Derek Bankieris 7b0e84e58e Clean up duplication in makefiles
Normalize behavior of TRICK_VERBOSE_BUILD

Closes #746
2019-05-30 15:47:07 -05:00

397 lines
14 KiB
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use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/pm" ;
use strict ;
use File::Basename ;
use Cwd ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use trick_version ;
use get_lib_deps ;
use verbose_build ;
my %processed_files ;
my %non_lib_processed_files ;
my $any_deps_changed = 0 ;
sub exist_lib_deps(@) {
my (@files_to_process) = @_ ;
foreach my $l ( @files_to_process ) {
next if ( $l eq "" ) ;
next if ( $l =~ /^-|\.a$/ ) ;
next if ( ! -e $l ) ;
my ( $file, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($l, qr/\.[^.]*/) ;
my ($lib_dep_file_name) = "build$dir${file}${suffix}.lib_deps" ;
if ( ! -e $lib_dep_file_name ) {
$any_deps_changed =1 ;
print "NewDep $l\n" ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
sub read_lib_deps($@) {
my ($indent , @files_to_process) = @_ ;
foreach my $l ( @files_to_process ) {
next if ( $l eq "" ) ;
if ( ! exists $processed_files{$l} ) {
$processed_files{$l} = 1 ;
next if ( $l =~ /^-|\.a$/ ) ;
$non_lib_processed_files{$l} = 1 ;
my ( $file, $dir, $suffix) = fileparse($l, qr/\.[^.]*/) ;
my ($lib_dep_file_name) = "build$dir${file}${suffix}.lib_deps" ;
if ( -e $lib_dep_file_name ) {
open FH, "$lib_dep_file_name" or die 'cannot open $lib_dep_file_name' ;
my (@all_lines) = <FH> ;
close FH ;
chomp @all_lines ;
read_lib_deps($indent + 1 , @all_lines) ;
} else {
print "DepTracing " , " " x $indent, "$l\n" ;
if ( -e $l ) {
my $deps_changed ;
my @resolved_files ;
($deps_changed , @resolved_files) = write_lib_deps($l) ;
$any_deps_changed |= $deps_changed ;
read_lib_deps($indent + 1 , @resolved_files) ;
} elsif ( verbose_build() ) {
print "Skipping Previously processed file \"$l\"\n" ;
# Update any possibly out of date lib_dep files
if ( scalar @ARGV ) {
# Arguments are all files (headers and source) that are newer than the makefile.
# Keep track if any dependencies changed
for my $f ( @ARGV ) {
# Filter out Makefile_io_src_deps, Makefie_io_src, and S_source.hh from the argument list.
# These are dependencies in the makefile.
# S_source.hh will be passed in as a full path again if the file has changed.
next if ( $f eq "build/Makefile_src_deps" or $f eq "build/Makefile_io_src" or $f eq "S_source.hh") ;
my $deps_changed ;
my @resolved_files ;
print "DepTracing " , "$f\n" ;
($deps_changed , @resolved_files ) = write_lib_deps($f) ;
$any_deps_changed |= $deps_changed ;
} else {
# no arguments mean we are calling this for the first time. Always make makefile
$any_deps_changed = 1 ;
if ( ! -e "build/Makefile_src") {
$any_deps_changed = 1 ;
# Read in dependency tree starting at the roots. The dependency tree starts with all of the
# header files ICG processed and the lib deps listed in the S_define file.
open FILE, "build/ICG_processed" or die 'cannot open build/ICG_processed' ;
my (@top_file_names) = <FILE> ;
close FILE ;
open FILE, "build/ICG_no_found" or die 'cannot open build/ICG_no_found' ;
my (@ICG_no_file_names) = <FILE> ;
close FILE ;
push @top_file_names , @ICG_no_file_names ;
open FILE, "build/S_define.lib_deps" or die 'cannot open build/S_define.lib_deps' ;
my (@s_define_lib_deps) = <FILE> ;
close FILE ;
push @top_file_names , @s_define_lib_deps ;
chomp @top_file_names ;
# See if any depenendices lack a .lib_deps file. If it does we need to continue
$any_deps_changed |= exist_lib_deps(@top_file_names) ;
# if no dependencies have changed, "touch" Makefile_src and exit
if ( $any_deps_changed == 0 ) {
utime(undef, undef, "build/Makefile_src") ;
exit ;
