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synced 2025-03-11 06:54:12 +00:00
Saved the timestamps on the default gettimeofday clock as close to the beginning of the simulation, after initialization is finished and at the end of shutdown. Printed out the elapsed time as well as the number of overruns counted by RealtimeSync. refs #183
506 lines
15 KiB
506 lines
15 KiB
( RealtimeSync )
((Alex Lin) (NASA) (April 2009) (--) (c++ port)))
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "trick/RealtimeSync.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/sim_mode.h"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_type.h"
#include "trick/TrickConstant.hh"
Trick::RealtimeSync * the_rts = NULL ;
-# Start disabled (non-real-time). Requirement [@ref non-real-time]
Trick::RealtimeSync::RealtimeSync( Trick::Clock * in_clock , Trick::Timer * in_timer ) {
/* Start disabled (non-real-time). */
enable_flag = false ;
disable_flag = false ;
active = false ;
rt_max_overrun_cnt = 100000000;
rt_max_overrun_time = 1.0e37;
rt_overrun_freeze = false ;
freeze_shutdown = false ;
default_clock = in_clock ;
change_clock(in_clock) ;
change_timer(in_timer) ;
align_sim_to_wall_clock = false ;
align_tic_mult = 1.0 ;
sim_start_time = 0 ;
sim_end_init_time = 0 ;
sim_end_time = 0 ;
the_rts = this ;
-# Sets real-time enable flag to true. Requirement [@ref enable]
int Trick::RealtimeSync::enable() {
enable_flag = true ;
return(0) ;
-# Sets real-time disabled flag to true. Requirement [@ref disable]
int Trick::RealtimeSync::disable() {
disable_flag = true ;
return(0) ;
-# Sets the real_time clock to the incoming class [@ref disable]
int Trick::RealtimeSync::change_clock(Trick::Clock * in_clock) {
int ret ;
ret = in_clock->clock_init() ;
if ( ret == 0 ) {
rt_clock = in_clock ;
return ret ;
-# Sets the real_time clock to the incoming class [@ref disable]
const char * Trick::RealtimeSync::clock_get_name() {
return rt_clock->get_name() ;
-# Sets the sleep timer to the incoming class [@ref disable]
int Trick::RealtimeSync::change_timer(Trick::Timer * in_sleep_timer) {
sleep_timer = in_sleep_timer ;
return 0 ;
-# Calls Trick::Clock::set_rt_clock_ratio
-# Set the sleep timer to inactive for this frame as the ratio changes.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::set_rt_clock_ratio(double in_clock_ratio) {
rt_clock->set_rt_clock_ratio(in_clock_ratio) ;
sleep_timer->set_active(false) ;
return 0 ;
void Trick::RealtimeSync::get_sim_start_time() {
sim_start_time = default_clock->wall_clock_time() ;
void Trick::RealtimeSync::get_sim_end_init_time() {
sim_end_init_time = default_clock->wall_clock_time() ;
void Trick::RealtimeSync::get_sim_end_time() {
sim_end_time = default_clock->wall_clock_time() ;
-# If real-time synchronization has been enabled:
-# Set the active flag to true.
-# If real-time synchronization has been disabled set the active flag to false.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::initialize() {
if ( enable_flag ) {
active = true ;
enable_flag = false ;
if ( disable_flag ) {
active = false ;
disable_flag = false ;
tics_per_sec = exec_get_time_tic_value();
/* Start the sleep timer hardware if realtime is active */
if ( align_sim_to_wall_clock ) {
rt_clock->clock_reset(0) ;
rt_clock->sync_to_wall_clock( align_tic_mult , tics_per_sec ) ;
message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Syncing sim to %f second wall clock interval\n", align_tic_mult ) ;
rt_clock->clock_spin(0) ;
if ( exec_get_mode() == Freeze ) {
rt_clock->clock_reset(exec_get_freeze_time_tics()) ;
} else {
rt_clock->clock_reset(exec_get_time_tics()) ;
return(0) ;
-# If real-time synchronization is active
-# Call the real-time clock initialization routine [@ref clock_init]
-# Call the sleep timer initialization
-# Set the sleep timer frame period to software frame period
-# Calculate the maximum overrun time in simulation tics.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::start_sleep_timer() {
if ( active && (exec_get_time_tics() >= 0.0)) {
/* Call sleep timer init to start sleep timer hardware */
sleep_timer->init() ;
if ( rt_max_overrun_time > 1e36 ) {
rt_max_overrun_time_tics = TRICK_MAX_LONG_LONG ;
} else {
rt_max_overrun_time_tics = (long long)(rt_max_overrun_time * tics_per_sec) ;
return(0) ;
-# Get the sim_mode
-# Reset the real-time clock reference
-# If sim_mode is Run
-# Call start_realtime to start the real time clock
-# Else if sim_mode is Freeze
-# Call freeze init to set the sleep timer to freeze mode.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::restart(long long ref_time) {
SIM_MODE sim_mode = exec_get_mode() ;
rt_clock->clock_reset(ref_time) ;
if ( sim_mode == Run ) {
start_realtime(exec_get_software_frame() , ref_time) ;
} else if ( sim_mode == Freeze ) {
freeze_init(exec_get_freeze_frame()) ;
return 0 ;
-# If real-time synchronization is active
-# If the sim time is 0 or higher (do not run in real time for negative sim time)
-# Reset the real-time clock to the incoming reference time
-# Save the current real-time as the start of the frame reference
-# Start the sleep timer
-# Else reset active to false and enable_flag to true
int Trick::RealtimeSync::start_realtime(double in_frame_time , long long ref_time) {
if ( active ) {
/* Only run in real time when sim time reaches 0.0 */
if (ref_time >= 0) {
/* Reset the clock reference time to the desired reference time */
rt_clock->clock_reset(ref_time) ;
/* Set top of frame time for 1st frame (used in frame logging). */
last_clock_time = rt_clock->clock_time() ;
/* Start the sleep timer hardware */
/* Start the sleep timer */
sleep_timer->start(in_frame_time / rt_clock->get_rt_clock_ratio()) ;
} else {
/* Reset active and enable_flag so rt_monitor will try and start
real time at the end of next software frame */
active = false;
enable_flag = true;
return(0) ;
-# If real-time is not active:
-# If real-time synchronization has been enabled:
-# Set the active flag to true.
-# Start real-time setting the real-time clock to the current simulation time.
-# exit end of frame routine
-# If real-time is active:
-# If real-time synchronization has been disabled:
-# Set the active flag to false.
-# Get the current real-time.
-# Calculate the real-time taken for the last frame of execution.
-# if the frame has overrun
-# Increment the number of consecutive overruns
-# If the maximum number of consecutive overrun frames has
been reached or the maximum single overrun time has been exceeded
-# If the freeze/terminate action was set
-# set the freeze_terminate flag
-# freeze the simulation
-# Else terminate the simulation
-# Stop the sleep timer.
-# Else the frame has underrun
-# Reset the number of consecutive overruns to 0.
-# Pause for the sleep timer to expire
-# Spin for the real-time clock to match the simulation time
-# Reset the sleep timer for the next frame
-# Save the current real-time as the start of the frame reference
int Trick::RealtimeSync::rt_monitor(long long sim_time_tics) {
long long curr_clock_time ;
char buf[512];
/* determine if the state of real-time has changed this frame */
if ( ! active ) {
if ( enable_flag ) {
active = true ;
enable_flag = false ;
start_realtime(exec_get_software_frame() , sim_time_tics) ;
if ( disable_flag ) {
disable_flag = false ;
return(0) ;
if ( enable_flag ) {
enable_flag = false ;
if ( disable_flag ) {
active = false ;
disable_flag = false ;
/* calculate the current underrun/overrun */
curr_clock_time = rt_clock->clock_time() ;
frame_overrun_time = 0 ;
frame_sched_time = curr_clock_time - last_clock_time ;
frame_overrun_time = curr_clock_time - sim_time_tics ;
/* If the wall clock time is greater than the sim time an overrun occurred. */
if (curr_clock_time > sim_time_tics) {
/* Update the overrun counter and current overrun time */
/* If the number overruns surpass the maximum allowed freeze or shutdown. */
if (frame_overrun_cnt >= rt_max_overrun_cnt || frame_overrun_time >= rt_max_overrun_time_tics) {
/* If the rt_overrun_freeze flag is set, enter freeze mode else terminate the simulation. */
if (rt_overrun_freeze == true) {
freeze_shutdown = true ;
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "\nMaximum overrun condition exceeded:\n"
"consecutive overruns/allowed overruns: %d/%d\n"
"total overrun time/allowed time: %f/%g\n"
"Entering Freeze-Shutdown Mode\n" ,
frame_overrun_cnt, rt_max_overrun_cnt,
(double)(frame_overrun_time/tics_per_sec), rt_max_overrun_time);
exec_freeze() ;
} else {
sprintf(buf, "\nMaximum overrun condition exceeded:\n"
"consecutive overruns/allowed overruns: %d/%d\n"
"total overrun time/allowed time: %f/%g\n",
frame_overrun_cnt, rt_max_overrun_cnt,
(double)(frame_overrun_time/tics_per_sec), rt_max_overrun_time);
exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , buf);
/* stop the sleep timer in an overrun condition */
sleep_timer->stop() ;
/* Call clock_spin to allow interrupt driven clocks to service their interrupts */
curr_clock_time = rt_clock->clock_spin(sim_time_tics) ;
} else {
/* Else an underrun condition occurred. */
/* Reset consecutive overrun counter frame_overrun_cnt */
frame_overrun_cnt = 0;
/* pause for the timer to signal the end of frame */
sleep_timer->pause() ;
/* Spin to make sure that we are at the top of the frame */
curr_clock_time = rt_clock->clock_spin(sim_time_tics) ;
/* If the timer requires to be reset at the end of each frame, reset it here. */
sleep_timer->reset(exec_get_software_frame() / rt_clock->get_rt_clock_ratio()) ;
/* Set the next frame overrun/underrun reference time to the current time */
last_clock_time = curr_clock_time ;
return(0) ;
-# If real-time synchronization is active
-# Set the sleep timer frame period to freeze frame period
-# Start real-time setting the real-time clock at 0.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::freeze_init(double freeze_frame_sec) {
if ( active ) {
sleep_timer->start( freeze_frame_sec / rt_clock->get_rt_clock_ratio()) ;
freeze_frame = (long long)(freeze_frame_sec * tics_per_sec) ;
freeze_time_tics = exec_get_time_tics() ;
return 0 ;
-# If real-time is not active:
-# If real-time synchronization has been enabled:
-# Set the active flag to true.
-# Set the sleep timer frame period to freeze frame period
-# Start real-time setting the real-time clock at currnent freeze time.
-# exit end of frame routine
# If real-time synchronization has been disabled:
-# Set the active flag to false.
-# Pause for the sleep timer to expire
-# Spin for the real-time clock to match the simulation time
-# Advanced freeze time.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::freeze_pause(double freeze_frame_sec) {
/* Determine if the state of real-time has changed this frame */
if ( ! active ) {
if ( enable_flag ) {
active = true ;
enable_flag = false ;
start_realtime(freeze_frame_sec , freeze_time_tics) ;
if ( disable_flag ) {
disable_flag = false ;
return(0) ;
if ( enable_flag ) {
enable_flag = false ;
if ( disable_flag ) {
active = false ;
disable_flag = false ;
/* If a sleep timer has been defined pause for the timer to signal the end of frame */
sleep_timer->pause() ;
/* Spin to make sure that we are at the top of the frame */
rt_clock->clock_spin(freeze_time_tics + freeze_frame) ;
/* If the timer requires to be reset at the end of each frame, reset it here. */
sleep_timer->reset(freeze_frame_sec / rt_clock->get_rt_clock_ratio()) ;
freeze_time_tics += freeze_frame ;
return(0) ;
-# If real-time is active:
-# If the freeze_terminate flag is set, terminate the simulation
-# Set the sleep timer frame period to software frame period
-# Start real-time setting the real-time clock to the current simulation time.
int Trick::RealtimeSync::unfreeze(long long sim_time_tics, double software_frame_sec) {
if ( active ) {
/* If the overrun freeze_shutdown condition was met terminate the simulation */
if (freeze_shutdown) {
exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "Freeze-Shutdown condition reached.");
/* Adjust the real-time clock reference by the amount of time we were frozen */
rt_clock->adjust_ref_time(freeze_time_tics - sim_time_tics) ;
/* Set top of frame time for 1st frame (used in frame logging). */
last_clock_time = rt_clock->clock_time() ;
/* Start the sleep timer with the software frame expiration */
sleep_timer->start(software_frame_sec / rt_clock->get_rt_clock_ratio()) ;
return(0) ;
-# If real-time is active:
-# Stop the real-time clock hardware
-# Stop the sleep timer hardware
-# Print the overrun count
int Trick::RealtimeSync::shutdown() {
if ( active ) {
/* Stop the clock */
rt_clock->clock_stop() ;
/* If a sleep timer has been defined, stop the timer */
sleep_timer->shutdown() ;
std::stringstream os ;
double actual_time = (sim_end_time - sim_start_time) / (double)default_clock->clock_tics_per_sec ;
os << "\n" <<
if ( active ) {
os << " REALTIME TOTAL OVERRUNS: " << std::setw(12) << frame_overrun_cnt << "\n" ;
if ( sim_end_init_time != 0 ) {
double init_time = (sim_end_init_time - sim_start_time) / (double)default_clock->clock_tics_per_sec ;
os << " ACTUAL INIT TIME: " ;
os << std::fixed << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(3) << init_time << "\n" ;
os << std::fixed << std::setw(12) << std::setprecision(3) << actual_time << "\n" ;
message_publish(MSG_NORMAL,os.str().c_str()) ;
return(0) ;