mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 05:07:54 +00:00
Mostly working. This removes the use of offsetof from all I/O code. This was the only reason we needed friends. In it's place we put the offset value that clang has calculated for the field. Still need to work on virtually inherited classes and confirm bitfields. refs #218
670 lines
27 KiB
670 lines
27 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "PrintFileContents10.hh"
#include "FieldDescription.hh"
#include "ClassValues.hh"
#include "EnumValues.hh"
#include "Utilities.hh"
PrintFileContents10::PrintFileContents10() {}
/** Prints the io_src header information */
void PrintFileContents10::printIOHeader(std::ofstream & outfile , std::string header_file_name) {
if ( ! header_file_name.compare("S_source.hh") ) {
header_file_name = "../S_source.hh" ;
} else {
header_file_name = almostRealPath(header_file_name.c_str()) ;
outfile << "\n"
" * This file was automatically generated by the ICG based on the file:\n"
" * " << header_file_name << "\n"
" * This file contains database parameter declarations specific to the\n"
" * data structures and enumerated types declared in the above file.\n"
" * These database parameters are used by the Trick input and\n"
" * data recording processors to gain access to important simulation\n"
" * variable information.\n"
" *\n"
" * Auto Code Generator Programmer:\n"
" * Rob Bailey Sweet Systems Inc 12/97\n"
" * Alex Lin NASA 03/01\n"
" * Alex Lin NASA 05/09\n"
" */\n"
"#define TRICK_IN_IOSRC\n"
"#include <stdlib.h>\n"
"/* Redefine private and protected to public. This gives the io_code\n"
" access to anything following an access spec keyword. Classes without access\n"
" keywords are immune to this attack. Yes, it's evil! */\n"
"//#define private public\n"
"//#define protected public\n\n"
"#include \"trick/MemoryManager.hh\"\n"
"#include \"trick/attributes.h\"\n"
"#include \"trick/parameter_types.h\"\n"
"#include \"trick/UnitsMap.hh\"\n\n"
"#include \"trick/checkpoint_stl.hh\"\n\n"
"#include \""
<< header_file_name <<
"\"\n\n" ;
/** Prints enumeration attributes */
void PrintFileContents10::print_enum_attr(std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * e ) {
EnumValues::NameValueIterator nvit ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
outfile << "ENUM_ATTR enum" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, e , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, e , "__" ) ;
outfile << e->getName() << "[] = {\n" ;
for ( nvit = e->begin() ; nvit != e->end() ; nvit++ ) {
outfile << "{\"";
printNamespaces( outfile, e , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, e , "::" ) ;
outfile << (*nvit).first << "\" , " << (*nvit).second << " , 0x0 } ,\n" ;
outfile << "{\"\" , 0 , 0x0 }\n} ;\n\n" ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
/** Prints attributes for a field */
void PrintFileContents10::print_field_attr(std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes ) {
int array_dim ;
outfile << "{ \"" << fdes->getName() << "\"" ; // name
outfile << ", \"" ; // start type_name
printNamespaces( outfile, fdes , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, fdes , "__" ) ;
outfile << fdes->getMangledTypeName() << "\""; // end type_name
outfile << ", \"" << fdes->getUnits() << "\"" ; // units
outfile << ", \"\", \"\"," << std::endl ; // alias , user_defined
outfile << " \"" << fdes->getDescription() << "\"," << std::endl ; // description
outfile << " " << fdes->getIO() ; // io
outfile << "," << fdes->getEnumString() ; // type
outfile << "," << fdes->getFieldWidth() << ",0,0,Language_CPP" ; // size, range_min, range_max, language
outfile << "," << (fdes->isStatic() << 1 ) << "," << std::endl ; // mods
outfile << " " << fdes->getFieldOffset() << ",NULL" ; // offset, attr
outfile << "," << fdes->getNumDims() ; // num_index
outfile << ",{" ;
if ( fdes->isBitField() ) {
outfile << "{" << fdes->getBitFieldWidth() << "," << fdes->getBitFieldStart() << "}" ; // index 0
} else {
array_dim = fdes->getArrayDim(0) ;
if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ;
outfile << "{" << array_dim << ",0}" ; // index 0
unsigned int ii ;
for ( ii = 1 ; ii < 8 ; ii++ ) {
array_dim = fdes->getArrayDim(ii) ;
if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ;
outfile << ",{" << array_dim << ",0}" ; // indexes 1 through 7
outfile << "}," << std::endl ;
outfile << " NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL" ;
outfile << "}" ;
/** Prints class attributes */
void PrintFileContents10::print_class_attr(std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * c ) {
unsigned int ii ;
ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
outfile << "\nATTRIBUTES attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, c , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, c , "__" ) ;
outfile << c->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "[] = {" << std::endl ;
for ( fit = c->field_begin() ; fit != c->field_end() ; fit++ ) {
if ( determinePrintAttr(c , *fit) ) {
print_field_attr(outfile, *fit) ;
outfile << "," << std::endl ;
// Print an empty sentinel attribute at the end of the class.
FieldDescription * new_fdes = new FieldDescription(std::string(""), false, false, 0) ;
print_field_attr(outfile, new_fdes) ;
outfile << " };" << std::endl ;
delete new_fdes ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
/** Prints init_attr function for each class */
void PrintFileContents10::print_field_init_attr_stmts( std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) {
// Static bitfields do not get to this point, they are filtered out in determinePrintAttr
// Always print offset of a static variable
if ( fdes->isStatic() ) {
// print a special offsetof statement if this is a static
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = (long)(void *)&" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "::" << fdes->getName() << " ;\n" ;
if ( fdes->isBitField() ) {
// else if this is a bitfield
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = " ;
outfile << fdes->getBitFieldByteOffset() << " ;\n" ;
// All bitfield offsets are in terms of unsigned ints.
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].size = sizeof(unsigned int) ;\n" ;
#if 0
} else if ( fdes->isVirtualInherited() ) {
// else if we have a virtually inherited class.
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = " << fdes->getBaseClassOffset() ;
outfile << " + offsetof(" ;
//printNamespaces( cv , "::" ) ;
//printContainerClasses( cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << fdes->getContainerClass() << "," << fdes->getName() << ") ;\n" ;
} else if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() != cv->getName() ) {
// else if we have a template type where mangled_type_name is different then name.
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = offsetof(" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "," << fdes->getName() << ") ;\n" ;
} else {
// else print an offsetof statement if this is not a special case
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = offsetof(" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "," << fdes->getName() << ") ;\n" ;
if ( !fdes->isRecord() and !fdes->isEnum() and !fdes->isBitField() and !fdes->isSTL()) {
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].size = sizeof(" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, fdes , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, fdes , "::" ) ;
outfile << fdes->getTypeName() << ") ;\n" ;
if ( fdes->isSTL()) {
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].checkpoint_stl = checkpoint_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].post_checkpoint_stl = post_checkpoint_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].restore_stl = restore_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
if (fdes->hasSTLClear()) {
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].clear_stl = clear_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
if ( fdes->isRecord() or fdes->isEnum()) {
outfile << " next_attr = std::string(attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].type_name) ;\n" ;
outfile << " mm->add_attr_info(next_attr , &attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i], __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;\n" ;
outfile << " i++ ;\n\n" ;
/** Prints add_attr_info statements for each inherited class */
void PrintFileContents10::print_inherited_add_attr_info( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
ClassValues::InheritedClassesIterator cit ;
if ( cv->getNumInheritedClasses() > 0 ) {
outfile << "\n ATTRIBUTES temp_attr ;\n\n" ;
for ( cit = cv->inherit_classes_begin() ; cit != cv->inherit_classes_end() ; cit++ ) {
outfile << " next_attr = \"" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, *cit , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, *cit , "::" ) ;
outfile << (*cit)->getName() << "\" ;\n" ;
outfile << " mm->add_attr_info( next_attr , &temp_attr , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;\n" ;
/** Prints init_attr function for each class */
void PrintFileContents10::print_init_attr_func( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ;
printOpenNamespaceBlocks(outfile, cv) ;
outfile << "\nvoid init_attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "() {\n\n"
" int i __attribute__((unused)) = 0 ;\n"
" static int initialized_1337 ;\n"
" if ( initialized_1337 ) {\n"
" return ;\n"
" }\n"
" initialized_1337 = 1 ;\n\n"
" Trick::MemoryManager * mm ;\n"
" std::string next_attr ;\n"
" mm = trick_MM ;\n" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() != cv->getName() ) {
outfile << " typedef " << cv->getName() << " " << cv->getMangledTypeName() << " ;\n\n" ;
for ( fit = cv->field_begin() ; fit != cv->field_end() ; fit++ ) {
if ( determinePrintAttr(cv , *fit) ) {
print_field_init_attr_stmts(outfile, *fit, cv) ;
print_inherited_add_attr_info(outfile, cv ) ;
outfile << "}\n\n" ;
printCloseNamespaceBlocks(outfile, cv) ;
/** Prints the io_src_sizeof function for enumerations */
void PrintFileContents10::print_enum_io_src_sizeof( std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * ev ) {
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
outfile << "size_t io_src_sizeof_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "( void ) {\n" ;
if ( ev->getHasDefinition() ) {
outfile << " return( sizeof(" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "));\n}\n\n" ;
} else {
outfile << " return(sizeof(int)) ;\n}\n\n" ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
/** Prints the C linkage init_attr function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_init_attr_c_intf( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "void init_attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "_c_intf() {\n " ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << "init_attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "() ;\n"
"}\n\n" ;
/** Prints the io_src_sizeof function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_sizeof( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "size_t io_src_sizeof_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( void ) {\n" ;
outfile << " return( sizeof(" ;
// Template types
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "));\n"
"}\n\n" ;
/** Prints the io_src_allocate function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_allocate( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( cv->isPOD() or (! cv->isAbstract() and cv->getHasDefaultConstructor()) ) {
outfile << "void * io_src_allocate_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( int num) {\n" ;
outfile << " " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * temp = (" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * )calloc( num, sizeof(" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "));\n" ;
if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) {
outfile << " for (int ii=0 ; ii<num ; ii++) {\n" ;
outfile << " new( &temp[ii]) " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "();\n" << " }\n" ;
outfile << " return ((void *)temp);\n" << "}\n\n" ;
/** Prints the io_src_allocate function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_destruct( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( cv->getHasPublicDestructor()) {
outfile << "void io_src_destruct_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( void * addr __attribute__((unused)), int num __attribute__((unused)) ) {\n" ;
if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) {
// Add a using statement so we can call the destructor without fully qualifying it.
ClassValues::NamespaceIterator nsi = cv->namespace_begin() ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << " using namespace " ;
while ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << *nsi ;
nsi++ ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end()) {
outfile << "::" ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
outfile << " " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * temp = (" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * )addr ;\n" ;
outfile << " for (int ii=0 ; ii<num ; ii++) {\n" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
outfile << " temp[ii].~" ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "();\n" ;
outfile << " }\n" ;
outfile << "}\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_delete( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( cv->getHasPublicDestructor()) {
outfile << "void io_src_delete_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( void * addr __attribute__((unused)) ) {\n" ;
if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) {
// Add a using statement so we can call the destructor without fully qualifying it.
ClassValues::NamespaceIterator nsi = cv->namespace_begin() ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << " using namespace " ;
while ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << *nsi ;
nsi++ ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end()) {
outfile << "::" ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
outfile << " " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * temp = (" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * )addr ;\n" ;
outfile << " delete temp ;\n" ;
outfile << "}\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_stl_helper_proto(std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
unsigned int ii ;
ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
for ( fit = cv->field_begin() ; fit != cv->field_end() ; fit++ ) {
if ( (*fit)->isSTL() and determinePrintAttr(cv , *fit) ) {
outfile << "void checkpoint_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << (*fit)->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address, const char * obj_name , const char * var_name) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << "void post_checkpoint_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << (*fit)->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address, const char * obj_name , const char * var_name) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << "void restore_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << (*fit)->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address, const char * obj_name , const char * var_name) ;" << std::endl ;
if ((*fit)->hasSTLClear()) {
outfile << "void clear_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << (*fit)->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address) ;" << std::endl ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_checkpoint_stl(std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "void checkpoint_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address, const char * obj_name , const char * var_name) {" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << fdes->getTypeName() << " * stl = reinterpret_cast<" << fdes->getTypeName() << " * >(start_address) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << "checkpoint_stl(*stl , obj_name , var_name) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << "}" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_post_checkpoint_stl(std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "void post_checkpoint_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address, const char * obj_name , const char * var_name) {" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << fdes->getTypeName() << " * stl = reinterpret_cast<" << fdes->getTypeName() << " * >(start_address) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << "delete_stl(*stl , obj_name , var_name) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << "}" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_restore_stl(std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "void restore_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address, const char * obj_name , const char * var_name) {" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << fdes->getTypeName() << " * stl = reinterpret_cast<" << fdes->getTypeName() << " * >(start_address) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << "restore_stl(*stl , obj_name , var_name) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << "}" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_clear_stl(std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "void clear_stl_" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "_" ;
outfile << fdes->getName() ;
outfile << "(void * start_address) {" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << fdes->getTypeName() << " * stl = reinterpret_cast<" << fdes->getTypeName() << " * >(start_address) ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " " << "stl->clear() ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << "}" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_stl_helper(std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
unsigned int ii ;
ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
for ( fit = cv->field_begin() ; fit != cv->field_end() ; fit++ ) {
if ( (*fit)->isSTL() and determinePrintAttr(cv , *fit) ) {
print_checkpoint_stl(outfile , *fit, cv) ;
print_post_checkpoint_stl(outfile , *fit, cv) ;
print_restore_stl(outfile , *fit, cv) ;
if ((*fit)->hasSTLClear()) {
print_clear_stl(outfile , *fit, cv) ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClass( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
print_stl_helper_proto(outfile, cv) ;
print_class_attr(outfile, cv) ;
print_stl_helper(outfile, cv) ;
print_init_attr_func(outfile, cv) ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
print_init_attr_c_intf(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_sizeof(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_allocate(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_destruct(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_delete(outfile, cv) ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
print_units_map(outfile, cv) ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnum( std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * ev ) {
print_enum_attr(outfile, ev) ;
print_enum_io_src_sizeof(outfile, ev) ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClassMapHeader( std::ofstream & outfile , std::string function_name ) {
outfile <<
" * This file was automatically generated by the ICG\n"
" * This file contains the map from class/struct names to attributes\n"
" */\n\n"
"#include <map>\n"
"#include <string>\n\n"
"#include \"trick/AttributesMap.hh\"\n"
"#include \"trick/EnumAttributesMap.hh\"\n"
"#include \"trick/attributes.h\"\n\n"
"void " << function_name << "() {\n\n"
" Trick::AttributesMap * class_attribute_map = Trick::AttributesMap::attributes_map();\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClassMap( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << " // " << cv->getFileName() << std::endl ;
outfile << " extern ATTRIBUTES attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[] ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " class_attribute_map->add_attr(\"" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "\" , attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << ") ;" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClassMapFooter( std::ofstream & outfile ) {
outfile << "}" << std::endl << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMapHeader( std::ofstream & outfile , std::string function_name ) {
outfile <<
"void " << function_name << "() {\n"
" Trick::EnumAttributesMap * enum_attribute_map __attribute__((unused)) = Trick::EnumAttributesMap::attributes_map();\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMap( std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * ev ) {
outfile << " extern ENUM_ATTR enum" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "[] ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " enum_attribute_map->add_attr(\"" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "\" , enum" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << ") ;" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMapFooter( std::ofstream & outfile ) {
outfile << "}" << std::endl << std::endl ;