# We are here if dependencies have changed or we're running for the first time.
# Read in all of the lib_dep files.
# read_lib_deps wil create lib_dep files that don't exist and read them in too.
read_lib_deps(0, @top_file_names) ;
#print map {"$_\n"} (sort keys %processed_files) ;
my ($n , $f , $k , $i , $m);
my @all_cfly_files ;
my @all_read_only_libs ;
my @all_compile_libs ;
my %files_by_dir ;
my @exclude_dirs ;
@exclude_dirs = split /:/ , "$ENV{TRICK_EXCLUDE}:$ENV{TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS}";
# See if there are any elements in the exclude_dirs array
if (scalar @exclude_dirs) {
@exclude_dirs = sort(@exclude_dirs );
# Error check - delete any element that is null
# (note: sort forced all blank names to front of array
@exclude_dirs = map { s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g ; $_ } @exclude_dirs ;
while ( scalar @exclude_dirs and not length @exclude_dirs[0] ) {
# Delete an element from the left side of an array (element zero)
shift @exclude_dirs ;
@exclude_dirs = map { (-e $_) ? abs_path($_) : $_ } @exclude_dirs ;
@all_cfly_files = keys %processed_files ;
@all_read_only_libs = sort (grep /^-/ , @all_cfly_files) ;
@all_compile_libs = grep /\.a$/ , @all_cfly_files ;
@all_compile_libs = sort (grep !/trick_source/ , @all_compile_libs) ;
@all_cfly_files = sort (grep !/^-|trick_source|a$/ , @all_cfly_files) ;
sub add_file($) {
my ($name, $path, $extension) = fileparse($_[0], qr/\.[^.]*/) ;
push @{$files_by_dir{$path}{$extension}} , $name ;
sub add_files_in_directory($) {
opendir THISDIR, "$_[0]" or die "Could not open $_[0]" ;
my @files = grep !/^\./ , readdir THISDIR ;
foreach ( @files ) {
add_file($_[0] . "/" . $_) ;
closedir THISDIR ;
# split off files by directory
foreach ( @all_cfly_files ) {
# get all of the files required by compiled libraries
# compile all files as normal files, we're not going to make a library anymore.
foreach ( @all_compile_libs ) {
my $path = abs_path(dirname($_));
add_files_in_directory($path) ;
$path .= "/src" ;
add_files_in_directory($path) if -e "$path" ;
# sort and weed out duplicate files
foreach my $directory ( keys %files_by_dir ) {
my %temp_hash ;
foreach my $extension ( keys %{$files_by_dir{$directory}} ) {
undef %temp_hash ;
@{$files_by_dir{$directory}{$extension}} = sort grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @{$files_by_dir{$directory}{$extension}} ;
foreach $k ( sort keys %files_by_dir ) {
foreach my $ie ( @exclude_dirs ) {
# if file location begins with $ie (an exclude dir)
if ( $k =~ /^\Q$ie/ ) {
delete $files_by_dir{$k} ;
print "excluding $k from build\n" ;
last ; # break out of loop
my $wd = abs_path(cwd()) ;
my $dt = localtime();
my ($trick_ver) = get_trick_version() ;
chomp $trick_ver ;
open MAKEFILE , ">build/Makefile_src" or return ;
# Makefile:
# This is a makefile for maintaining the
# '$wd'
# simulation directory. This makefile was automatically generated by trick-CP
# Creation:
# Author: Trick Configuration Processor - trick-CP Version $trick_ver
# Date: $dt
PRINT_COMPILE = \$(info \$(call COLOR,Compiling) \$<)
PRINT_EXE_LINK = \$(info \$(call COLOR,Linking) \$@)
PRINT_SIE = \$(info \$(call COLOR,Writing) \$@)
S_MAIN = S_main_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}.exe
ifeq (\$(MAKECMDGOALS), test)
TRICK_HOST_CPU := \$(shell \$(TRICK_HOME)/bin/trick-gte TRICK_HOST_CPU)_test
S_MAIN = T_main_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}.exe
# S_OBJECTS ====================================================================
S_OBJECTS = build/S_source.o
build/S_source.o: build/S_source.cpp | build/S_source.d
build/S_source.d: ;
-include build/S_source.d
# MODEL_OBJECTS ================================================================
" ;
# List out all of the object files and put the list in a file that we can pass to the linker.
# Passing all of them directly to the linker in the command line can exceed the line limit.
open MODEL_LINK_LIST, ">build/model_link_list" or die "Could not open build/model_link_list" ;
my %files_by_extension ;
foreach my $directory ( keys %files_by_dir ) {
foreach my $extension ( grep { /^\.(c|cc|C|cxx|cpp|c\+\+)$/ } keys %{$files_by_dir{$directory}} ) {
foreach my $file ( @{$files_by_dir{$directory}{$extension}} ) {
push @{$files_by_extension{$extension}} , "build$directory$file.o" ;
foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
print MAKEFILE "MODEL_OBJECTS${extension} :=" ;
foreach my $file ( @{$files_by_extension{$extension}} ) {
print MAKEFILE " \\\n $file" ;
print MODEL_LINK_LIST "$file\n" ;
print MAKEFILE "\n\n"
foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
print MAKEFILE " \${MODEL_OBJECTS$extension}" ;
# Write out the compile rules for each type of file.
print MAKEFILE "
