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synced 2025-03-12 07:24:03 +00:00
Perl scripts linked into /usr/local/bin or anyother directory needs to use FindBin qw($RealBin) instead of just FindBin qw($Bin). Realpath will find the absolute path to where the script actually lives and the pm directory that holds the perl modules.
187 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
187 lines
6.3 KiB
Executable File
use File::Basename ;
use strict ;
use Cwd ;
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/pm" ;
use cp_cache ;
my $struct_param_info ;
my ($file_contents) ;
#print "$ARGV[0]" ;
$struct_param_info = read_struct_param_info() ;
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV ) {
my (%possible_names) ;
my (%reverse_pn) ;
my (@object_names) ;
my ($object_name) ;
my (@lines) ;
my $new_file_name ;
my ($my_convert_used ) = 0 ;
my ($param ) = "test" ;
my ($pointer_dims) ;
print "$arg\n" ;
open ( FILE, $arg ) ;
while ( <FILE> ) {
if (/^\s*([_A-Za-z][\w_]*)[.\[]/ ) {
$possible_names{$1}++ ;
push @lines , $_ ;
$file_contents = join "" , @lines ;
%reverse_pn = reverse %possible_names ;
@object_names = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %reverse_pn ;
$object_name = $reverse_pn{@object_names[0]} ;
print "object_name = $object_name\n" ;
$new_file_name = $arg ;
$new_file_name =~ s/\.[^\.]*$// ;
$new_file_name .= "." . $$struct_param_info{$object_name}{language} ;
print "new_file_name = $new_file_name\n" ;
open ( NEWFILE, ">$new_file_name" );
#print keys %{$$struct_param_info{$object_name}{params}} , "\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"$$struct_param_info{$object_name}{header_file}\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"sim_services/include/exec_proto.h\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "#include \"trick_utils/units/include/units_conv.h\"\n\n" ;
$pointer_dims = "*" ;
if ( $$struct_param_info{$object_name}{language} eq "cpp" ) {
print NEWFILE "#include \"InputProcessor.hh\"\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "void InputProcessor::default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) {\n\n" ;
} else {
print NEWFILE "void default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) ;\n\n" ;
print NEWFILE "void default_data_$object_name( $object_name $pointer_dims $param ) {\n\n" ;
while ( $file_contents =~ s/^(.*?)(?:($object_name\s*(?:\.|\[|\s).*?)\s*(?:\{(.*?)\})?\s*=(.*?);)//s ) {
my ($other_content) = $1 ;
my ($left_side) = $2 ;
my ($units) = $3 ;
my ($right_side) = $4 ;
my (@right_list) ;
my ($attr_units) ;
my ($need_units_conversion) = 0 ;
my ($need_index) = 0 ;
my ($index_is_integer) = 0 ;
my ($index, $offset) ;
my ($l_type , $last_name ) ;
$other_content =~ s/^\n// ;
print NEWFILE "$other_content" ;
#print NEWFILE "/* $left_side $units = $right_side */\n" ;
my $temp_left = $left_side ;
my ($next_name) ;
$temp_left =~ s/\[.*?\]//g ;
my (@left_list) = split /\.|->/ , $temp_left ;
#print NEWFILE "/* left_list @left_list */\n" ;
$l_type = shift @left_list ;
$last_name = pop @left_list ;
while ( $next_name = shift @left_list ) {
$l_type = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$next_name}{p_type} ;
#print NEWFILE "/* next_name = $next_name , new_type = $l_type */\n" ;
if ( $units ne "" ) {
$attr_units = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_unit} ;
#print NEWFILE "/* unit = $attr_units */\n" ;
if ( $units ne $attr_units ) {
$my_convert_used = $need_units_conversion = 1 ;
print NEWFILE "conv_fn_s(\"$units\" , \"$attr_units\" , \&my_convert) ;\n" ;
$left_side =~ s/$object_name\s*(\.|\[)?/(\*$param)$1/g ;
$right_side =~ s/\n//g ;
if ( $right_side =~ /alloc/ ) {
my $temp_left = $left_side ;
my ($num_dim_specified, $attr_num_dim) ;
my ($cast_dims, $alloc_type_dims) ;
$num_dim_specified = 0 ;
while ($temp_left =~ s/\s*\[.*?\]\s*$//) {
$num_dim_specified++ ;
if ( $last_name ne "" ) {
$attr_num_dim = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_point} ;
$l_type = $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_type} ;
} else {
#$attr_num_dim = length($$str{pointers}) ;
#$l_type = $$str{strname} ;
print NEWFILE "/* dims $l_type $num_dim_specified , $attr_num_dim */\n" ;
$cast_dims = "*" x ($attr_num_dim - $num_dim_specified) ;
$alloc_type_dims = "*" x ($attr_num_dim - $num_dim_specified - 1) ;
$right_side =~ s/alloc\s*\((.*?)\)/($l_type $cast_dims)ip_alloc\($1,sizeof($l_type $alloc_type_dims)\)/ ;
@right_list[0] = $right_side ;
else {
#my (@strings) ;
#@strings = $right_side , m/\".*?\"/sg ;
#$right_side , m/\".*?\"/sg ;
@right_list = split /,/ , $right_side ;
if ( $left_side =~ s/\[([^\]]+)\]\s*$// ) {
($index) = $1 ;
$need_index = 1 ;
$index =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ;
#print NEWFILE "/* index = $index */\n" ;
if ( $index =~ /^\d+$/ ) {
$index_is_integer = 1 ;
$offset = 0 ;
foreach my $r ( @right_list ) {
my ($index_print) ;
if ( $need_index ) {
if ( $index_is_integer == 1 ) {
$index_print = "\[" . ($index + $offset++) . "\]" ;
} else {
$index_print = "\[$index + " . $offset++ . "\]" ;
if ( $r =~ /\s*(\".*?\")\s*/ ) {
if ( $$struct_param_info{$l_type}{attr}{$last_name}{p_point} > 0 ) {
$r = "ip_strdup($1)" ;
else {
print NEWFILE "strcpy($left_side$index_print , $1) ;\n" ;
next ;
#$r = "ip_strdup($1)" ;
print NEWFILE " $left_side$index_print = " ;
if ( $need_units_conversion ) {
print NEWFILE "convert_units( $r , \&my_convert ) ;\n" ;
} else {
print NEWFILE "$r ;\n" ;
print NEWFILE "$file_contents" ;
print NEWFILE "(void)my_convert ;\n" if ( $my_convert_used == 0 ) ;
print NEWFILE "}\n" ;
exit ;