2017-05-23 10:43:54 -05:00

363 lines
13 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

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This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/pm" ;
use File::Basename ;
use Cwd ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use gte ;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex) ;
use trick_version ;
use html ;
use strict ;
my @exclude_paths ;
my @swig_exclude_paths ;
my @ext_lib_paths ;
my @files_to_process ;
my @ext_lib_files ;
my %md5s ;
my $verbose_build = exists($ENV{'TRICK_VERBOSE_BUILD'}) ;
sub get_paths {
my @paths = split /:/ , $ENV{$_[0]} ;
if (scalar @paths) {
@paths = sort(@paths ) ;
# trim whitespace
@paths = map { s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ; $_ } @paths ;
# Remove empty elements. Sort forced all blank names to the front.
while ( not length @paths[0] ) {
shift @paths ;
@paths = map { (-e $_) ? abs_path($_) : $_ } @paths ;
return @paths ;
sub read_files_to_process() {
my @include_paths ;
my $cc ;
my @defines ;
my ($version, $thread, $year) ;
($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ;
($year) = $version =~ /^(\d+)/ ;
($cc = gte("TRICK_CC")) =~ s/\n// ;
# add -I paths and #defines
foreach my $value ( "TRICK_CFLAGS", "TRICK_CXXFLAGS" ) {
push @include_paths, $ENV{$value} =~ /(-I\s*\S+)/g ;
push @defines, $ENV{$value} =~ /(-D\S+)/g ;
push @include_paths , ("-I".$ENV{"TRICK_HOME"}."/include") ;
push @include_paths , ("-I".$ENV{"TRICK_HOME"}."/include/trick/compat") ;
push @include_paths , ("-I".$ENV{"TRICK_HOME"}."/trick_source" , "-I../include") ;
push @defines , "-DTRICK_VER=$year" ;
push @defines , "-DSWIG" ;
push @defines , "-std=c++11" ;
# get the list of header files from the compiler
open FILE_LIST, "$cc -MM @include_paths @defines S_source.hh |" ;
my $dir ;
$dir = dirname(abs_path("S_source.hh")) ;
my %files ;
my %ext_libs ;
while ( <FILE_LIST> ) {
next if ( /^#/ or /^\s+\\/ ) ;
foreach my $word ( split ) {
next if ( $word eq "\\" or $word =~ /o:/ ) ;
# skip unsupported extensions
next if not $word =~ /\.(H|h|hh|hxx|h++|hpp)$/ ;
# get the absolute path
if ( $word !~ /^\// and $dir ne "\/" ) {
$word = "$dir/$word" ;
$word = abs_path(dirname($word)) . "/" . basename($word) ;
# skip duplicate files
next if (exists($md5s{$word})) ;
# skip system headers that are missed by the compiler -MM flag
next if ( $word =~ /^\/usr\/include/ ) ;
# skip Trick headers
my $trick_home = $ENV{'TRICK_HOME'} ;
next if ( $word =~ /^\Q$trick_home\/include/ ) ;
next if ( $word =~ /^\Q$trick_home\/trick_source/ ) ;
# skip paths in TRICK_EXCLUDE
foreach my $path ( @exclude_paths ) {
if ( $word =~ /^\Q$path\E(.*)/ ) {
print "SWIG Skip TRICK_EXCLUDE: $path$1\n" if $verbose_build ;
next outer ;
# skip paths in TRICK_SWIG_EXCLUDE
foreach my $path ( @swig_exclude_paths ) {
if ( $word =~ /^\Q$path\E(.*)/ ) {
print "SWIG Skip TRICK_SWIG_EXCLUDE: $path$1\n" if $verbose_build ;
next outer ;
# we'll be needing this later
$md5s{$word} = md5_hex($word) ;
# separate paths in TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS
foreach my $path ( @ext_lib_paths ) {
if ( $word =~ /^\Q$path\E(.*)/ ) {
print "SWIG Skip TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS: $path$1\n" if $verbose_build ;
$ext_libs{$word} = 1 ;
next outer ;
$files{$word} = 1 ;
@ext_lib_files = sort keys %ext_libs ;
@files_to_process = sort keys %files ;
sub write_makefile_swig_deps() {
open DEPENDENCIES_FILE , ">build/Makefile_swig_deps" or return ;
print DEPENDENCIES_FILE "build/Makefile_swig:" ;
foreach my $file ( @files_to_process, @ext_lib_files ) {
print DEPENDENCIES_FILE " \\\n " . $file ;
sub has_swig_no($) {
my %trick_header = extract_trick_header( $_[0], do { local( @ARGV, $/ ) = $_[0] ; <> }, 0, 0 ) ;
my $result = $trick_header{swig} =~ /^NO$/i ;
print "SWIG Skip SWIG: (NO): $_[0]\n" if $verbose_build and $result ;
return $result ;
sub purge_swig_no_files() {
@files_to_process = grep { !has_swig_no($_) } @files_to_process ;
@ext_lib_files = grep { !has_swig_no($_) } @ext_lib_files ;
sub write_makefile_swig() {
my ($n , $f , $k , $m);
my %temp_hash ;
my ($ii) ;
my ($swig_sim_dir, $swig_src_dir) ;
my (%py_module_map) ;
my $s_source_md5 = md5_hex(abs_path("S_source.hh")) ;
$swig_sim_dir = "trick" ;
$swig_src_dir = "build" ;
open MAKEFILE , ">build/Makefile_swig" or return ;
open PY_LINK_LIST , ">build/py_link_list" or return ;
print PY_LINK_LIST "build/init_swig_modules.o\n" ;
print PY_LINK_LIST "build/top.o\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "SWIG_CFLAGS := -I../include \${PYTHON_INCLUDES} -Wno-shadow -Wno-missing-field-initializers
ifeq (\$(IS_CC_CLANG), 1)
SWIG_CFLAGS += -Wno-self-assign -Wno-sometimes-uninitialized -Wno-deprecated-register
PRINT_SWIG = \$(info \$(call COLOR,SWIGing) \$<)
PRINT_COMPILE_SWIG = \$(info \$(call COLOR,Compiling) \$<)
# TRICK_FIXED_PYTHON ===========================================================
$swig_sim_dir/ \\
$swig_sim_dir/ \\
$swig_sim_dir/ \\
$swig_sim_dir/ \\
$swig_sim_dir/ \\
$swig_sim_dir/ \\
\$(TRICK_FIXED_PYTHON): $swig_sim_dir/\% : \${TRICK_HOME}/share/trick/swig/\%
\t\@echo /bin/cp -f \$< \$@ >> \$(MAKE_OUT)
\t\$(ECHO_CMD)/bin/cp -f \$< \$@ 2>&1 | \$(TEE) -a \$(MAKE_OUT) ; exit \$\${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# SWIG_I =======================================================================
SWIG_I =" ;
foreach my $file ( @files_to_process ) {
(my $swig_file = $file) =~ s/\.[^.]*$/_py.i/ ;
print MAKEFILE " \\\n build$swig_file" ;
$swig_file =~ s/i$/o/ ;
print PY_LINK_LIST "build$swig_file\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "
define create_convert_swig_rule
build/%_py.i: /%.\$1
\t\@echo \${TRICK_HOME}/\$(LIBEXEC)/trick/convert_swig \${TRICK_CONVERT_SWIG_FLAGS} \$\$< >> \$(MAKE_OUT)
\t\$(ECHO_CMD)\${TRICK_HOME}/\$(LIBEXEC)/trick/convert_swig \${TRICK_CONVERT_SWIG_FLAGS} \$\$< 2>&1 | \$(TEE) -a \$(MAKE_OUT) ; exit \$\${PIPESTATUS[0]}
EXTENSIONS := H h hh hxx h++ hpp
\$(foreach EXTENSION,\$(EXTENSIONS),\$(eval \$(call create_convert_swig_rule,\$(EXTENSION))))
build/top.i: build/CP_instances
\t\@echo \${TRICK_HOME}/\${LIBEXEC}/trick/create_top_dot_i >> \$(MAKE_OUT)
\t\${ECHO_CMD}\${TRICK_HOME}/\${LIBEXEC}/trick/create_top_dot_i 2>&1 | \$(TEE) -a \$(MAKE_OUT) ; exit \$\${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# SWIG_SRC =====================================================================
SWIG_SRC = \$(subst .i,.cpp,\$(SWIG_I)) $swig_src_dir/top.cpp
\$(SWIG_SRC) : %.cpp: %.i | \$(SWIG_I)
\t\@echo \$(SWIG) \$(TRICK_INCLUDE) \$(TRICK_DEFINES) \$(TRICK_VERSIONS) \$(SWIG_FLAGS) -c++ -python -includeall -ignoremissing -w201,303,325,362,389,401,451 -outdir trick -o \$@ \$< >> \$(MAKE_OUT)
\t\$(ECHO_CMD)\$(SWIG) \$(TRICK_INCLUDE) \$(TRICK_DEFINES) \$(TRICK_VERSIONS) \$(SWIG_FLAGS) -c++ -python -includeall -ignoremissing -w201,303,325,362,389,401,451 -outdir trick -o \$@ \$< 2>&1 | \$(TEE) -a \$(MAKE_OUT) ; exit \$\${PIPESTATUS[0]}
# SWIG_OBJECTS =================================================================
SWIG_OBJECTS = \$(subst .cpp,.o,\$(SWIG_SRC)) $swig_src_dir/init_swig_modules.o
\$(SWIG_OBJECTS): %.o: %.cpp
\t\@echo \$(TRICK_CPPC) \$(TRICK_CXXFLAGS) \$(TRICK_SYSTEM_CXXFLAGS) \$(SWIG_CFLAGS) -Wno-unused-parameter -c -o \$@ \$< >> \$(MAKE_OUT)
\t\$(ECHO_CMD)\$(TRICK_CPPC) \$(TRICK_CXXFLAGS) \$(TRICK_SYSTEM_CXXFLAGS) \$(SWIG_CFLAGS) -Wno-unused-parameter -c -o \$@ \$< 2>&1 | \$(TEE) -a \$(MAKE_OUT) ; exit \$\${PIPESTATUS[0]}
LINK_LISTS += \$(LD_FILELIST)build/py_link_list
" ;
close MAKEFILE ;
close PY_LINK_LIST ;
open SWIGLIB , ">build/S_library_swig" or return ;
foreach my $f ( @files_to_process ) {
print SWIGLIB "$f\n" ;
close SWIGLIB ;
open INITSWIGFILE , ">build/init_swig_modules.cpp" or return ;
print INITSWIGFILE "#include <Python.h>\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "#if PY_VERSION_HEX >= 0x03000000\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "extern \"C\" {\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @files_to_process, @ext_lib_files ) {
print INITSWIGFILE "PyObject * PyInit__m$md5s{$f}(void) ; /* $f */\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "PyObject * PyInit__sim_services(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "PyObject * PyInit__top(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "PyObject * PyInit__swig_double(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "PyObject * PyInit__swig_int(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "PyObject * PyInit__swig_ref(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "\nvoid init_swig_modules(void) {\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @files_to_process, @ext_lib_files ) {
