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376 lines
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#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#define private public
#include "arena.hh"
#include <algorithm>
TEST( ArenaTest , one ) {
// Attempt to create an arena
Arena * arena;
arena = new Arena(5,5);
EXPECT_NE( (void*)0, arena);
TEST( ArenaTest , two ) {
// Make sure that arena size is what we specified.
Arena arena(5,5);
EXPECT_EQ( arena.getWidth(), 5);
EXPECT_EQ( arena.getHeight(), 5);
TEST( ArenaTest , three ) {
// Make sure that arena size is what we specified.
//Checks that x is width and y is height
Arena arena(10,7);
EXPECT_EQ( arena.getWidth(), 10);
EXPECT_EQ( arena.getHeight(), 7);
TEST( ArenaTest , four ) {
// Make sure that arena size is what we specified.
unsigned char ARENA_bits[] = {
0x10, 0x00, 0x86, 0x00, 0xe8, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0xe2, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00};
Arena arena(10,6,ARENA_bits);
EXPECT_EQ( arena.getWidth(), 10);
EXPECT_EQ( arena.getHeight(), 6);
TEST( ArenaTest , calcOffset_one ) {
// Make sure that calcOffset properly adds its value to the variable offset
Arena arena(10,7);
size_t sz;
arena.calcOffset(1,1, sz);
EXPECT_EQ( sz, (size_t)11);
TEST( ArenaTest, calcOffset_two )
//Checks to make sure calcOffset function returns 1 if the if-statements
//evaluate to false
Arena arena(10,7);
size_t sz;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.calcOffset(15,12,sz), 1);
TEST( ArenaTest, calcOffset_three )
//Checks to make sure calcOffset function returns 0 if the if-statements
//evaluate to true
Arena arena(10,7);
size_t sz;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.calcOffset(5,6,sz), 0);
TEST ( ArenaTest, getGridSquare_one)
//Tests to make sure getGridSquare gets the gridSquare pointer at the location specified
//Which in this case is the first gridSquare
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridsquare = arena.getGridSquare(0,0);
EXPECT_EQ (agridsquare, arena.grid);
TEST ( ArenaTest, getGridSquare_two)
//Tests if the gridSquare that getGridSquare picked up is the correct gridSquare
//by counting the spaces in memory
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridsquare = arena.getGridSquare(2,3);
EXPECT_EQ (agridsquare, arena.grid + 32);
TEST (ArenaTest, getGridSquare_three)
//failure case for if-statement within getGridSquare
Arena arena(10,7);
EXPECT_EQ (arena.getGridSquare(50,70), ((GridSquare*)0));
TEST( ArenaTest, calcOffset2_one )
//Checks to make sure calcOffset function returns 1 if the if-statements
//evaluate to false
//failure case for first if-statement in calcOffset function
Arena arena(10,7);
size_t sz;
GridSquare* gridSquare = (GridSquare*)(arena.grid-1);
EXPECT_EQ (arena.calcOffset(gridSquare,sz), 1);
TEST(ArenaTest, calcOffset2_two)
//Tests if calcOffset function returns 0 when all if statement conditions are met
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(2,3);
size_t sz;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.calcOffset(agridSquare, sz), 0);
TEST(ArenaTest, calcOffset2_three)
//Tests if offset value is calculated correctly and put in the correct memory location
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(9,6);
size_t sz;
arena.calcOffset(agridSquare, sz);
EXPECT_EQ (sz, 69);
TEST(ArenaTest, calcOffset2_four)
//failure case for second if-statement in calcOffset function
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(15,10);
size_t sz;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.calcOffset(agridSquare, sz), 1);
TEST(ArenaTest, getGridSquareCoordinates_one)
//failure case for if-statement in getGridSquareCoordinates function
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(15,10);
Point coordinate;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "The following error message is expected from this test." << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.getGridSquareCoordinates(agridSquare, coordinate),1);
std::cout << std::endl;
TEST(ArenaTest, getGridSquareCoordinates_two)
//Tests if the if-statement evaluates to true that the remainder of code (for that function)
//runs through
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(9,6);
Point coordinate;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.getGridSquareCoordinates(agridSquare, coordinate),0);
TEST(ArenaTest, getGridSquareCoordinates_three)
//Tests the arithmetic within the getGridSquareCooordinates function
//once the first if-statement evaluates to true
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(9,6);
Point coordinate;
arena.getGridSquareCoordinates(agridSquare, coordinate);
EXPECT_EQ (coordinate.x, 9);
EXPECT_EQ (coordinate.y, 6);
TEST(ArenaTest, movementCostEstimate_one)
//Failure case for the if-statement
//Ensures that the movementCostEstimate function fails appropiately
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(11,3);
GridSquare *anothergridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(12,4);
int costestimate;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "The following error messages are expected from this test." << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.movementCostEstimate(agridSquare,anothergridSquare,costestimate), 1);
std::cout << std::endl;
TEST(ArenaTest, movementCostEstimate_two)
//Tests the case that the if-statement evaluates to true and if the following lines of code
//get executed in their entirety
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);
GridSquare *anothergridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(3,4);
int costestimate;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.movementCostEstimate(agridSquare,anothergridSquare,costestimate), 0);
TEST(ArenaTest, movementCostEstimate_three)
