Alex Lin 86007c70cd convert_swig mishandles struct templates #468
The new regular expression added a pair of parentheses without the "?:"
substring to ignore the match.  I added the "?:"
2017-08-21 14:07:31 -05:00

758 lines
26 KiB
Executable File
Raw Blame History

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use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use strict ;
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Pod::Text;
use Text::Balanced qw ( extract_bracketed );
use lib "$RealBin/pm" ;
use File::Basename ;
use Cwd 'abs_path' ;
use gte ;
use trick_version ;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex) ;
use File::Path qw(make_path) ;
use html ;
## ================================================================================
## Program: convert_swig
## The purpose of convert_swig is to create SWIG interface files for the given
## C/C++ header file (usually S_source.hh) and each of the header files that it
## (recursively) includes. SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is
## an interface compiler that connects programs written in C and C++ with scripting
## languagues such as Perl and Python.
my $usage="
convert_swig - Convert a C/C++ header file into a SWIG interface file.
SWIG (Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator) is an
interface compiler that connects programs written in C
and C++ with scripting languagues such as Perl and Python.
-h, --help
display this help and exit
-s, --stl
Allow convert_swig to process STLs
convert_swig <IN_FILES>
% convert_swig include/Ball.hh
% convert_swig S_source.hh
" ;
my $help = ''; # option variable with default value (false)
my $stls = 0; # option variable with default value (false)
my ( @include_dirs , @defines) ;
my @exclude_paths ;
my @swig_exclude_paths ;
my @ext_lib_paths ;
my %sim ;
my %out_of_date ;
my ($version, $thread, $year) ;
my %processed_templates ;
my $typedef_def = qr/typedef\s+ # the word typedef
(?:[_A-Za-z][\s\w]*\s*) # resolved type
(?:[_A-Za-z]\w*) # new type
\s*; # semicolon
/sx ;
my $typedef_enum_def = qr/typedef\s+enum\s* # the words typedef enum
(?:\s+[_A-Za-z]\w*)?\s* # optional name
{(?:\s*\d+\s*)* # opening brace and possible comments
(?:.*?}\s* # everything to closing brace
[\w,\s\*]*\s*;) # enum name and ;
/sx ;
my $typedef_const_struct = qr/typedef\s+const\s+(?:struct|union)\s* # the words typedef const struct|union
(?:\s+[_A-Za-z]\w*)?\s* # optional name
{ # opening brace
/sx ;
my $typedef_struct = qr/typedef\s+(?:struct|union)\s* # the words typedef struct|union
(?:\s+[_A-Za-z]\w*)?\s* # optional name
{ # opening brace
/sx ;
my $namespace_def = qr/namespace\s* # keyword namespace
(?:\s+[_A-Za-z]\w*) # class name
/sx ;
my $class_def = qr/(?:class|struct)\s* # keyword class or struct
(?:\s+[_A-Za-z]\w*)\s* # class name
(?:\{|:(?!\:)) # { or punctuator :
/sx ;
my $template_def = qr/template\s* # keyword template
<[^>]+>\s* # template parameters
(?:class|struct) # keyword class or struct
\s+[_A-Za-z]\w*\s* # class name
/sx ;
my $template_var_def = qr/(?:\:\:)?[_A-Za-z][:\w]*\s* # template name
<[\w\s\*,:<>]*>\s* # template parameters
[_A-Za-z]\w*\s*; # var name ;
/sx ;
