mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 15:56:41 +00:00
* Updates SIM_stl to include checkpoint writing and checkpoint restore, as well as adding more data structures to test * Thoroughly tests supported STL types with MM_stl_checkpoint and MM_stl_restore * Adds an option to enable or disable STL restore in accessible interfaces and changes default to true * Updates documentation on STL checkpointing to clearly state limitations and known bugs
405 lines
12 KiB
405 lines
12 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "trick/CheckPointRestart.hh"
#include "trick/MemoryManager.hh"
#include "trick/SimObject.hh"
#include "trick/Executive.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/command_line_protos.h"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_type.h"
#include "trick/TrickConstant.hh"
Trick::CheckPointRestart * the_cpr ;
Trick::CheckPointRestart::CheckPointRestart() {
int num_classes = 0 ;
pre_init_checkpoint = false ;
post_init_checkpoint = false ;
end_checkpoint = false ;
safestore_enabled = false ;
cpu_num = -1 ;
safestore_time = TRICK_MAX_LONG_LONG ;
load_checkpoint_file_name.clear() ;
write_checkpoint_job = NULL ;
safestore_checkpoint_job = NULL ;
class_map["checkpoint"] = num_classes ;
class_to_queue[num_classes++] = &checkpoint_queue ;
class_map["post_checkpoint"] = num_classes ;
class_to_queue[num_classes++] = &post_checkpoint_queue ;
class_map["preload_checkpoint"] = num_classes ;
class_to_queue[num_classes++] = &preload_checkpoint_queue ;
class_map["restart"] = num_classes ;
class_to_queue[num_classes++] = &restart_queue ;
the_cpr = this ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::set_pre_init_checkpoint(bool yes_no) {
pre_init_checkpoint = yes_no ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::set_post_init_checkpoint(bool yes_no) {
post_init_checkpoint = yes_no ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::set_end_checkpoint(bool yes_no) {
end_checkpoint = yes_no ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::set_safestore_enabled(bool yes_no) {
safestore_enabled = yes_no ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::set_cpu_num(int in_cpu_num) {
if ( in_cpu_num <= 0 ) {
cpu_num = -1 ;
} else {
cpu_num = in_cpu_num ;
return(0) ;
const char * Trick::CheckPointRestart::get_output_file() {
return output_file.c_str() ;
const char * Trick::CheckPointRestart::get_load_file() {
return load_checkpoint_file_name.c_str() ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::find_write_checkpoint_jobs(std::string sim_object_name) {
write_checkpoint_job = exec_get_job(std::string(sim_object_name + ".write_checkpoint").c_str()) ;
if ( write_checkpoint_job == NULL ) {
exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "CheckPointRestart could not find write_checkpoint job" ) ;
} else {
write_checkpoint_job->next_tics = TRICK_MAX_LONG_LONG ;
safestore_checkpoint_job = exec_get_job(std::string(sim_object_name + ".safestore_checkpoint").c_str()) ;
if ( safestore_checkpoint_job == NULL ) {
exec_terminate_with_return(-1 , __FILE__ , __LINE__ , "CheckPointRestart could not find safestore_checkpoint job" ) ;
} else {
safestore_checkpoint_job->next_tics = TRICK_MAX_LONG_LONG ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::checkpoint(double in_time) {
long long curr_time = exec_get_time_tics() ;
long long new_time ;
new_time = (long long)(in_time * exec_get_time_tic_value()) ;
if (new_time >= curr_time ) {
checkpoint_times.push(new_time) ;
if ( new_time < write_checkpoint_job->next_tics ) {
write_checkpoint_job->next_tics = new_time ;
//std::cout << "\033[33mSET CHECKPOINT TIME " << in_time << " " << new_time << "\033[0m" << std::endl ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Checkpoint time specified in the past. specified %f, current_time %f\n",
in_time , exec_get_sim_time()) ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::set_safestore_time(double in_time) {
long long software_frame_tics ;
safestore_period = (long long)(in_time * exec_get_time_tic_value()) ;
software_frame_tics = exec_get_software_frame_tics() ;
if ( safestore_period % software_frame_tics ) {
safestore_period = ((safestore_time / software_frame_tics) + 1 ) * software_frame_tics ;
safestore_time = safestore_period ;
if ( safestore_checkpoint_job != NULL ) {
safestore_checkpoint_job->next_tics = safestore_time ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::checkpoint(std::string file_name, bool print_status, std::string obj_list_str ) {
// first, empty the sim obj list to make sure there is nothing left from last time
if (obj_list_str.compare("")) {
const char * tok = strtok((char*)obj_list_str.c_str(), ",");
while (tok != NULL) {
tok = strtok(NULL, ",");
do_checkpoint(file_name, print_status) ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::do_checkpoint(std::string file_name, bool print_status) {
JobData * curr_job ;
pid_t pid;
if ( ! file_name.compare("") ) {
std::stringstream file_name_stream ;
file_name_stream << "chkpnt_" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << exec_get_sim_time() ;
file_name = file_name_stream.str() ;
output_file = std::string(command_line_args_get_output_dir()) + "/" + file_name ;
checkpoint_queue.reset_curr_index() ;
while ( (curr_job = checkpoint_queue.get_next_job()) != NULL ) {
curr_job->parent_object->call_function(curr_job) ;
if ( cpu_num != -1 ) {
// if the user specified a cpu number for the checkpoint, fork a process to write the checkpoint
if ((pid = fork()) == 0) {
#if __linux
if ( cpu_num >= 0 ) {
unsigned long mask;
mask = 1 << cpu_num ;
syscall((long) __NR_sched_setaffinity, 0, sizeof(mask), &mask);
#if __APPLE__
if ( cpu_num >= 0 ) {
if (obj_list.empty()) {
trick_MM->write_checkpoint(output_file.c_str()) ;
} else {
trick_MM->write_checkpoint(output_file.c_str(), obj_list);
_Exit(0) ;
else {
// no fork
if (obj_list.empty()) {
trick_MM->write_checkpoint(output_file.c_str()) ;
} else {
trick_MM->write_checkpoint(output_file.c_str(), obj_list);
post_checkpoint_queue.reset_curr_index() ;
while ( (curr_job = post_checkpoint_queue.get_next_job()) != NULL ) {
curr_job->parent_object->call_function(curr_job) ;
if ( print_status ) {
message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Dumped ASCII Checkpoint %s.\n", file_name.c_str()) ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::write_checkpoint() {
long long curr_time = exec_get_time_tics() ;
// checkpoint time is set in a read event that occurs at top of frame
if ( curr_time == checkpoint_times.top() ) {
// remove all times at the top of the queue that match the current time.
