Jacqueline Deans c2e42f4ef4 Refactor and test Variable Server.
- Split VariableServerThread into VariableServerSession and VariableReference classes
- Use C++ streams for data handling
- Unit tests
2023-06-26 12:23:58 -05:00

108 lines
5.8 KiB

import sys
import os
thisdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
from TrickWorkflow import *
from WorkflowCommon import Job
max_retries = 5
class SimTestWorkflow(TrickWorkflow):
def __init__( self, quiet, trick_top_level, cpus):
self.cpus = cpus
# Create the trick_test directory if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(trick_top_level + "/trick_test"):
os.makedirs(trick_top_level + "/trick_test")
# Base Class initialize, this creates internal management structures
TrickWorkflow.__init__(self, project_top_level=(trick_top_level), log_dir=(trick_top_level +'/trickops_logs/'),
trick_dir=trick_top_level, config_file=(trick_top_level + "/test_sims.yml"), cpus=self.cpus, quiet=quiet)
def run( self ):
build_jobs = self.get_jobs(kind='build')
# Two sims have runs that require ordering via phases:
# - SIM_stls dumps a checkpoint that is then read in and checked by a subsequent run
# - SIM_checkpoint_data_recording dumps checkpoints that are read by subsequent runs
first_run_jobs = self.get_jobs(kind='run', phase=-1) # Get all jobs with early phase -1
remaining_run_jobs = self.get_jobs(kind='run', phase=0) # Get all jobs with default phase 0
analysis_jobs = self.get_jobs(kind='analyze')
# Some tests fail intermittently for reasons not related to the tests themselves, mostly network weirdness.
# Allow retries so that we can still cover some network-adjacent code
retry_allowed_sims = self.get_sims(labels='retries_allowed')
retry_allowed_jobs = [run.get_run_job() for run in [item for sublist in [sim.get_runs() for sim in retry_allowed_sims] for item in sublist]]
for job in retry_allowed_jobs:
# Note there's an assumption/dependency here that 'retries_allowed' runs
# are only in the remaining_run_jobs list. - Jordan 2/2023
# Some tests fail intermittently for reasons not related to the tests themselves, mostly network weirdness.
# Allow retries so that we can still cover some network-adjacent code
retry_allowed_sims = self.get_sims(labels='retries_allowed')
retry_allowed_jobs = [run.get_run_job() for run in [item for sublist in [sim.get_runs() for sim in retry_allowed_sims] for item in sublist]]
for job in retry_allowed_jobs:
builds_status = self.execute_jobs(build_jobs, max_concurrent=self.cpus, header='Executing all sim builds.')
first_phase_run_status = self.execute_jobs(first_run_jobs, max_concurrent=self.cpus, header="Executing first phase runs.")
runs_status = self.execute_jobs(remaining_run_jobs, max_concurrent=self.cpus, header='Executing remaining runs.')
# Run the retry_allowed jobs
self.execute_jobs(retry_allowed_jobs, max_concurrent=self.cpus, header='Executing retry-allowed runs.')
# If anything failed, try it again up to max_retries times
all_retried_status = 0
final_retry_jobs = []
for sim in retry_allowed_sims:
failing_runs = [run for run in sim.get_runs() if run.get_run_job().get_status() == Job.Status.FAILED]
for run in failing_runs:
status, final_job = self.retry_job(sim, run, max_retries)
final_retry_jobs += [final_job]
all_retried_status = all_retried_status or status
comparison_result =
analysis_status = self.execute_jobs(analysis_jobs, max_concurrent=self.cpus, header='Executing all analysis.') # Print Verbose report
self.status_summary() # Print a Succinct summary
# Dump failing logs
jobs = build_jobs + first_run_jobs + remaining_run_jobs + final_retry_jobs
for job in jobs:
if job.get_status() == Job.Status.FAILED:
print("Failing job: ",
print ("*"*120)
print(open(job.log_file, "r").read())
print ("*"*120, "\n")
return (builds_status or runs_status or first_phase_run_status or all_retried_status or len(self.config_errors) > 0 or comparison_result or analysis_status)
# Retries a job up to max_retries times and adds runs to the sim
# Returns tuple of (job_status, final retry job)
def retry_job(self, sim, run, max_retries):
tries = 0
job_failing = 1
retry_run = None
retry_job = None
while tries < max_retries and job_failing:
tries += 1
retry_run = TrickWorkflow.Run(sim_dir=run.sim_dir, input_file=run.input_file, binary=run.binary, returns=run.returns,log_dir=run.log_dir)
retry_job = retry_run.get_run_job() = + "_retry_" + str(tries)
job_failing = self.execute_jobs([retry_job], max_concurrent=1, header="Retrying failed job")
return (job_failing, retry_job)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Build, run, and compare all test sims for Trick',
parser.add_argument( "--trick_top_level", type=str, help="Path to TRICK_HOME", default=thisdir)
parser.add_argument( "--quiet", action="store_true", help="Suppress progress bars.")
parser.add_argument( "--cpus", type=int, default=(os.cpu_count() if os.cpu_count() is not None else 8),
help="Number of cpus to use for testing. For builds this number is used for MAKEFLAGS *and* number of "
"concurrent builds (cpus^2). For sim runs this controls the maximum number of simultaneous runs.")
myargs = parser.parse_args()
sys.exit(SimTestWorkflow(quiet=myargs.quiet, trick_top_level=myargs.trick_top_level, cpus=myargs.cpus).run())