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synced 2025-03-03 12:24:16 +00:00
Makes it easier to edit the files. So if we press 'end of line' we are really at the end of line.
636 lines
22 KiB
636 lines
22 KiB
PURPOSE: ( Python input processor event capability )
REFERENCE: ( Trick Simulation Environment )
CLASS: ( N/A )
PROGRAMMERS: ( Alex Lin NASA 2009 )
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "trick/IPPythonEvent.hh"
#include "trick/IPPython.hh"
#include "trick/MemoryManager.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_type.h"
#include "trick/memorymanager_c_intf.h"
#include "trick/exec_proto.hh"
/* Global singleton pointer to the memory manager */
//TODO Use external MM interface
extern Trick::MemoryManager * trick_MM ;
/* static variables in the IPPythonEvent class */
Trick::IPPython * Trick::IPPythonEvent::ip ;
Trick::MTV * Trick::IPPythonEvent::mtv ;
bool Trick::IPPythonEvent::info_msg = false ;
Trick::condition_t::condition_t() {
enabled = 0 ;
hold = 0 ;
fired = 0 ;
fired_count = 0 ;
fired_time = -1.0 ;
ref = NULL ;
job = NULL ;
Trick::action_t::action_t() {
enabled = 0 ;
ran = 0 ;
ran_count = 0 ;
ran_time = -1.0 ;
job = NULL ;
act_type = 0 ;
Trick::IPPythonEvent::IPPythonEvent() {
is_user_event = true ;
manual = false ;
manual_fired = false ;
condition_count = 0 ;
cond_all = false ;
action_count = 0 ;
fired_count = 0 ;
fired_time = -1.0 ;
ran_count = 0 ;
ran_time = -1.0 ;
fired = false ;
hold = false ;
ran = false ;
act = NULL;
cond = NULL;
Trick::IPPythonEvent::~IPPythonEvent() {
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::set_python_processor(Trick::IPPython * in_ip) {
ip = in_ip ;
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::set_mtv(Trick::MTV * in_mtv) {
mtv = in_mtv ;
//Command to make event evaluation require that ALL of event's conditions be true to make action(s) run.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_all() {
cond_all = true ;
//Command to make event evaluation require that ANY of event's conditions be true to make action(s) run (default).
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_any() {
cond_all = false ;
//Command to manually fire the event next cycle and hold it fired (enter manual mode, bypasses normal condition processing).
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::manual_on() {
manual = true ;
manual_fired = true ;
hold = true ;
fired = false ;
//Command to manually fire the event once NOW (enter manual mode, bypasses normal condition processing).
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::manual_fire() {
manual = true ;
manual_fired = true ;
hold = false ;
fired = false ;
process_user_event(exec_get_time_tics()) ;
//Command to manually set the event as not fired (enter manual mode, bypasses normal condition processing).
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::manual_off() {
manual = true ;
manual_fired = false ;
hold = false ;
fired = false ;
//Command to return to normal event processing (needed to end manual mode after any manual commands).
