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synced 2025-03-03 12:24:16 +00:00
Taking in the latest er7_utils directory and adding it into Trick in the same location it was as an external repository. Made one change to the files_to_ICG.hh file in the repository to remove the CheckpointHelper header files. Those go in the Trick files_to_ICG.hh file. refs #180
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@defgroup Er7Utils Er7Utils
The ER7 numerical utilities package.
@addtogroup Er7Utils
* Namespace in which the entirety of the
* ER7 numerical utilities package is embedded.
namespace er7_utils {
@defgroup Jeod Jeod
The ER7 numerical utilities side of the er7_utils/JEOD interface.
@addtogroup Jeod
namespace er7_utils {
* Namespace in which the er7_utils/JEOD interface is embedded.
namespace jeod_interface {
@defgroup Trick Trick
The ER7 numerical utilities side of the er7_utils/Trick interface.
@defgroup Interface Interface
Low-level interface utilities used internally within the
ER7 numerical utilities package.
@defgroup Integration Integration
Numerical integration techniques.
@addtogroup Integration
@defgroup Abm4 Abm4
Fourth order Adams Bashforth Moulton integration.
@defgroup Beeman Beeman
Beeman's method.
@defgroup Core Core
Common integration infrastructure.
@defgroup Euler Euler
Euler's method.
@defgroup Mm4 Mm4
Modified midpoint 4.
@defgroup Nl2 Nl2
Nystrom-Lear 2 integration.
@defgroup Rk2Heun Rk2Heun
Heun's method.
@defgroup Rk2Midpoint Rk2Midpoint
Midpoint method.
@defgroup Rk4 Rk4
Canonical fourth order Runge Kutta.
@defgroup Rkf45 Rkf45
Runge Kutta Fehberg 4/5.
@defgroup Rkf78 Rkf78
Runge Kutta Fehberg 7/8.
@defgroup Rkg4 Rkg4
Fourth order Runge Kutta Gill.
@defgroup SymplecticEuler SymplecticEuler
Symplectic Euler integration, aka Euler-Cromer.
@defgroup VelocityVerlet VelocityVerlet
Velocity verlet method.