while ( !checkpoint_times.empty() and (checkpoint_times.top() == curr_time) ) {
checkpoint_times.pop() ;
if ( !checkpoint_times.empty() ) {
write_checkpoint_job->next_tics = checkpoint_times.top() ;
} else {
write_checkpoint_job->next_tics = TRICK_MAX_LONG_LONG ;
double sim_time = exec_get_sim_time() ;
std::stringstream chk_name_stream ;
chk_name_stream << "chkpnt_" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(6) << sim_time ;
checkpoint( chk_name_stream.str() );
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::write_pre_init_checkpoint() {
if ( pre_init_checkpoint ) {
checkpoint(std::string("chkpnt_pre_init")) ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::write_post_init_checkpoint() {
if ( post_init_checkpoint ) {
checkpoint(std::string("chkpnt_post_init")) ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::write_end_checkpoint() {
if ( end_checkpoint ) {
checkpoint(std::string("chkpnt_end")) ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::safestore_checkpoint() {
if ( safestore_enabled) {
checkpoint(std::string("chkpnt_safestore"), false) ;
safestore_time += safestore_period ;
if ( safestore_checkpoint_job != NULL ) {
safestore_checkpoint_job->next_tics = safestore_time ;
return(0) ;
void Trick::CheckPointRestart::load_checkpoint(std::string file_name) {
load_checkpoint_file_name = file_name ;
void Trick::CheckPointRestart::load_checkpoint(std::string file_name, bool stls_on) {
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::load_checkpoint_job() {
JobData * curr_job ;
struct stat temp_buf ;
if ( ! load_checkpoint_file_name.empty() ) {
if ( stat( load_checkpoint_file_name.c_str() , &temp_buf) == 0 ) {
preload_checkpoint_queue.reset_curr_index() ;
while ( (curr_job = preload_checkpoint_queue.get_next_job()) != NULL ) {
curr_job->call() ;
// clear the queues! They will be rebuilt when the executive calls its restart job.
checkpoint_queue.clear() ;
post_checkpoint_queue.clear() ;
preload_checkpoint_queue.clear() ;
restart_queue.clear() ;
message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Load checkpoint file %s.\n", load_checkpoint_file_name.c_str()) ;
trick_MM->init_from_checkpoint(load_checkpoint_file_name.c_str()) ;
message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Finished loading checkpoint file. Calling restart jobs.\n") ;
// bootstrap the sim_objects back into the executive!
// TODO: MAKE AN exec_restart() CALL THAT DOES NOT REQUIRE WE USE the_exec.
the_exec->restart() ;
// the restart queue will be rebuilt by the executive.
restart_queue.reset_curr_index() ;
while ( (curr_job = restart_queue.get_next_job()) != NULL ) {
curr_job->call() ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_INFO, "Could not find checkpoint file %s.\n", load_checkpoint_file_name.c_str()) ;
load_checkpoint_file_name.clear() ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::write_s_job_execution(FILE *fp) {
if ( fp == NULL ) {
return(0) ;
fprintf(fp, "\n===================================================================================================\n") ;
fprintf(fp, "CheckPointRestart :\n\n") ;
checkpoint_queue.write_non_sched_queue(fp) ;
post_checkpoint_queue.write_non_sched_queue(fp) ;
preload_checkpoint_queue.write_non_sched_queue(fp) ;
restart_queue.write_non_sched_queue(fp) ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::instrument_job_before( Trick::JobData * instrument_job ) {
int count = 0 ;
/** @par Detailed Design: */
/** @li if target_job specified, instrument job will only be inserted before it
note: when more than one target job with same name, this will insert instrument job for 1st occurrence of target_job in each queue
count += checkpoint_queue.instrument_before(instrument_job) ;
count += preload_checkpoint_queue.instrument_before(instrument_job) ;
count += restart_queue.instrument_before(instrument_job) ;
/** @li Return how many insertions were done. */
return(count) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::instrument_job_after( Trick::JobData * instrument_job ) {
int count = 0 ;
/** @par Detailed Design */
// if target_job specified, instrument job will only be inserted after it
// note: when more than one target job with same name, this will insert instrument job for 1st occurrence of target_job in each queue
count += checkpoint_queue.instrument_after(instrument_job) ;
count += preload_checkpoint_queue.instrument_after(instrument_job) ;
count += restart_queue.instrument_after(instrument_job) ;
/** @li Return how many insertions were done. */
return(count) ;
int Trick::CheckPointRestart::instrument_job_remove(std::string in_job) {
checkpoint_queue.instrument_remove(in_job) ;
preload_checkpoint_queue.instrument_remove(in_job) ;
restart_queue.instrument_remove(in_job) ;
return(0) ;