# This list is the list of all STL types to ignore.
my %all_stl_names = qw(vector 1 list 1 deque 1 set 1 multiset 1 map 1 multimap 1 hash_set 1
hash_multiset 1 hash_map 1 hash_multimap 1 stack 1 queue 1 priority_queue 1 bitset 1 auto_ptr 1
std::vector 1 std::list 1 std::deque 1 std::set 1 std::multiset 1 std::map 1 std::multimap 1 std::hash_set 1
std::hash_multiset 1 std::hash_map 1 std::hash_multimap 1 std::stack 1 std::queue 1 std::priority_queue 1
std::bitset 1 std::auto_ptr 1 pair 1 std::pair 1 std::tr1::shared_ptr 1) ;
# This is a partial list of STL types to ignore. We do not ignore vector, map, list if we allow STLs
my %stl_names = qw(deque 1 set 1 multiset 1 multimap 1 hash_set 1
hash_multiset 1 hash_map 1 hash_multimap 1 stack 1 queue 1 priority_queue 1 bitset 1 auto_ptr 1
std::deque 1 std::set 1 std::multiset 1 std::multimap 1 std::hash_set 1
std::hash_multiset 1 std::hash_map 1 std::hash_multimap 1 std::stack 1 std::queue 1 std::priority_queue 1
std::bitset 1 std::auto_ptr 1 pair 1 std::pair 1 std::tr1::shared_ptr 1) ;
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
GetOptions ( "stl|s" => sub { $stls = 1 } ,
'help|h' => \$help ) or usage() ;
if ( $help ) {
usage() ;
($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ;
($year) = $version =~ /^(\d+)/ ;
@include_dirs = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /-I\s*(\S+)/g ; # get include paths from TRICK_CFLAGS
@exclude_paths = map abs_path($_), split /:/ , $ENV{"TRICK_EXCLUDE"} ;
@swig_exclude_paths = map abs_path($_), split /:/ , $ENV{"TRICK_SWIG_EXCLUDE"} ;
@ext_lib_paths = map abs_path($_), split /:/ , $ENV{"TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS"} ;
@defines = $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} =~ /(-D\S+)/g ; # get defines from TRICK_CFLAGS
if ( $ENV{"TRICK_CFLAGS"} !~ /DTRICK_VER=/ ) {
push @defines , "-DTRICK_VER=$year" ;
if ( scalar @ARGV == 0 ) {
my ($s_library_swig) = "build/S_library_swig" ;
open FILE_LIST, $s_library_swig or die "Could not open $s_library_swig" ;
while ( <FILE_LIST> ) {
chomp ;
my ($f) = $_ ;
my ($swig_dir , $base_file , $swig_file ) ;
$base_file = basename($f) ;
$base_file =~ s/\.[^\.]+$// ;
$swig_dir = dirname($f) ;
$swig_dir = "build/$swig_dir" ;
$swig_file = "$swig_dir/${base_file}_py.i" ;
#print "$swig_file\n" ;
$out_of_date{$f} = 1 ;
} else {
#print "HERE I AM @ARGV\n" ;
map { $out_of_date{$_} = 1 } @ARGV ;
## The global hash %out_of_date represents a list of header files whose
## corresponding .i files need to be regenerated.
if ( scalar keys %out_of_date == 0 ) {
exit ;
## Finally, call process_file() to create SWIG interface files for each of the out_of_date headers.
process_file() ;
## ================================================================================
## process_file
## Synopsis
## This subroutine processes S_source.h and each of it's requisite header files to
## generate the corresponding SWIG interfaces files.
## Parameters
## sim_ref
## The name of input file, invariably "S_source.hh".
sub process_file() {
## Foreach out_of_date header file, generate a SWIG interface file.
foreach my $f ( keys %out_of_date ) {
my @class_names ;
my ($raw_contents , $contents , $new_contents ) ;
my ($curr_dir) ;
next if ( $f =~ /^$ENV{TRICK_HOME}\/include/ ) ;
next if ( $f =~ /^$ENV{TRICK_HOME}\/trick_source/ ) ;
# clear the processed templates per each file
undef %processed_templates ;
## Read in the entire file contents into raw_contents.
open IN_FILE, $f ;
local $/ ;
$raw_contents = <IN_FILE> ;
# remove all comments, they can cause all kinds of trouble
# leave the line continuation character if present
$raw_contents =~ s/\/\/(?:.*?)(\\)?(\n)/$1\n/sg ;
$raw_contents =~ s/\/\*(?:.*?)\*\/(\s*\\\n)?/$1/sg ;