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::manual_done() {
manual = false ;
manual_fired = false ;
hold = false ;
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::add() {
added = true ;
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::remove() {
added = false ;
// Command to turn on info messages
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::set_event_info_msg_on() {
info_msg = true;
// Command to turn off info messages
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::set_event_info_msg_off() {
info_msg = false;
void Trick::IPPythonEvent::restart() {
int jj ;
for (jj=0; jj<condition_count; jj++) {
if (cond[jj].cond_type==1) { // condition variable
cond[jj].ref = ref_attributes((char*)cond[jj].str.c_str());
if (cond[jj].cond_type==2) { // condition job
cond[jj].job = exec_get_job(cond[jj].str.c_str(),1);
for (jj=0; jj<action_count; jj++) {
if (act[jj].act_type!=0) { // action job
act[jj].job = exec_get_job(act[jj].str.c_str(),1);
//Command to create a new condition using a model variable (or reset an existing condition variable), num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_var(int num, std::string varname, std::string comment) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
/** @li Find the variable reference for the varname string and pass it to condition() */
REF2* ref = ref_attributes((char*)varname.c_str());
/** @li Emit an error if specified varname does not exist. */
if (ref==NULL) {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition variable %s not found. Setting condition to False.\n", varname.c_str()) ;
condition(num, "False", comment, NULL, NULL );
} else {
condition(num, varname, comment, ref, NULL );
//Command to create a new condition using a model job (or reset an existing condition job), num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_job(int num, std::string jobname, std::string comment) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
/** @li Find the job for the jobname string and pass it to condition() */
JobData *job = exec_get_job(jobname.c_str(),1);
/** @li Emit an error if specified jobname does not exist. */
if (job==NULL) {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition job %s not found. Setting condition to False.\n", jobname.c_str()) ;
condition(num, "False", comment, NULL, NULL );
} else {
if (! job->job_class_name.compare("malfunction")) {
// enable it if it's a malf job because they are not in any queue
job->disabled = false;
condition(num, jobname, comment, NULL, job );
//Command to create a new condition and set its input string (or reset an existing condition string), num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition(int num, std::string str, std::string comment, REF2* ref, JobData* job) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
if (num == condition_count) {
/** @li Add a new condition when num is sequential, i.e. it is equal to condition_count */
if (condition_count == 1) {
cond = (Trick::condition_t *)TMM_declare_var_s("Trick::condition_t[1]");
} else {
cond = (Trick::condition_t *)TMM_resize_array_1d_a(cond, condition_count);
cond[num].fired_count = 0;
cond[num].fired_time = -1.0;
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
/** @li This is either a new condition or user is changing the condition. */
/** @li Initialize condition variables - default as enabled. */
cond[num].ref = ref ;
cond[num].job = job ;
cond[num].enabled = true;
cond[num].hold = false;
cond[num].fired = false;
if (ref != NULL) {
cond[num].cond_type = 1;
} else if (job != NULL) {
cond[num].cond_type = 2;
} else cond[num].cond_type = 0;
cond[num].str = str;
// comment is for display in mtv, if not supplied create a comment containing up to 50 characters of cond string
if (comment.empty()) {
cond[num].comment = str.substr(0,50);
} else {
cond[num].comment = comment;
// dummy must contain max conditions used in any event so it can replace any event in mtv when deleted
#if 0
if (num == ip->dummy_event.condition_count) {
ip->dummy_event.condition(num, "XXX_DELETED_COND");
} else {
/** @li Emit an error if specified index num is not sequential. */
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition not added: condition number %d is not sequential.\n", num) ;
//Command to set an existing condition to hold, so that when it fires it stays in the fired state.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_hold_on(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
cond[num].hold = true ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition hold not set. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Command to set an existing condition to not hold its fired state.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_hold_off(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
cond[num].hold = false ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition hold not set. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Command to enable an existing condition (default is enabled) so that it is evaluated during event processing.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_enable(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
cond[num].enabled = true ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition not enabled. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Command to disable an existing condition so that it is not evaluated during event processing.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_disable(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
cond[num].enabled = false ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition not disabled. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Accessor function to test if the condition, indicated by num, fired (is currently in the fired state).
bool Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_fired(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
return (cond[num].fired ? true : false) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition fired state not returned. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Accessor function to see how many times the condition, indicated by num, fired.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_fired_count(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
return (cond[num].fired_count) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition fired count not returned. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
return(0) ;
//Accessor function to see when was the last time the condition, indicated by num, fired.
double Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_fired_time(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
return (cond[num].fired_time) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition fired time not returned. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
return(0.0) ;
//Accessor function to return the condition string, indicated by num.
