ddj116 9099792947
Integrate MonteCarloGenerate capability from EG CML and associated TrickOps enhancements ()
* Provide MonteCarloGenerate capability

Intermediate commit, this squash represents all of Isaac Reaves' work
during his Fall 2022 Pathways internship tour

[skip ci]

* TrickOps: Add phase, [min-max] range, and overhaul YAML verification

* Add new "phase:" mechanism to TrickOps Runs and Builds to support
  project-specific constraints on build and run ordering
  - phase defaults to zero if not specified and must be between -1000
    and 1000 if given.
  - jobs can now optionally be requested by their phase or phase range
  - See trickops/README.md for details
* Add [min-max] notation capability to run: entries and compare: entries
  - [min-max] ranges provide definition of a set of runs using a common
    numbering scheme in the YAML file, greatly reducing YAML file size
    for monte-carlo and other zero-padded run numbering use cases
  - See trickops/README.md for details
* YAML parsing changes
  - Overhaul the logic which verifies YAML files for the expected
    TrickOps format. This is now done in TrickWorkflowYamlVerifier and
    provides much more robust error checking than previous approach
  - .yaml_requirements.yml now provides the required types, ranges, and
    default values as applicable to expected entries in YAML files
  - valgrind: is now an sub-option to run: entries, not its own section
    Users should now list their runs normallly and define their flags in
    in that run's valgrind: subsection
  - parallel_safety is now a per-sim parameter and not global. Users
    should move their global config to the sim layer
  - self.config_errors is now a list of errors. Users should now
    check for empty list when using instead of True/False
* Robustify the get_koviz_report_jobs unit test to work whether koviz
  exists on PATH or not
* Adjust trickops.py to use the new phase and range features
   - Make it more configurable on the command-line via argparse
   - Move SIM_mc_generation tests into test_sims.yml

[skip ci]

* Code review and cleanup from PR 


* Adjust documentation to fit suggested symlinked approach. Also
  cleaned up duplicate images and old documentation.
* Moved the verification section out of markdown and into a PDF since it
  heavily leverages formatting not available in markdown.
* Clarify a couple points on the Darwin Trick install guide
* Update wiki to clarify that data recording strings is not supported

MCG Code:

* Replace MonteCarloVariableRandomNormal::is_near_equal with new
  Trick::dbl_is_near from trick team

MCG Testing:

* Reduce the set of SIM_mc_generation comparisons. After discussion
  the trick team, we are choosing to remove all comparisons to
  verif_data/ which contain random-generated numbers since
  these tests cannot pass across all supported trick platforms.
* Fix the wrong rule on exlcuding -Werror for Darwin builds
  of SIM_mc_generation
* Remove data recording of strings in SIM_mc_generation


* Replace build_command with build_args per discussion w/ Trick team
  Since we only support arguments to trick-CP, replace the build_command
  yaml entry with build_args
* Disable var server connection by default in SingleRun if TrickWorkflow.quiet
  is True
* Guard against multiple Job starts
* Remove SimulationJob inheritance layer since old monte-carlo wasn't
  and never will be supported by TrickOps
* Ignore IOError raise from variable_server that looks like "The remote
  endpoint has closed the connection". This appears to occur when
  SingleRun jobs attempt to connect to the var server for a sim that
  terminates very early

[skip ci]

* Adjust phasing of old/new MCG initialize functions

* Clarify failure message in generate_dispersions if new/old MC are both
* Adjust the phasing order of MCG intialize method to be before
  legacy MC initialized. Without this, monte-carlo dry run completes with
  success before the check in generate_dispersions() can run
* Add -Wno-stringop-truncation to S_override.mk for SIM_mc_generation
  since gcc 8+ warns about SWIG generated content in top.cpp

* Introduce MonteCarloGenerationHelper python class

This new class provides an easy-to-use interface for MCG sim-module

1. Run generation
2. Getting an sbatch array job suitable for SLURM
3. Getting a list of SingleRun() instances for generated runs, to be
   executed locally if desired


