Hong Chen 4781cfe45f
Some checks failed
Linux Python 2 / build (clang-devel gcc gcc-c++ java-11-openjdk-devel libxml2-devel llvm-devel llvm-static ncurses-devel openmotif openmotif-devel perl perl-Digest-MD5 udunits2 udunits2-devel which zlib-devel python2-devel python3-devel, map[arch:rhel]) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[], echo package manager already configured, bison clang flex git llvm make maven cmake zip, install -y, echo gtest already installed) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:12 os:ubuntu tag:22.04], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:7], yum -y install epel-release yum -y update , libX11-devel libXt-devel swig3 gtest-devel, yum) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:8 os:oraclelinux tag:8], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:8 os:rockylinux tag:8], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:8], dnf -y install epel-release dnf -y update dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)' , dnf config-manager --enable powertools dnf install -y gtest-devel , dnf, swig diffutils) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (map[os:oraclelinux], dnf config-manager --enable ol8_codeready_builder dnf install -y gtest-devel ) (push) Has been cancelled
Linux Python 2 / build (swig curl g++ libx11-dev libxml2-dev libxt-dev libmotif-common libmotif-dev zlib1g-dev llvm-dev libclang-dev libudunits2-dev libgtest-dev default-jdk python2.7-dev python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv, map[arch:debian], apt-get update, apt-get i… (push) Has been cancelled
32-bit Oracle / trick_32bit_oracle (push) Has been cancelled
Test Docker Hub Images / latest (trick_ubuntu1804) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (clang-devel gcc gcc-c++ java-11-openjdk-devel libxml2-devel llvm-devel llvm-static ncurses-devel openmotif openmotif-devel perl perl-Digest-MD5 udunits2 udunits2-devel which zlib-devel python2-devel python3-devel, map[arch:rhel]) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[], echo package manager already configured, bison clang flex git llvm make maven cmake zip, install -y, echo gtest already installed) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:10 os:debian tag:10], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:10 os:debian tag:10], 3) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:10], apt-get install -y libgtest-dev cd /usr/src/gtest cmake . make cp libgtest* /usr/lib/ ) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:11 os:debian tag:11], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:11 os:debian tag:11], 3) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:11 os:ubuntu tag:20.04], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:11 os:ubuntu tag:20.04], 3) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:11], export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update apt-get install -y tzdata ) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:12 os:debian tag:bookworm], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian arch_ver:12 os:debian tag:bookworm], 3) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:debian], 2, python2.7-dev) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:8 os:almalinux tag:8], 2) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:8 os:almalinux tag:8], 3) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (map[arch:rhel arch_ver:8], dnf -y install epel-release dnf -y update dnf install -y 'dnf-command(config-manager)' , dnf config-manager --enable powertools dnf install -y gtest-devel , dnf, swig diffutils) (push) Has been cancelled
More Linux / build (swig curl g++ libx11-dev libxml2-dev libxt-dev libmotif-common libmotif-dev zlib1g-dev llvm-dev libclang-dev libudunits2-dev libgtest-dev default-jdk python3-dev python3-pip python3-venv, map[arch:debian], apt-get update, apt-get install -y libg… (push) Has been cancelled
To support ubuntu24, clang 18+, and gcc13. (#1804)
* To support ubuntu24, clang 18+, and gcc13.

* Remove print statements that are no longer needed.
2025-02-11 11:06:42 -06:00

Verification simulation of monte_carlo.

The following tests rely on setting the directories to be non-writable.  Their
purpose is to detect situations in which the monte-carlo model cannot generate
certain files. These tests by their very nature are difficult to run within an
automated scripted testing system.


The following cases are expecting either a warning or an error but
the simulation does not terminate. Instead, ZERO is returned.
The purpose of these cases is to emit the error or warning, not generate
viable datasets. Do not evaluate any of these cases for good dispersions.
There is no telling what state the data is in after the warning / error
message is emitted.


The following cases emit a fatal error and the simulation halts in its tracks:
