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synced 2025-02-19 00:40:28 +00:00
Removed checks on dead units conversion messenger. Units conversion messages cannot be suppressed. Added deprecated messages to the functions that modified the message printouts.
220 lines
7.3 KiB
220 lines
7.3 KiB
PURPOSE: ( Python input processor )
REFERENCE: ( Trick Simulation Environment )
CLASS: ( N/A )
PROGRAMMERS: ( Alex Lin NASA 2009 )
#include <Python.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "trick/IPPython.hh"
#include "trick/MemoryManager.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
Trick::IPPython * the_pip ;
Trick::IPPython::IPPython() : Trick::InputProcessor::InputProcessor() , units_conversion_msgs(true) {
the_pip = this ;
return ;
-# Loops through all of the memorymanager allocations testing if a name handle was given.
-# If a name and a user type_name were given to the allocation
-# If the user_type_name is not a Trick core class, prefixed with "Trick::"
-# Create a python statement to assign the python name to an address: <name> = trick.castAsTYPE(int(<address>))
-# Run the statement in the python interpreter
void Trick::IPPython::get_TMM_named_variables() {
//std::cout << "top level names at initialization" << std::endl ;
Trick::ALLOC_INFO_MAP_ITER aim_it ;
for ( aim_it = trick_MM->alloc_info_map_begin() ; aim_it != trick_MM->alloc_info_map_end() ; aim_it++ ) {
ALLOC_INFO * alloc_info = (*aim_it).second ;
if ( alloc_info->name != NULL and alloc_info->user_type_name != NULL ) {
std::stringstream ss ;
std::string user_type_name = alloc_info->user_type_name ;
size_t start_colon ;
while ( ( start_colon = user_type_name.find("::") ) != std::string::npos ) {
user_type_name.replace( start_colon , 2 , "__" ) ;
// The castAs method may not exist if the class was hidden from SWIG (#ifndef SWIG).
// Use a try/except block to test if the method exists or not. If it doesn't exist
// don't worry about it. Also only assign python variable if it is pointing to
// something python doesn't owns. Otherwise we could free the object we're trying to assign.
ss << "try:" << std::endl ;
ss << " if '" << alloc_info->name << "' not in globals() or " ;
ss << alloc_info->name << ".thisown == False:" << std::endl ;
ss << " " << alloc_info->name << " = " ;
ss << "trick.castAs" << user_type_name << "(int(" << alloc_info->start << "))" << std::endl ;
ss << "except AttributeError:" << std::endl ;
ss << " pass" << std::endl ;
PyRun_SimpleString(ss.str().c_str()) ;
bool Trick::IPPython::get_units_conversion_msgs() {
return units_conversion_msgs ;
void Trick::IPPython::shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger(bool onoff) {
if ( onoff ) {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Units conversion messages can no longer be suppressed.\n") ;
//Initialize and run the Python input processor on the user input file.
int Trick::IPPython::init() {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
FILE *input_fp ;
int ret ;
std::string error_message ;
pthread_mutexattr_t m_attr ;
/* Initialize a mutex to protect python processing for var server and events. */
pthread_mutexattr_init(&m_attr) ;
pthread_mutexattr_settype(&m_attr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_RECURSIVE) ;
pthread_mutex_init(&ip_mutex , &m_attr) ;
// Run Py_Initialze first for python 2.x
#if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x03000000
/* Run the Swig generated routine in S_source_wrap.cpp. */
init_swig_modules() ;
// Run Py_Initialze after init_swig_modules for python 3.x
#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000
/* Import simulation specific routines into interpreter. */
"import sys\n"
"import os\n"
"import struct\n"
"import binascii\n"
"sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.environ['TRICK_HOME'], 'share/trick/pymods'))\n"
"sys.path += map(str.strip, os.environ['TRICK_PYTHON_PATH'].split(':'))\n"
"import trick\n"
"sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + \"/Modified_data\")\n"
) ;
/* Make shortcut names for all known sim_objects. */
get_TMM_named_variables() ;
/* An input file is not required, if the name is empty just return. */
if ( input_file.empty() ) {
return(0) ;
if ((input_fp = fopen(input_file.c_str(), "r")) == NULL) {
error_message = "No input file found named " + input_file ;
exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , error_message.c_str() ) ;
/* Read and parse the input file. */
if ( verify_input ) {
PyRun_SimpleString("sys.settrace(trick.traceit)") ;
if ( (ret = PyRun_SimpleFile(input_fp, input_file.c_str())) != 0 ) {
exec_terminate_with_return(ret , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "Input Processor error\n" ) ;
if ( verify_input ) {
exec_terminate_with_return(ret , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "Input file verification complete\n" ) ;
fclose(input_fp) ;
return(0) ;
//Command to parse the given string.
int Trick::IPPython::parse(std::string in_string) {
int ret ;
in_string += "\n" ;
ret = PyRun_SimpleString(in_string.c_str()) ;
return ret ;
The incoming statement is assumed to be a conditional fragment, i.e. "a > b". We need
to get the return value of this fragment by setting the return value of it to a known
variable name in the input processor. We can then assign that return value to the
incoming return_value reference.
-# Lock the input processor mutex
-# Create a complete statement that assigns the conditional fragment to our return value
-# parse the condition
-# copy the return value to the incoming cond_return_value
-# Unlock the input processor mutex
int Trick::IPPython::parse_condition(std::string in_string, int & cond_return_val ) {
in_string = std::string("trick_ip.ip.return_val = ") + in_string + "\n" ;
// Running the simple string will set return_val.
PyRun_SimpleString(in_string.c_str()) ;
cond_return_val = return_val ;
return 0 ;
//Restart job that reloads event_list from checkpointable structures
int Trick::IPPython::restart() {
/* Make shortcut names for all known sim_objects. */
get_TMM_named_variables() ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::IPPython::shutdown() {
if ( Py_IsInitialized() ) {
return(0) ;
//TODO: remove units conversion messenger routines in 2021
void shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger() {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger() is deprecated\n") ;
the_pip->shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger(true) ;
void revive_the_units_conversion_messenger() {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "revive_the_units_conversion_messenger() is deprecated\n") ;
the_pip->shoot_the_units_conversion_messenger(false) ;
int check_units_conversion_messenger_for_signs_of_life() {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "check_units_conversion_messenger_for_signs_of_life() is deprecated\n") ;
return the_pip->get_units_conversion_msgs() ;