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/* Listed requirements are under requirement Trick-153 ( */
/* Real-time control shall be able to use a system clock source */
#include <iostream>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <map>
#include "gtest/gtest.h"
#include "trick/GetTimeOfDayClock.hh"
#include "trick/JobData.hh"
//#include "trick/RequirementScribe.hh"
#define TIME_TOL 1e3
#define RATIO_TOL 1e-9
#define TICS_PER_SEC 1000000
// Stub for message_publish
extern "C" int message_publish(int level, const char * format_msg, ...) { (void)level; (void)format_msg; return 0; }
class GetTimeOfDayClockTest : public ::testing::Test {
Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock dClk;
//Trick::RequirementScribe req;
GetTimeOfDayClockTest() {}
~GetTimeOfDayClockTest() {}
virtual void SetUp() {}
virtual void TearDown() {}
} ;
/* Ensure clock initializes correctly */
TEST_F(GetTimeOfDayClockTest, Initialize) {
//"The system clock shall initialize with time equal to computer system time, reference time of 0, and all ratios set to 1.");
struct timeval res;
Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock * timclk = new Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock;
/* General expected clock initialization */
ASSERT_EQ(timclk->get_rt_clock_ratio() , 1.0);
ASSERT_EQ(timclk->sim_tic_ratio, 1.0);
ASSERT_EQ(timclk->ref_time_tics, 0);
/* Time of Day clock initialization tests */
EXPECT_STREQ(timclk->get_name() , "GetTimeOfDay - CLOCK_REALTIME");
gettimeofday(&res, NULL);
EXPECT_NEAR(timclk->wall_clock_time(), (res.tv_sec * 1000000LL + res.tv_usec), TIME_TOL);
TEST_F(GetTimeOfDayClockTest, ClockSimRatio) {
//"The system clock shall provide the ability to change the sim time-to-real time ratio.");
long long tim_curr;
double tic_ratio, tic_val;
Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock * timclk = new Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock;
tic_val = 100000;
tim_curr = timclk->wall_clock_time();
tic_ratio = (double) timclk->clock_time() / (double) tim_curr;
EXPECT_NEAR(tic_ratio, (double) tic_val / (double) TICS_PER_SEC, RATIO_TOL);
delete timclk;
TEST_F(GetTimeOfDayClockTest, ClockRTRatio) {
//"The system clock shall provide the ability to adjust the reference time ratio.");
long long tim_curr, tim_diff;
double tic_ratio;
int rt_ratio;
Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock * timclk = new Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock;
rt_ratio = 6.0;
ASSERT_EQ(timclk->sim_tic_ratio, 1);
tim_diff = timclk->wall_clock_time() - timclk->ref_time_tics;
EXPECT_NEAR(tim_diff, (long long) (timclk->wall_clock_time() / rt_ratio), TIME_TOL);
tim_curr = timclk->wall_clock_time();
tic_ratio = (double) timclk->clock_time() / (double) tim_curr;
EXPECT_NEAR(tic_ratio, rt_ratio, RATIO_TOL);
delete timclk;
TEST_F(GetTimeOfDayClockTest, ClockSpin) {
//"The system clock shall provide the ability to spin (wait) until a specified time is reached.");
long long tim_curr, spin_time;
Trick:: GetTimeOfDayClock * timclk = new Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock;
spin_time = 100000;
tim_curr = timclk->wall_clock_time();
dClk.clock_spin(tim_curr + spin_time);
// We know that the time difference must be at least as long as the spin_time.
// But that's all we know.
EXPECT_GE((timclk->wall_clock_time() - tim_curr), spin_time);
delete timclk;
/* Change and test reference times */
TEST_F(GetTimeOfDayClockTest, ReferenceTime) {
//"The system clock shall provide the ability to set a reference time.");
long long tic_adjust;
Trick:: GetTimeOfDayClock * timclk = new Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock;
tic_adjust = 50000;
EXPECT_NEAR(timclk->clock_time(), timclk->wall_clock_time() - tic_adjust, TIME_TOL);
EXPECT_EQ(timclk->ref_time_tics, tic_adjust + 2*tic_adjust);
delete timclk;
TEST_F(GetTimeOfDayClockTest, ClockSync) {
//"The system clock shall provide the ability to sync reference time to wall clock time");
double align_tics_mult;
int clock_unit;
Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock * timclk = new Trick::GetTimeOfDayClock;
align_tics_mult = 1.5;
clock_unit = int((TICS_PER_SEC * align_tics_mult) /
(timclk->rt_clock_ratio * timclk->sim_tic_ratio));
timclk->sync_to_wall_clock(align_tics_mult, TICS_PER_SEC);
EXPECT_EQ((timclk->ref_time_tics%clock_unit), 0);
delete timclk;