std::string Trick::IPPythonEvent::condition_string(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < condition_count)) {
return (cond[num].str) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event condition string not returned. Condition number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
return "" ;
//Command to create a new action using a model job (or reset an existing action job), num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_job(int num, std::string jobname, std::string comment) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
/** @li Find the job for the jobname string and pass it to action() */
JobData *job = exec_get_job(jobname.c_str(),1);
/** @li Emit an error if specified jobname does not exist. */
if (job==NULL) {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action job %s not found. No action was added.\n", jobname.c_str()) ;
} else {
if (! job->job_class_name.compare("malfunction")) {
// enable it if it's a malf job because they are not in any queue
job->disabled = false;
action(num, jobname, comment, job, 3 );
//Command to create a new action to turn a model job ON, num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_job_on(int num, std::string jobname, std::string comment) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
/** @li Find the job for the jobname string and pass it to action() */
JobData *job = exec_get_job(jobname.c_str(),1);
/** @li Emit an error if specified jobname does not exist. */
if (job==NULL) {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action job %s not found. No action was added.\n", jobname.c_str()) ;
} else {
action(num, jobname, comment, job, 1 );
//Command to create a new action to turn a model job OFF, num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_job_off(int num, std::string jobname, std::string comment) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
/** @li Find the job for the jobname string and pass it to action() */
JobData *job = exec_get_job(jobname.c_str(),1);
/** @li Emit an error if specified jobname does not exist. */
if (job==NULL) {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action job %s not found. No action was added.\n", jobname.c_str()) ;
} else {
action(num, jobname, comment, job, 2 );
//Command to create a new action and set its input string (or reset an existing action string), num is index starting at 0.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action(int num, std::string str, std::string comment, JobData *job, int act_type) {
/** @par Detailed Design: */
if (num == action_count) {
/** @li Add a new action when num is sequential, i.e. it is equal to action_count */
if (action_count == 1) {
act = (Trick::action_t *)TMM_declare_var_s("Trick::action_t[1]");
} else {
act = (Trick::action_t *)TMM_resize_array_1d_a(act, action_count);
act[num].ran_count = 0;
act[num].ran_time = -1.0;
if ((num >=0) && (num < action_count)) {
/** @li This is either a new action or user is changing the action. */
/** @li Initialize action variables - default as enabled. */
act[num].job = job ;
act[num].act_type = act_type ;
act[num].enabled = true;
act[num].ran = false;
act[num].str = str;
// comment is for display in mtv, if not supplied create a comment containing up to 50 characters of act string
if (comment.empty()) {
act[num].comment = str.substr(0,50);
} else {
act[num].comment = comment;
// dummy must contain max actions used in any event so it can replace any event in mtv when deleted
#if 0
if (num == ip->dummy_event.action_count) {
ip->dummy_event.action(num, "XXX_DELETED_ACT");
} else {
/** @li Emit an error if specified index num is not sequential. */
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action not added: action number %d is not sequential.\n", num) ;
//Command to enable an existing action (default is enabled) so that it is run when fired during event processing.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_enable(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < action_count)) {
act[num].enabled = true ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action not enabled. Action number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Command to disable an existing action so that it is not run when fired during event processing.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_disable(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < action_count)) {
act[num].enabled = false ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action not disabled. Action number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Accessor function to test if the action, indicated by num, ran.
bool Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_ran(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < action_count)) {
return (act[num].ran ? true : false) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action ran state not returned. Action number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
//Accessor function to see how many times the action, indicated by num, ran.
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_ran_count(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < action_count)) {
return (act[num].ran_count) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action ran count not returned. Action number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
return(0) ;
//Accessor function to see when was the last time the action, indicated by num, ran.
