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synced 2025-03-11 06:54:12 +00:00
Started the active event allocation at 100 events. If more are needed, we add 100 allocations each time. The array is never reduced in size if events are deleted, events are moved to the front of the array and the remaining elements are set to NULL.
302 lines
10 KiB
302 lines
10 KiB
PURPOSE: ( Python input processor )
REFERENCE: ( Trick Simulation Environment )
CLASS: ( N/A )
PROGRAMMERS: ( Alex Lin NASA 2009 )
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cmath>
#include "trick/EventManager.hh"
#include "trick/EventInstrument.hh"
#include "trick/memorymanager_c_intf.h"
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/exec_proto.hh"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_type.h"
Trick::EventManager * the_em ;
Trick::EventManager::EventManager() :
{ the_em = this ; }
//Command to get the event object given the event's name
Trick::Event * Trick::EventManager::get_event(std::string event_name) {
unsigned int ii ;
Trick::Event* ret = NULL;
/* Find the event name in the active event list and return the pointer to that event */
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) {
if ( ! active_events[ii]->get_name().compare(event_name) ) {
ret = active_events[ii];
break ;
return(ret) ;
//Add user's event to the active event list.
int Trick::EventManager::add_to_active_events(Trick::Event * in_event) {
for ( unsigned int ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) {
if (in_event == active_events[ii]) {
return (0) ;
if (num_active_events == 1) {
active_events = (Trick::Event **)TMM_declare_var_s("Trick::Event* [100]");
num_allocated = 100 ;
} else if ( num_active_events >= num_allocated ) {
num_allocated += 100 ;
active_events = (Trick::Event **)TMM_resize_array_1d_a(active_events, num_allocated);
for ( unsigned int ii = num_active_events ; ii < num_allocated ; ii++ ) {
active_events[ii] = NULL ;
active_events[num_active_events-1] = in_event ;
return (0) ;
//Command to insert a user's input file event into the input processor's list of events to process.
int Trick::EventManager::add_event(Trick::Event * in_event) {
int ret = 0 ;
add_to_active_events(in_event) ;
if (in_event->get_thread() < event_processors.size() ) {
event_processors[in_event->get_thread()]->add_event(in_event) ;
in_event->add() ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event thread number is not in range: thread %d requested, only %d child threads in simulation.\n", in_event->get_thread() , event_processors.size() - 1) ;
ret = -1 ;
return ret ;
Command to insert an instrument job (containing in_event) into job queue before target job.
-# Find the target job.
-# If the target job exists
-# Save the target job information to the event.
-# Create an EventInstrument with the event and target job information
-# Add the event instrument to the target job
-# call the event's add routine if it needs to do anything once it is activated.
-# else print a warning that the target job does not exist.
-# Add the event to the list of active events.
int Trick::EventManager::add_event_before(Trick::Event * in_event, std::string target_name, unsigned int target_inst) {
Trick::JobData * target_job ;
target_job = exec_get_job( target_name.c_str() , target_inst ) ;
if (target_job != NULL ) {
in_event->set_before_after(Trick::EVENT_BEFORETARGET) ;
in_event->set_target_name(target_name) ;
in_event->set_target_inst(target_inst) ;
Trick::EventInstrument * instru_job = new Trick::EventInstrument(in_event , target_job) ;
target_job->add_inst_before(instru_job) ;
events_instrumented.push_back(instru_job) ;
in_event->add() ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event not added before job: %s does not exist.\n", target_name.c_str()) ;
return (0);
/* Add in_event to list of active events. */
add_to_active_events(in_event) ;
Command to insert an instrument job (containing in_event) into job queue after target job.
-# Find the target job.
-# If the target job exists
-# Save the target job information to the event.
-# Create an EventInstrument with the event and target job information
-# Add the event instrument to the target job
-# call the event's add routine if it needs to do anything once it is activated.
-# else print a warning that the target job does not exist.