next if ( $f =~ /S_source.hh/ ) ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_m$md5s{$f}\", PyInit__m$md5s{$f}) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_m${s_source_md5}\", PyInit__m${s_source_md5}) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_sim_services\", PyInit__sim_services) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_top\", PyInit__top) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_swig_double\", PyInit__swig_double) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_swig_int\", PyInit__swig_int) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " PyImport_AppendInittab(\"_swig_ref\", PyInit__swig_ref) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " return ;\n}\n\n}\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "#else\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "extern \"C\" {\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @files_to_process, @ext_lib_files ) {
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_m$md5s{$f}(void) ; /* $f */\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_sim_services(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_top(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_swig_double(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_swig_int(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "void init_swig_ref(void) ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "\nvoid init_swig_modules(void) {\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @files_to_process, @ext_lib_files) {
next if ( $f =~ /S_source.hh/ ) ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_m$md5s{$f}() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_m${s_source_md5}() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_sim_services() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_top() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_swig_double() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_swig_int() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " init_swig_ref() ;\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE " return ;\n}\n\n}\n" ;
print INITSWIGFILE "#endif\n" ;
if ( ! -e "trick") {
mkdir "trick" ;
open INITFILE , ">trick/" or return ;
print INITFILE "from pkgutil import extend_path\n" ;
print INITFILE "__path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__)\n" ;
print INITFILE "import sys\n" ;
print INITFILE "import os\n" ;
print INITFILE "sys.path.append(os.getcwd() + \"/trick\")\n" ;
print INITFILE "\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _sim_services\n" ;
print INITFILE "from sim_services import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "# create \"all_cvars\" to hold all global/static vars\n" ;
print INITFILE "all_cvars = new_cvar_list()\n" ;
print INITFILE "combine_cvars(all_cvars, cvar)\n" ;
print INITFILE "cvar = None\n\n" ;
foreach $f ( @files_to_process, @ext_lib_files ) {
print INITFILE "# $f\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _m$md5s{$f}\n" ;
print INITFILE "from m$md5s{$f} import *\n" ;
print INITFILE "combine_cvars(all_cvars, cvar)\n" ;
print INITFILE "cvar = None\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "# S_source.hh\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _m${s_source_md5}\n" ;
print INITFILE "from m${s_source_md5} import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _top\n" ;
print INITFILE "import top\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _swig_double\n" ;
print INITFILE "import swig_double\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _swig_int\n" ;
print INITFILE "import swig_int\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "import _swig_ref\n" ;
print INITFILE "import swig_ref\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "from shortcuts import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "from exception import *\n\n" ;
print INITFILE "cvar = all_cvars\n\n" ;
close INITFILE ;
return ;
@exclude_paths = get_paths( "TRICK_EXCLUDE" ) ;
@swig_exclude_paths = get_paths( "TRICK_SWIG_EXCLUDE" ) ;
@ext_lib_paths = get_paths( "TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS" ) ;
read_files_to_process() ;
write_makefile_swig_deps() ;
# Remove SWIG: (NO) files, but not before they're written to the dependency file.
# If SWIG: (NO) is removed, Makefile_swig needs to be regenerated.
purge_swig_no_files() ;
write_makefile_swig() ;