//Tests to ensure that movementCostEstimate function is calculating the movement cost correctly
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);
GridSquare *anothergridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(3,4);
int costestimate;
EXPECT_EQ (costestimate, 40);
TEST(ArenaTest, distanceBetween_one)
//Failure case for the if-statement
//Ensures that the distanceBetween function fails appropiately
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(11,3);
GridSquare *anothergridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(12,4);
int dist;
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "The following error messages are expected from this test." << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.distanceBetween(agridSquare,anothergridSquare,dist), 1);
std::cout << std::endl;
TEST(ArenaTest, distanceBetween_two)
//Tests the case that the if-statement evaluates to true and if the following lines of code
//get executed in their entirety
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);
GridSquare *anothergridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(3,4);
int dist;
EXPECT_EQ (arena.distanceBetween(agridSquare,anothergridSquare,dist), 0);
TEST(ArenaTest, distanceBetween_three)
//Tests that the distanceBetween function properly calculates the distance between two gridSquares
//using gridSquare pointers
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);
GridSquare *anothergridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(3,4);
int dist;
EXPECT_EQ (dist, 28);
TEST(ArenaTest, blockunblock_one)
//Tests to ensure that the block and unblock functions change the isBlocked member
//respective to their names
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);
EXPECT_EQ (agridSquare->isBlocked,true);
EXPECT_EQ (agridSquare->isBlocked,false);
TEST(ArenaTest, mark_one)
//Tests to make sure that the mark function places a mark in the gridSquare desired
Arena arena(10,7);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);
arena.mark(1,2, 'c');
EXPECT_EQ (agridSquare->mark,'c');
TEST(ArenaTest, getNeighbors_one)
//Tests that error message displays when trying to
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "The following error messages are expected from this test." << std::endl;
Arena arena(10,7);
std::vector<GridSquare*> neighbors;
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(11,22);
neighbors = arena.getNeighbors(agridSquare);
int length = neighbors.size();
std::cout << std::endl; std::cout << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ (length, 0);
TEST(ArenaTest, getNeighbors_two)
//Tests that getNeighbors returns the correct amount of neighbors within the vector
Arena arena(3,3);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,1);
std::vector<GridSquare*> neighbors;
neighbors = arena.getNeighbors(agridSquare);
int length = neighbors.size();
EXPECT_EQ (length, 8);
TEST(ArenaTest, getNeighbors_three)
//Tests that getNeighbors returns the correct amount of neighbors when
//certain neighbors are blocked
Arena arena(3,3);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,1);
std::vector<GridSquare*> neighbors;
neighbors = arena.getNeighbors(agridSquare);
int length = neighbors.size();
EXPECT_EQ (length, 5);
TEST(ArenaTest, getNeighbors_four)
//Tests that getNeighbors returns the correct GridSquare pointers in the neighbors vector
Arena arena(3,3);
GridSquare *agridSquare = arena.getGridSquare(1,1);
std::vector<GridSquare*> neighbors;
GridSquare* n0_1 = arena.getGridSquare(0,1);//0,1
GridSquare* n0_2 = arena.getGridSquare(0,2);//0,2
GridSquare* n1_0 = arena.getGridSquare(1,0);//1,0
GridSquare* n1_2 = arena.getGridSquare(1,2);// 1,2
GridSquare* n2_1 = arena.getGridSquare(2,1);//2,1
neighbors = arena.getNeighbors(agridSquare);
std::vector<GridSquare*>::iterator neighborsIterator;
//Test for (0,1) gridSquare
bool n0_1_found_flag = false;
neighborsIterator = find (neighbors.begin(),neighbors.end(), n0_1); //search for neighbor (0,1) in neighbors
if (neighborsIterator != neighbors.end()) //if the value is found
n0_1_found_flag = true; //change the found flag to true
Point point;
std::cout << point.x << " "<< point.y << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(n0_1_found_flag, true);
//Test for (0,2) gridSquare
bool n0_2_found_flag = false;
neighborsIterator = find (neighbors.begin(),neighbors.end(), n0_2); //search for neighbor (0,2) in neighbors
if (neighborsIterator != neighbors.end()) //if the value is found
n0_2_found_flag = true; //change the found flag to true
std::cout << point.x << " "<< point.y << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(n0_2_found_flag, true);
//Test for (1,0) gridSquare
bool n1_0_found_flag = false;
neighborsIterator = find (neighbors.begin(),neighbors.end(), n1_0); //search for neighbor (0,2) in neighbors
if (neighborsIterator != neighbors.end()) //if the value is found
n1_0_found_flag = true; //change the found flag to true
std::cout << point.x << " "<< point.y << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(n1_0_found_flag, true);
//Test for (1,2) gridSquare
bool n1_2_found_flag = false;
neighborsIterator = find (neighbors.begin(),neighbors.end(), n1_2); //search for neighbor (1,2) in neighbors
if (neighborsIterator != neighbors.end()) //if the value is found
n1_2_found_flag = true; //change the found flag to true
std::cout << point.x << " "<< point.y << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(n1_2_found_flag, true);
//Test for (2,1) gridSquare
bool n2_1_found_flag = false;
neighborsIterator = find (neighbors.begin(),neighbors.end(), n2_1); //search for neighbor (2,1) in neighbors
if (neighborsIterator != neighbors.end()) //if the value is found
n2_1_found_flag = true; //change the found flag to true
std::cout << point.x << " "<< point.y << std::endl;
EXPECT_EQ(n2_1_found_flag, true);