## The init_attr functions cause problems when we try and wrap them with SWIG.
## We can safely remove them from the header files.
## Remove the friend init_attr functions that appear in multiline define statements
$raw_contents =~ s/\\\n\s*friend\s+void\s+init_attr[^(]+\s*\(\s*\)(\s*);?/$1/sg ;
## Remove the friend init_attr functions outside of multiline define statements
$raw_contents =~ s/friend\s+void\s+init_attr[^(]+\s*\(\s*\)(\s*);?/$1/sg ;
#$raw_contents =~ s/friend\s+void\s+init_attr[^;]+;//sg ;
$raw_contents =~ s/__const/const/sg ;
## For each of the #includes in the out_of_date header file
## create a corresponding %import directive.
foreach (split /^/, $raw_contents) {
if ( /^\s*\#\s*include\s+([^\n]+)/ ) {
my $file_name = $1 ;
# strip trailing whitespace
$file_name =~ s/\s+$// ;
# ignore <> includes
if ( $file_name =~ /\</ ) {
next ;
# normalize trick includes
$file_name =~ s/"//g ;
if ( $file_name =~ /sim_services/ or $file_name =~ /trick_utils/ or $file_name =~ /trick\//) {
$contents .= "\%import \"trick/" . basename($file_name) . "\"\n" ;
next ;
# Convert relative paths to absolute paths
if ( $file_name !~ /^\// ) {
foreach my $i ( dirname($f) , @include_dirs ) {
my $candidate_path = "$i/$file_name" ;
if ( -e $candidate_path ) {
$file_name = $candidate_path ;
last ;
# Get the canonical path (resolve ., .., and symbolic links)
$file_name = abs_path($file_name) ;
# Skip excluded paths
foreach my $i ( @exclude_paths, @swig_exclude_paths ) {
if ( $file_name =~ /^\Q$i/ ) {
next outer ;
$file_name = "build" . $file_name ;
$file_name =~ s/\.[^\.]+?$/\_py.i/ ;
$contents .= "\%import \"$file_name\"\n" ;
} else {
$contents .= $_ ;
## Process the contents of the out_of_date header file to create the corresponding SWIG interface.
process_contents( \$contents , \$new_contents , "" , \@class_names ) ;
## Generate a module name and path for the SWIG interface file.
my $md5_sum = md5_hex($f) ;
my ($out_dir) = dirname($f) ;
$out_dir = "build$out_dir" ;
my $out_file ;
$out_file = basename($f) ;
$out_file =~ s/(\.h|\.H|\.hh|\.h\+\+|\.hxx|\.hpp)$/_py\.i/ ;
$out_file = "$out_dir/${out_file}" ;
if ( ! -e $out_dir ) {
make_path($out_dir) ;
## Open the SWIG interface file.
## In the SWIG interface file, write a %module directive that identifies the module.
## In the SWIG interface file, write a #include directive to include trick_swig interface utilities.
## In the SWIG interface file, write a #include directive to include the header
## file to which this interface file corresponds and from which it was derived.
## In the SWIG interface file, create a SWIG interface for each class declared in the corresponding header file using the
## %trick_swig_class_typemap() macro. This macro is defined in swig_class_typedef.i, included by trick_swig.i (see above).
## Write the SWIG interface code (processed header file) and the header file contents.
## Close the SWIG interface file.
open OUT, ">$out_file" ;
print OUT "\%module m$md5_sum\n\n" ;
print OUT "%include \"trick/swig/trick_swig.i\"\n\n" ;
print OUT "
\%insert(\"begin\") \%{
#include <Python.h>
#include <cstddef>
#include \"$f\"
\%}\n" ;
print OUT "\n" ;
my %class_typemap_printed ;
foreach my $c ( @class_names ) {
if ( ! exists $class_typemap_printed{$c} ) {
my $c_ = $c ;
$c_ =~ s/\:/_/g ;
print OUT "\%trick_swig_class_typemap($c, $c_)\n" ;
$class_typemap_printed{$c} = 1 ;
print OUT "\n$new_contents" ;
print OUT "$contents\n" ;
# Add a trick_cast_as macro line for each class parsed in the file. These lines must appear at the bottom of the
# file to ensure they are not in a namespace directive and they are after the #define statements they depend on.
undef %class_typemap_printed ;
foreach my $c ( @class_names ) {
if ( ! exists $class_typemap_printed{$c} ) {
my $c_ = $c ;
$c_ =~ s/\:/_/g ;
print OUT "#ifdef TRICK_SWIG_DEFINED_$c_\n" ;
print OUT "\%trick_cast_as($c, $c_)\n" ;
print OUT "#endif\n" ;
$class_typemap_printed{$c} = 1 ;
close OUT ;
print "Writing $out_file\n" ;
sub usage() {
print "$usage\n" ;
exit ;
