 },
{Piece::Knight, Piece::White, 1 },
{Piece::Bishop, Piece::White, 2 },
{Piece::Queen, Piece::White, 3 },
{Piece::King, Piece::White, 4 },
{Piece::Bishop, Piece::White, 5 },
{Piece::Knight, Piece::White, 6 },
{Piece::Rook, Piece::White, 7 },
using BB = std::array<Piece*, 64>;
BB board = {{
&whitePieces[ 8], &whitePieces[ 9], &whitePieces[10], &whitePieces[11], &whitePieces[12], &whitePieces[13], &whitePieces[14], &whitePieces[15],
&whitePieces[ 0], &whitePieces[ 1], &whitePieces[ 2], &whitePieces[ 3], &whitePieces[ 4], &whitePieces[ 5], &whitePieces[ 6], &whitePieces[ 7],
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
&blackPieces[ 0], &blackPieces[ 1], &blackPieces[ 2], &blackPieces[ 3], &blackPieces[ 4], &blackPieces[ 5], &blackPieces[ 6], &blackPieces[ 7],
&blackPieces[ 8], &blackPieces[ 9], &blackPieces[10], &blackPieces[11], &blackPieces[12], &blackPieces[13], &blackPieces[14], &blackPieces[15],
bool checkNext(const Piece& piece, int pos, bool kingCheck = false) {
if (piece.type == Piece::Taken) return false;
if (piece.pos == pos) return false;
int i = piece.pos / 8;
int j = piece.pos - i * 8;
int ii = pos / 8;
int jj = pos - ii * 8;
if (piece.type == Piece::Pawn) {
if (piece.color == Piece::White) {
int direction = piece.color == Piece::White ? 1 : -1;
if (j == jj) {
if (i == ii - direction) return board[pos] == nullptr;
if (i == ii - direction * 2) return board[(ii - direction) * 8 + jj] == nullptr && board[pos] == nullptr;
else if (j + 1 == jj || j - 1 == jj) {
if (i == ii - direction) return board[pos] != nullptr && board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Knight) {
int di = std::abs(i - ii);
int dj = std::abs(j - jj);
if ((di == 2 && dj == 1) || (di == 1 && dj == 2)) return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Bishop) {
if (i - j == ii - jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (i + j == ii + jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Rook) {
if (i == ii) {
int direction = j < jj ? 1 : -1;
j += direction;
while (j != jj) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (j == jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::Queen) {
if (i - j == ii - jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (i + j == ii + jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
j -= direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (i == ii) {
int direction = j < jj ? 1 : -1;
j += direction;
while (j != jj) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
j += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
if (j == jj) {
int direction = i < ii ? 1 : -1;
i += direction;
while (i != ii) {
if (board[i * 8 + j]) return false;
i += direction;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
if (piece.type == Piece::King) {
if (std::abs(i - ii) < 2 && std::abs(j - jj) < 2) {
auto& pieces = piece.color == Piece::White ? whitePieces : blackPieces;
for (auto& enemyPiece: pieces) {
if (!kingCheck && piece.type != Piece::Taken && checkNext(enemyPiece, pos, true)) return false;
return board[pos] == nullptr || board[pos]->color != piece.color;
return false;
int moveCount = 0;
void addMoves(const std::string& t) {
std::vector<std::string> moves;
size_t cur = 0;
size_t last = 0;
while (cur != std::string::npos) {
cur = t.find(',', last);
moves.push_back(t.substr(last, cur));
last = cur + 1;
// fixme: lookup depends on grammar
int count = moveCount;
for (auto& move : moves) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s: Move '%s%s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", move.c_str(), "\033[0m");
if (move.empty()) continue;
auto pieceIndex = 0u;
for (; pieceIndex < pieceNames.size(); ++pieceIndex) {
if (std::string::npos != move.find(pieceNames[pieceIndex])) break;
auto posIndex = 0u;
for (; posIndex < positions.size(); ++posIndex) {
if (std::string::npos != move.find(positions[posIndex])) break;
if (pieceIndex >= pieceNames.size() || posIndex >= positions.size()) continue;
auto& pieces = count % 2 ? blackPieces : whitePieces;
auto type = Piece::Types(pieceIndex);
pieceIndex = 0;
for (; pieceIndex < pieces.size(); ++pieceIndex) {
if (pieces[pieceIndex].type == type && checkNext(pieces[pieceIndex], posIndex)) break;
if (pieceIndex < pieces.size()) {
m_pendingMoves.push_back({&pieces[pieceIndex], posIndex});
std::string stringifyMoves() {
std::string res;
for (auto& m : m_pendingMoves) {
res.push_back(' ');
if (!res.empty()) res.pop_back();
return res;
void commitMoves() {
for (auto& m : m_pendingMoves) {
if (board[m.second]) board[m.second]->type = Piece::Taken;
board[m.first->pos] = nullptr;
m.first->pos = m.second;
board[m.second] = m.first;
std::vector<std::pair<Piece*, int>> m_pendingMoves;
Board g_board;
void command_main(size_t index) {
command_set_status("loading data ...");
@ -269,7 +556,7 @@ void command_main(size_t index) {
fprintf(stdout, "%s: DEBUG: txt = '%s', prob = %.2f%%\n", __func__, txt.c_str(), p);
const std::string command = ::trim(txt.substr(best_len));
std::string command = ::trim(txt.substr(best_len));
fprintf(stdout, "%s: Command '%s%s%s', (t = %d ms)\n", __func__, "\033[1m", command.c_str(), "\033[0m", (int) t_ms);
fprintf(stdout, "\n");
@ -281,7 +568,10 @@ void command_main(size_t index) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
g_transcribed = command;
if (!command.empty()) {
g_transcribed = std::move(command);
@ -364,6 +654,36 @@ EMSCRIPTEN_BINDINGS(command) {
return transcribed;
emscripten::function("get_moves", emscripten::optional_override([]() {
std::string moves;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
moves = g_board.stringifyMoves();
fprintf(stdout, "%s: Moves '%s%s%s'\n", __func__, "\033[1m", moves.c_str(), "\033[0m");
return moves;
emscripten::function("commit_moves", emscripten::optional_override([]() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
emscripten::function("discard_moves", emscripten::optional_override([]() {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(g_mutex);
emscripten::function("get_status", emscripten::optional_override([]() {
std::string status;
@ -372,18 +372,11 @@
var transcribed = Module.get_transcribed();
if (transcribed != null && transcribed.length > 1) {
const map = {
queen: 'wQ',
king: 'wK',
bishop: 'wB',
rook: 'wR',
knight: 'wN',
pawn: 'wP'
let [piece, _, pos] = transcribed.split(' ')
pos = pos.replace(',', '').replace('.', '')
board.position({[pos]: map[piece]})
var moves = Module.get_moves();
for (move of moves) {
transcribedAll += transcribed + '<br>';
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