Co-authored-by: Dan Jordan <daniel.d.jordan@nasa.gov>
2023-03-06 09:25:50 -06:00

274 lines
11 KiB

/*******************************TRICK HEADER******************************
PURPOSE: ( Implementation of a file-lookup assignment
(((Gary Turner) (OSR) (October 2019) (Antares) (Initial)))
(((Isaac Reaves) (NASA) (November 2022) (Integration into Trick Core)))
#include <algorithm> // all_of
#include <sstream> // istringstream
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_type.h"
#include "trick/mc_variable_file.hh"
const std::string & var_name,
const std::string & filename_,
size_t column_number_,
size_t first_column_number_)
// make this a dependent of itself so that when it reads the data file, it
// populates its own "assignment" variable.
type = MonteCarloVariable::Prescribed;
Purpose:(Opens the file identified by filename as an ifstream)
// At this time, the list of dependencies has been finalized. We can sort
// this list by column number of each of the dependencies, in increasing
// order.
if (dependents.size() > 1) {
// Check that the specified first_column_number is no larger than the
// smallest column number:
MonteCarloVariableFile * first_var =dependents.front();
if (first_column_number > first_var->get_column_number()) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", Configuration Error\nIn configuring " +
"the file for variable " + first_var->get_variable_name().c_str() +
", it was identified that\nit was specified to draw data from column " +
std::to_string(first_var->get_column_number()) + ", but that the " +
"first\ncolumn was identified as having index " +
std::to_string(first_column_number) + ".\n";
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str());
exec_terminate_with_return(1, __FILE__, __LINE__, message.c_str());
// Now we can get to reading the file.
if (file.fail()) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", I/O error\nUnable to open file " +
filename.c_str() + " for reading.\nRequired for variable " +
variable_name.c_str() + ".\n";
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str());
exec_terminate_with_return(1, __FILE__, __LINE__, message.c_str());
// Sanity check -- make sure the file has at least 1 line of data:
std::string line;
do {
// if reached the end of the file, not found anything good. Fail out.
if (file.eof()) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + " Invalid data file\nData file " +
filename.c_str() + " contains no recognized lines of data\n" +
"Required for variable " + variable_name.c_str() + ".\n";
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str());
exec_terminate_with_return(1, __FILE__, __LINE__, message.c_str());
std::getline( file, line);
// keep looking if the line is empty, starts with a "#" character or
// "/" character or is completely whitespace.
} while (line.empty() ||
line.front() == '#' ||
line.front() == '/' ||
std::all_of( line.begin(), line.end(), isspace));
// Rewind the file
file.seekg(0, file.beg);
Purpose:(generates the command line that is to be embedded in the monte-input
file currently being generated.)
// if this instance is not dependent on another, need to read the file.
if (!is_dependent) {
process_line(); // provides "assignment"
Purpose:(Registers another MonteCarloVariableFile instance with this one,
allowing this instance to read the data for the other.)
MonteCarloVariableFile * new_var)
if (new_var == NULL) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", line " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", Invalid call\nAttempted to register " +
"a dependent identified with NULL pointer with \nthe " +
"MonteCarloVariableFile for variable " + variable_name.c_str() +
".\nThis is not a valid action.\nRegistration failed, exiting " +
"without action.\n";
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str());
if (new_var->has_dependents()) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", Invalid configuration\nError in " +
"attempting to make " + new_var->get_variable_name().c_str() +
" be dependent on " + variable_name.c_str() + ".\n" +
new_var->get_variable_name().c_str() + " cannot be marked as " +
"dependent when it has dependencies of its own.\nThe dependency " +
"hierarchy can only be one level deep.";
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str());
exec_terminate_with_return(1, __FILE__, __LINE__, message.c_str());
if (new_var->max_skip != max_skip) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", Invalid configuration\nIt is not " +
"permissible for two variables looking at the same file to\noperate " +
"under different line-selection criteria.\n" +
new_var->get_variable_name().c_str() + "\nwill be switched to the " +
"behavior of\n" + variable_name.c_str() + ",\nwhich " +
"as a setting for the maximum number of lines to skip of " +
std::to_string(max_skip) + "\n";
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, message.c_str());
new_var->is_dependent = true;
Purpose:(extract and process a line of data from the file, breaking it
into words and extracting the approriate word number.)
size_t skip_count = 0;
if (max_skip > 0) {
std::uniform_int_distribution<int> skip_distrib(0,max_skip);
skip_count = skip_distrib( rand_gen);
std::string line;
for (size_t ii = 0; ii <= skip_count; ++ii) {
// keep reading the next line until a "good" line is found
do {
// read the next line
std::getline( file, line);
// if reached the end of the file, clear the error flag and go back
// to the beginning.
if (file.eof()) {
file.seekg(0, file.beg);
// keep looking if the line is empty, starts with a "#" character or
// "/" character or is completely whitespace.
} while ( line.empty() ||
line.front() == '#' ||
line.front() == '/' ||
std::all_of( line.begin(), line.end(), isspace));
// A good line was found; return to the top of the for loop to see if
// we have skipped over enough good lines yet.
// Have the line containing the data. Need to assign some subset of the
// words in this line to a set of variables, knowing the column number for
// each variable.
// Capture the first word, and associate it with the user-specified
// column number of the first word.
std::istringstream word(line);
std::string scratch_assignment;
word >> scratch_assignment;
size_t current_column_number = first_column_number;
// Now for each dependent (including itself) find and assign the appropriate
// word
for (auto it = dependents.begin(); it != dependents.end(); ++it) {
// The dependents have already been sorted according to their column
// number, so the next column we need data from is the column number of
// this next variable.
size_t next_column_needed = (*it)->get_column_number();
// This next-needed column can be no earlier than
// the current column, but it could be the current column -- could be
// the first column, or we could have multiple variables collecting data
// from the same column. So check whether we need to advance the
// string-stream.
while (next_column_needed > current_column_number && word) {
// for as long as the next needed column is to the right of where we
// currently are, and there is another word to the right, extract
// the next word and advance the current column number.
word >> scratch_assignment;
// There are two ways to get past the while loop -- we ran out of
// words, or the current column number reached the target next-needed
// column number (including the case where it was already there).
// If we ran out of words before reaching a specified column, we have
// a problem
if (current_column_number < next_column_needed) {
std::string message =
std::string("File: ") + __FILE__ + ", Line: " +
std::to_string(__LINE__) + ", Malformed data file\nData file " +
"for variable " + variable_name.c_str() + " includes this line:\n" +
line.c_str() + "\nWhich has only " +
std::to_string(current_column_number-1) + " values.\nVariable " +
variable_name.c_str() + " uses the value from position " +
std::to_string(column_number) +
", which does not exist in this line\n";
exec_terminate_with_return(1, __FILE__, __LINE__, message.c_str());
// and if we found the desired column, send its value to the variable:
(*it)->assignment = scratch_assignment;
Purpose:(sorts the dependent list by column number
bool MonteCarloVariableFile::sort_by_col_num(
MonteCarloVariableFile * left,
MonteCarloVariableFile * right)
return left->get_column_number() < right->get_column_number();