## ================================================================================
## process_contents
## Synopsis
## Process header file contents for use in the corresponding SWIG interface file.
## Parameters
## contents_ref
## (IN) reference to header file contents that are to be converted to a SWIG interface.
## new_contents_ref
## (OUT) SWIG interface code, derived from the header file contents.
## curr_namespace
## (IN) current namespace.
## class_names_ref
## (OUT) reference to an array of class and/or struct names encountered when
## processing the header file contents.
## Function Dependencies
## process_typedef_struct()
## process_namespace()
## process_class()
sub process_contents($$$$) {
my ( $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref , $curr_namespace , $class_names_ref ) = @_ ;
while ( $$contents_ref =~ s/^(.*?)(?:($typedef_struct)|
($class_def))//sx ) {
my ( $non_var ) = $1 ;
my ( $typedef_struct_string ) = $2 ;
my ( $typedef_const_struct_string ) = $3 ;
my ( $template_string ) = $4 ;
my ( $namespace_string ) = $5 ;
my ( $class_string ) = $6 ;
## Handle the case of: non_var
if ( $non_var ne "" ) {
$$new_contents_ref .= $non_var ;
## Handle the case of: typedef_struct ==> typedef (struct | union ) <name> '{' ...
if ( $typedef_struct_string ne "" ) {
process_typedef_struct($typedef_struct_string , $contents_ref, $new_contents_ref, $class_names_ref) ;
## Handle the case of: typedef_struct ==> typedef const (struct | union ) <name> '{' ...
if ( $typedef_const_struct_string ne "" ) {
process_typedef_const_struct($typedef_const_struct_string , $contents_ref) ;
## Handle the case of: template_def ==> template '<' <template-parameters> '>' class <class-name> ...
## This is required so that templated classes do not match the plain class definition.
if ( $template_string ne "" ) {
$$new_contents_ref .= $template_string ;
process_template( $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref ) ;
## Handle the case of: namespace_def ==> namespace <name>
if ( $namespace_string ne "" ) {
process_namespace( $namespace_string , $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref , $curr_namespace ,
$class_names_ref ) ;
## Handle the case of: class_def ==> ( class | struct ) <class-name> ( '{' | ':' )
if ( $class_string ne "" ) {
process_class( $class_string , $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref , $curr_namespace ,
$class_names_ref ) ;
## ================================================================================
## process_template
## Synopsis
## Process template class definitions. We want to pass through the contents the template
## without processing. We use extract_bracketed to find the whole template definition
## and copy that into new_contents_ref.
## Parameters
## contents_ref
## (IN) This is a reference to the remainder of the header file (following the
## above string) to be processed.
## new_contents_ref
## (OUT) The SWIG code generated so far.
sub process_template($$) {
my ( $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref ) = @_ ;
my $extracted ;
if ( $$contents_ref =~ s/^(\s*;)//s ) {
$$new_contents_ref .= $1 ;
} else {
# grab all of the text including the opening bracket.
$$contents_ref =~ s/^(.*?\s*\{)//s ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $1 ;
# grab the rest of the template
($extracted, $$contents_ref) = extract_bracketed( "{" . $$contents_ref , "{}") ;
# remove added extra opening "brace"
$extracted =~ s/^\{// ;
$extracted =~ s/const\s+static/static const/g ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $extracted ;