double Trick::IPPythonEvent::action_ran_time(int num) {
if ((num >=0) && (num < action_count)) {
return (act[num].ran_time) ;
} else {
message_publish(MSG_WARNING, "Event action ran time not returned. Action number %d is invalid.\n", num) ;
return(0.0) ;
int Trick::IPPythonEvent::process( long long curr_time ) {
if ( active || manual_fired ) {
/** @li If it's a user's input event, process it by calling Trick::IPPython::process_triggers. */
if ( is_user_event ) {
// it's an input file event
process_user_event(curr_time) ;
/** @li Otherwise if it's a trick event (like a read), process it. */
} else {
// it's a read event
active = false ;
ip->parse(act[0].str) ;
// keep stats so mtv will show when it ran
fired_count++ ;
fired_time = curr_time ;
ran = true ;
ran_count++ ;
ran_time = curr_time ;
act[0].ran = true ;
act[0].ran_count++ ;
act[0].ran_time = curr_time ;
return 0 ;
bool Trick::IPPythonEvent::process_user_event( long long curr_time ) {
int ii ;
int return_val ;
bool it_fired, it_ran;
fired = false ;
ran = false ;
/** @li No need to evaluate any conditions if in manual mode. */
if (! manual) {
hold = false ;
/** @li Loop thru all conditions. */
for (ii=0; ii<condition_count; ii++) {
/** @li Skip condition if it's been disabled. */
if (! cond[ii].enabled ) {
cond[ii].fired = false ;
continue ;
/** @li No need to evaluate condition if previously fired and hold is on. */
if (cond[ii].hold && cond[ii].fired) {
} else {
/** @li Evaluate the condition and set its fired state. */
cond[ii].fired = false ;
return_val = 0 ;
if (cond[ii].ref != NULL) {
// if it's a variable, get it as a boolean
if ( cond[ii].ref->pointer_present ) {
cond[ii].ref->address = follow_address_path(cond[ii].ref) ;
if ( cond[ii].ref->address != NULL ) {
return_val = *(bool *)cond[ii].ref->address ;
} else if (cond[ii].job != NULL) {
// if it's a job, get its return value
bool save_disabled_state = cond[ii].job->disabled;
cond[ii].job->disabled = false;
return_val = cond[ii].job->call();
cond[ii].job->disabled = save_disabled_state;
} else {
// otherwise use python to evaluate string
std::string full_in_string ;
ip->parse_condition(cond[ii].str, return_val) ;
if (return_val) {
//TODO: write to log/send_hs that trigger fired
cond[ii].fired = true ;
cond[ii].fired_count++ ;
cond[ii].fired_time = curr_time ;
} // end evaluate condition
/** @li If cond_all is true, only set event fired/hold after all enabled conditions evaluated. */
if (ii==0) {
fired = cond[ii].fired ;
hold = cond[ii].hold ;
} else {
if (cond_all) {
fired &= cond[ii].fired ;
hold &= cond[ii].hold ;
} else {
fired |= cond[ii].fired ;
hold |= cond[ii].hold ;
} //end condition loop
it_fired = manual_fired || fired ;
/** @li Set the event's fired state...cond_all: if all conditions fired , otherwise if any condition fired. */
if (it_fired) {
fired_count++ ;
fired_time = curr_time ;
if (info_msg) {
message_publish( MSG_INFO , "%12.6f Event %s fired.\n" , exec_get_sim_time() , name.c_str()) ;
if (!manual_fired) {
active = false ;
/** @li If the user specified any actions, run them here if a condition fired or manually fired. */
it_ran = false ;
if (it_fired && (action_count > 0)) {
/** @li Loop thru all actions. */
for (ii=0; ii<action_count; ii++) {
/** @li No need to run action if it's been disabled. */
if (! act[ii].enabled ) {
act[ii].ran = false ;
continue ;
/** @li Run the action and set its ran state. */
if (act[ii].job != NULL) {
// if it's a job, do what the action type tells you
switch (act[ii].act_type) {
case 0 : // python, should not get here
case 1 : // On
act[ii].job->disabled = false;
case 2 : // Off
act[ii].job->disabled = true;
case 3 : // Call
bool save_disabled_state = act[ii].job->disabled;
act[ii].job->disabled = false;
act[ii].job->disabled = save_disabled_state;
} else {
// otherwise use python to evaluate string
ip->parse(act[ii].str) ;
it_ran = true ;
act[ii].ran = true ;
act[ii].ran_count++ ;
act[ii].ran_time = curr_time ;
ran = true ;
/** @li Leave event fired state on if hold is on. */
manual_fired &= hold ;
fired &= hold ;
/** @li Set the event's ran state if any actions were run. */
if (it_ran) {
ran_count++ ;
ran_time = curr_time ;
/** @li Return true if the event fired. */
return(it_fired) ;