# We use .SECONDEXPANSION here to allow us to use automatic vairiables in the prerequisite list
# in order to add to each target an order-only dependency on its directory.
# See
# and
foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
my $compiler = "TRICK_" . ($extension eq ".c" ? "CC" : "CPPC") ;
my $flags = $extension eq ".c" ? "C" : "CXX" ;
my $command = "\$($compiler) \$(TRICK_${flags}FLAGS) \$(TRICK_SYSTEM_${flags}FLAGS) -I\$(<D)/../include -MMD -MP -c -o \$\@ \$<" ;
print MAKEFILE "
\${MODEL_OBJECTS$extension} : build/%.o : /%$extension | build/%.d \$\$(dir \$\$\@)
\t\$(call ECHO_AND_LOG,$command)" ;
print MAKEFILE "
\$(sort \$(dir \$(MODEL_OBJECTS))):
\t\@mkdir -p \$\@
\$(MODEL_OBJECTS:.o=.d): ;
-include \$(MODEL_OBJECTS:.o=.d)
LINK_LISTS += \$(LD_FILELIST)build/model_link_list
" ;
# print out the libraries we link
print MAKEFILE "
# S_MAIN =======================================================================
foreach ( @all_read_only_libs ) {
print MAKEFILE " \\\n $_" ;
print MAKEFILE "
all: \$(S_MAIN) S_sie.resource
# SIE ==========================================================================
sie: S_sie.resource
S_sie.resource: \$(S_MAIN)
\t\$(call ECHO_AND_LOG,./\$(S_MAIN) sie)\n" ;
# write out the override files we have read in
open MAKEFILEOVER, ">build/Makefile_overrides" or die "Could not open build/Makefile_overrides" ;
foreach $k ( sort keys %files_by_dir ) {
# Look for makefile_overrides in the current directory.
# If no such file exists AND this directory is named "src", look for it one level up.
# Silly, but baggage we're stuck with.
my $makefile_overrides = "${k}makefile_overrides" ;
if (not -e $makefile_overrides and $k =~ /\/src\/$/) {
$makefile_overrides = dirname($k) . "/makefile_overrides" ;
if (open OV_FILE, $makefile_overrides) {
while ( <OV_FILE> ) {
s/(#.*)// ;
my ($comment) = $1 ;
s/\$[{(]CURDIR[})]\/(\S+)/$k\/$1/g ;
s/(?:\$[{(]CURDIR[})]\/)?(\S*)\$[{(]OBJ_DIR[})]/$k\/$1object_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}/g ;
s/\$[{(]CURDIR[})]/$k/g ;
while ( s,/[^/.]+/\.\.,, ) {}
s//$comment/ ;
if ( s/^objects\s*:\s*// ) {
foreach my $extension ( keys %files_by_extension ) {
foreach my $file (@{$files_by_dir{$k}{$extension}}) {
$files_by_dir{$k}{overrides} .= "build$k${file}.o \\\n" ;
$files_by_dir{$k}{overrides} .= ": $_"
elsif ( s/(.+)_objects\s*:\s*// ) {
if (scalar @{$files_by_dir{$k}{".$1"}}) {
foreach my $file (@{$files_by_dir{$k}{".$1"}}) {
$files_by_dir{$k}{overrides} .= "build$k$file.o \\\n" ;
$files_by_dir{$k}{overrides} .= ": $_"
else {
$files_by_dir{$k}{overrides} .= $_ ;
close OV_FILE ;
print MAKEFILEOVER "# Overrides from $makefile_overrides\n" ;
print MAKEFILEOVER "MAKEFILE_LIST += $makefile_overrides\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILEOVER "$files_by_dir{$k}{overrides}\n" ;
print MAKEFILEOVER "MAKEFILE_LIST := \$(filter-out $makefile_overrides,\$(MAKEFILE_LIST))\n\n" ;
# write out all of files we processed as dependencies to Makefile_src
open MAKEFILEDEPS, ">build/Makefile_src_deps" or die "Could not open build/Makefile_src_deps" ;
print MAKEFILEDEPS "build/Makefile_src:" ;
print MAKEFILEDEPS map {"\\\n $_"} (sort keys %non_lib_processed_files) ;
print MAKEFILEDEPS "\n\n" ;
print MAKEFILEDEPS map {"$_:\n"} (sort keys %non_lib_processed_files) ;
# write out all of the files we used to S_library_list
open LIB_LIST, ">build/S_library_list" or die "Could not open build/S_library_list" ;
print LIB_LIST map {"$_\n"} (sort keys %processed_files) ;
close LIB_LIST ;