## ================================================================================
## process_namespace
## Synopsis
## Process namespaces found in a header file for use in the corresponding SWIG
## interface file.
## Parameters
## namespace
## (IN) This is a string of the form: B<namespace> B<I<name>>, that was extracted
## from the header file contents. In the contents there should remain the bracketed
## content to which this namespace applies.
## contents_ref
## (IN) This is a reference to the remainder of the header file (following the
## above string) to be processed.
## new_contents_ref
## (OUT) The SWIG code generated so far.
## curr_namespace
## (IN) current namespace.
## class_names_ref
## (OUT) reference to an array of class and/or struct names encountered when
## processing the header file contents.
## Function Dependencies
## extract_bracketed()
## process_contents()
sub process_namespace($$$$$) {
my ( $namespace_string , $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref ,
$curr_namespace , $class_names_ref ) = @_ ;
my $extracted ;
my ($namespace_name) ;
# Get the name of this namespace and add it to the current namespace
$namespace_string =~ /namespace\s+([_A-Za-z]\w*)/sx ;
$namespace_name = $curr_namespace . "$1::" ;
#print "*** namespace_name = $namespace_name ***\n" ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $namespace_string ;
# Extract the contents of the namespace
($extracted, $$contents_ref) = extract_bracketed( $$contents_ref , "{}") ;
# Process the contents of the namespace
process_contents( \$extracted , $new_contents_ref , $namespace_name , $class_names_ref ) ;
# Append whatever wasn't matched in process contents to the new file.
$$new_contents_ref .= $extracted ;
## ================================================================================
## process_class
## Synopsis
## Process classes declarations found in a header file for use in the corresponding
## SWIG interface file.
## Parameters
## class_string
## (IN) This is a string of the form: ( class | struct ) <class-name> ( '{' | ':' )
## contents_ref
## (IN) This is a reference to the remainder of the header file (following the
## class_string) to be processed.
## new_contents_ref
## (OUT) The SWIG code generated so far.
## curr_namespace
## (IN) current namespace.
## class_names_ref
## (OUT) reference to an array of class and/or struct names encountered when
## processing the header file contents.
## <func-depend name="extract_bracketed">
sub process_class($$$$$) {
my ( $class_string , $contents_ref , $new_contents_ref , $curr_namespace ,
$class_names_ref ) = @_ ;
my $extracted ;
my ($class_name) ;
my $template_typedefs ;
## Extract the class_name from the class_string
$class_string =~ /^(?:class|struct)\s+ # keyword class or struct
([_A-Za-z]\w*) # class name
/sx or die "Internal error" ;
$class_name = $1 ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $class_string ;
if ( $class_string !~ /\{$/ ) {
$$contents_ref =~ s/^(.*?\s*\{)//s ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $1 ;
($extracted, $$contents_ref) = extract_bracketed( "{" . $$contents_ref , "{}") ;
# remove the trailing semicolon because we may append text to the class.
$$contents_ref =~ s/^\s*;//s ;
#remove added extra opening "brace"
$extracted =~ s/^\{// ;
#print "*** extracted = $extracted ***\n" ;
#print "*** contents = $$contents_ref ***\n" ;
# SWIG doesn't like "const static". Change it to "static const"
$extracted =~ s/const\s+static/static const/g ;
# templated variables need to be declared with the SWIG %template directive.
# This loop looks for any templated variables and creates the %template lines.
while ( $extracted =~ s/^(.*?)(?:($template_var_def))//sx ) {
my ( $non_var ) = $1 ;
my ( $template_var_def_str ) = $2 ;
if ( $non_var ne "" ) {
#print "*** non_var = $non_var ***\n" ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $non_var ;
