2025-01-13 08:55:48 +02:00
#pragma once
#include "llama.h"
#include "llama-batch.h"
#include "llama-cparams.h"
#include "llama-model.h"
#include "llama-kv-cache.h"
#include "llama-adapter.h"
#include "ggml-cpp.h"
#include <map>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <vector>
#include <set>
struct llama_context {
llama_context(const llama_model & model)
: model(model)
, t_start_us(model.t_start_us)
, t_load_us(model.t_load_us) {}
const struct llama_model & model;
2025-01-14 09:53:50 +02:00
struct llama_cparams cparams;
struct llama_sbatch sbatch; // TODO: revisit if needed
struct llama_kv_cache kv_self;
struct llama_adapter_cvec cvec;
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2025-01-14 09:53:50 +02:00
std::unordered_map<struct llama_adapter_lora *, float> lora;
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std::vector<ggml_backend_ptr> backends;
std::vector<std::pair<ggml_backend_t, ggml_backend_set_n_threads_t>> set_n_threads_fns;
ggml_backend_t backend_cpu = nullptr;
ggml_threadpool_t threadpool = nullptr;
ggml_threadpool_t threadpool_batch = nullptr;
bool has_evaluated_once = false;
mutable int64_t t_start_us;
mutable int64_t t_load_us;
mutable int64_t t_p_eval_us = 0;
mutable int64_t t_eval_us = 0;
mutable int64_t t_compute_start_us = 0;
mutable int64_t n_queued_tokens = 0;
mutable int32_t n_p_eval = 0; // number of tokens in eval calls for the prompt (with batch size > 1)
mutable int32_t n_eval = 0; // number of eval calls
// host buffer for the model output (logits and embeddings)
ggml_backend_buffer_ptr buf_output;
// decode output (2-dimensional array: [n_outputs][n_vocab])
size_t logits_size = 0; // capacity (of floats) for logits
float * logits = nullptr;
std::vector<int32_t> output_ids; // map batch token positions to ids of the logits and embd buffers
size_t output_size = 0; // capacity (of tokens positions) for the output buffers
int32_t n_outputs = 0; // number of actually-used outputs in the current ubatch or last logical batch
bool logits_all = false;
// embeddings output (2-dimensional array: [n_outputs][n_embd])
// populated only when pooling_type == LLAMA_POOLING_TYPE_NONE
size_t embd_size = 0; // capacity (of floats) for embeddings
float * embd = nullptr;
// sequence embeddings output (map of [n_embd] vectors)
// populated only when pooling_type != LLAMA_POOLING_TYPE_NONE
std::map<llama_seq_id, std::vector<float>> embd_seq;
// whether we are computing encoder output or decoder output
bool is_encoding = false;
// TODO: find a better way to accommodate mutli-dimension position encoding methods
// number of position id each token get, 1 for each token in most cases.
// when using m-rope, it will be 3 position ids per token to representing 3 dimension coordinate.
int n_pos_per_token = 1;
// output of the encoder part of the encoder-decoder models
std::vector<float> embd_enc;
std::vector<std::set<llama_seq_id>> seq_ids_enc;
// memory buffers used to evaluate the model
std::vector<uint8_t> buf_compute_meta;
ggml_backend_sched_ptr sched;
ggml_abort_callback abort_callback = nullptr;
void * abort_callback_data = nullptr;
// input tensors
struct ggml_tensor * inp_tokens; // I32 [n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_embd; // F32 [n_embd, n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_pos; // I32 [n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_out_ids; // I32 [n_outputs]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_KQ_mask; // F32 [kv_size, n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_KQ_mask_swa; // F32 [kv_size, n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_K_shift; // I32 [kv_size]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_mean; // F32 [n_batch, n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_cls; // I32 [n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_s_copy; // I32 [kv_size]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_s_mask; // F32 [1, n_kv]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_s_seq; // I32 [n_kv, n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_pos_bucket; // I32 [n_batch|n_kv, n_batch]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_embd_enc; // F32 [n_embd, n_outputs_enc]
struct ggml_tensor * inp_KQ_mask_cross; // F32 [n_outputs_enc, n_batch]
// TODO: make these methods of llama_context
void llama_set_k_shift(struct llama_context & lctx);
void llama_set_s_copy(struct llama_context & lctx);
void llama_set_inputs(llama_context & lctx, const llama_ubatch & ubatch);
// Make sure enough space is available for outputs.
// Returns max number of outputs for which space was reserved.
size_t llama_output_reserve(struct llama_context & lctx, size_t n_outputs);
// make the outputs have the same order they had in the user-provided batch
void llama_output_reorder(struct llama_context & ctx);
// For internal test use
// TODO: remove
const std::vector<std::pair<std::string, struct ggml_tensor *>> & llama_internal_get_tensor_map(struct llama_context * ctx);