-# Add the event to the list of active events.
int Trick::EventManager::add_event_after(Trick::Event * in_event, std::string target_name, unsigned int target_inst) {
Trick::JobData * target_job ;
target_job = exec_get_job( target_name.c_str() , target_inst ) ;
if (target_job != NULL ) {
in_event->set_before_after(Trick::EVENT_AFTERTARGET) ;
in_event->set_target_name(target_name) ;
in_event->set_target_inst(target_inst) ;
Trick::EventInstrument * instru_job = new Trick::EventInstrument(in_event , target_job) ;
target_job->add_inst_after(instru_job) ;
events_instrumented.push_back(instru_job) ;
in_event->add() ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event not added before job: %s does not exist.\n", target_name.c_str()) ;
return (0);
/* Add in_event to list of active events. */
add_to_active_events(in_event) ;
// Find the event by name and activate it.
int Trick::EventManager::activate_event(const char * event_name) {
Trick::Event* ret = NULL;
ret = get_event(event_name) ;
if (ret != NULL) {
ret->activate() ;
return 0 ;
// Find the event by name and deactivate it.
int Trick::EventManager::deactivate_event(const char * event_name) {
Trick::Event* ret = NULL;
ret = get_event(event_name) ;
if (ret != NULL) {
ret->deactivate() ;
return 0 ;
//Command to remove an event from everywhere it was added (it can still be added back again).
int Trick::EventManager::remove_event(Trick::Event * in_event) {
unsigned int ii , jj ;
if ( ! in_event ) {
return 0 ;
if ( in_event->get_before_after() == Trick::EVENT_NOTARGET ) {
/* If the event is cyclic, remove the event from the event processor on the event's thread */
event_processors[in_event->get_thread()]->remove_event(in_event) ;
} else {
std::vector< Trick::EventInstrument * >::iterator ei_it ;
for ( ei_it = events_instrumented.begin() ; ei_it != events_instrumented.end() ; ) {
if ( (*ei_it)->get_event() == in_event ) {
/* If the event is tied to a job, call the target jobs remove instrument routine */
Trick::EventInstrument * found_event_instru = *ei_it ;
ei_it = events_instrumented.erase(ei_it) ;
found_event_instru->get_target_job()->remove_inst(found_event_instru->name) ;
delete found_event_instru ;
} else {
ei_it++ ;
in_event->remove() ;
/* Remove it from active event list. */
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) {
if (in_event == active_events[ii]) {
for ( jj = ii + 1 ; jj < num_active_events ; jj++ ) {
active_events[jj - 1] = active_events[jj] ;
num_active_events-- ;
if (num_active_events == 0) {
active_events = NULL;
else {
active_events[num_active_events] = NULL ;
break ;
if ( in_event->get_free_on_removal() ) {
TMM_delete_var_a(in_event) ;
return 0 ;
This is called from the S_define file. There will be one event processor assigned to each thread.
-# Add the incoming input processor to the list of known processors.
void Trick::EventManager::add_event_processor(Trick::EventProcessor * in_ep) {
event_processors.push_back(in_ep) ;
//Executive time_tic changed. Update all event times
int Trick::EventManager::time_tic_changed() {
int old_tt ;
int tt ;
unsigned int ii ;
old_tt = exec_get_old_time_tic_value() ;
tt = exec_get_time_tic_value() ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) {
active_events[ii]->set_next_tics((long long)round((active_events[ii]->get_next_tics() / old_tt) * tt)) ;
return 0 ;
// Remove all events attached to jobs before a checkpoint is reloaded.
int Trick::EventManager::preload_checkpoint() {
std::vector< Trick::EventInstrument * >::iterator ei_it ;
for ( ei_it = events_instrumented.begin() ; ei_it != events_instrumented.end() ; ) {
Trick::EventInstrument * found_event_instru = *ei_it ;
ei_it = events_instrumented.erase(ei_it) ;
found_event_instru->get_target_job()->remove_inst(found_event_instru->name) ;
delete found_event_instru ;
return 0 ;
//Restart job that reloads event_list from checkpointable structures
int Trick::EventManager::restart() {
unsigned int ii ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < num_active_events ; ii++ ) {
// rebuild the event_list of all events that were "added"
/* call the event restart routine to reset anything the event needs to do. */
active_events[ii]->restart() ;
if ( active_events[ii]->get_before_after() == Trick::EVENT_BEFORETARGET ) {
/* Update event list and insert an instrument job (containing in_event) target job's "before" queue. */
add_event_before( active_events[ii] , active_events[ii]->get_target_name() , active_events[ii]->get_target_inst() ) ;
} else if ( active_events[ii]->get_before_after() == Trick::EVENT_AFTERTARGET ) {
/* Update event list and insert an instrument job (containing in_event) target job's "after" queue. */
add_event_after( active_events[ii] , active_events[ii]->get_target_name() , active_events[ii]->get_target_inst() ) ;
} else {
/* Update event list for normal user events and read events. */
return (0);