if ( $template_var_def_str ne "" ) {
# if there is a whiff of const in the template we are punting.
if ( $template_var_def_str !~ /^const|[<,\s]const\s/ ) {
#print "*** template_var = $template_var_def_str ***\n" ;
$template_var_def_str =~ /(.*?)([_A-Za-z]\w*)\s*;/s ;
my ($template_full_type) = $1 ;
my ($var_name) = $2 ;
#print "*** var_name = $var_name ***\n" ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $template_var_def_str ;
$template_full_type =~ /([_A-Za-z][:\w]*)\s*</ ;
my ($template_type) = $1 ;
# ignore some STL types and types that involve std::wstring
if ( (( $stls and ! exists $stl_names{$template_type})
or ( !$stls and ! exists $all_stl_names{$template_type} ))
and $template_full_type !~ /(std::)?wstring/ ) {
my ($template_type_no_sp) = $template_full_type ;
$template_type_no_sp =~ s/\s//g ;
#print "*** template_type_no_sp = $template_type_no_sp ***\n" ;
if ( ! exists $processed_templates{$template_type_no_sp} ) {
$$new_contents_ref .= "\n#define TRICK_SWIG_TEMPLATE_$class_name${var_name}_template\n" ;
$template_typedefs .= "\n#ifdef TRICK_SWIG_TEMPLATE_$class_name${var_name}_template\n" ;
$template_typedefs .= "\%template ($class_name${var_name}_template) $template_full_type ;\n" ;
$template_typedefs .= "#undef TRICK_SWIG_TEMPLATE_$class_name${var_name}_template\n" ;
$template_typedefs .= "#endif\n" ;
$processed_templates{$template_type_no_sp} = 1 ;
#print "*** unprocessed extracted = $extracted ***\n" ;
push @$class_names_ref , "$curr_namespace$class_name" ;
# write the class contents and semicolon to ensure any template declarations below are after the semicolon.
$$new_contents_ref .= $extracted . ";\n" ;
# write out the templated variable declaration lines found in this class.
$$new_contents_ref .= $template_typedefs ;
my $c_ = "$curr_namespace$class_name" ;
$c_ =~ s/\:/_/g ;
# Add a #define line that signals that this class has been processed by swig. Classes excluded in #if 0 blocks will
# not have this #define defined.
$$new_contents_ref .= "#define TRICK_SWIG_DEFINED_$c_" ;
## ================================================================================
## process_typedef_struct
## Synopsis
## Process a type definition of a struct or union to make it suitable as SWIG
## interface code. Extract the struct (or union) name and bracketed contents from
## the header file text (typedef_struct_string and contents_ref) . Record the
## extracted names in the list referenced by class_names_ref, and then reconsistute
## the type definition, via the new_contents_ref.
## Parameters
## typedef_struct_string
## (IN) This is a string of the form:
## "typedef struct [<name>] {" OR "typedef union [<name>] {" </parameter>
## contents_ref
## (IN) This is a reference to the remainder of the header file (following the
## above string) to be processed.
## new_contents_ref
## (OUT) The SWIG code generated so far.
## class_names_ref
## (OUT) reference to an array of class and/or struct names encountered when
## processing the header file contents.
sub process_typedef_struct($$$$) {
my ($typedef_struct_string , $contents_ref, $new_contents_ref , $class_names_ref) = @_ ;
my $extracted ;
my ($begin, $tail , $struct_names, @struct_names) ;
#print "*** typedef_struct_string = $typedef_struct_string ***\n" ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $typedef_struct_string ;
$typedef_struct_string =~ s/((?:typedef\s+)?(struct|union)\s* # the words typedef struct|union
([_A-Za-z]\w*)?\s* # optional name
{)//sx ;
$begin = $3 ;
($extracted, $$contents_ref) = extract_bracketed( "{" . $$contents_ref , "{}") ;
#print "*** extracted = $extracted ***\n" ;
#remove added extra opening "brace"
$extracted =~ s/{// ;
$$contents_ref =~ s/^(\s*([\w,\s\*]+)?\s*;)//sx ;
$tail = $1 ;
$struct_names = $2 ;
$struct_names =~ s/\s//g ;
@struct_names = split /,/ , $struct_names ;
if ( $begin ne "" ) {
push @$class_names_ref , $begin ;
foreach my $s ( @struct_names ) {
if ( $s !~ /\*/ ) {
push @$class_names_ref , $s ;
$$new_contents_ref .= $extracted . $tail ;
## ================================================================================
## process_typedef_const_struct
## Synopsis
## Process a typedef const struct definition. SWIG doesn't like this construct.
## If we find one, we ignore the contents by finding the end of the definition
## and throwing it all out.
sub process_typedef_const_struct($$$$) {
my ($typedef_const_struct_string , $contents_ref ) = @_ ;
my $extracted ;
($extracted, $$contents_ref) = extract_bracketed( "{" . $$contents_ref , "{}") ;
$$contents_ref =~ s/^(\s*([\w,\s\*]+)?\s*;)//sx ;