Alex Lin c5d0b2a872 /usr/lib64/llvm/clang/3.4.2 not found
Modified the makefile for ICG to be able to use clang from yum, fink, and manual installs.  Removed the requirement for copying the clang friendly header files into Trick.  However Trick will be expecting the clang header files to be in it's search path.

refs #40
2015-06-09 08:44:44 -05:00

291 lines
9.9 KiB

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include "clang/Basic/TargetInfo.h"
#include "clang/Frontend/Utils.h"
#include "HeaderSearchDirs.hh"
#include "Utilities.hh"
HeaderSearchDirs::HeaderSearchDirs(clang::HeaderSearch & in_hs ,
clang::HeaderSearchOptions & in_hso ,
clang::Preprocessor & in_pp ,
bool in_sim_services ) :
hs(in_hs) ,
hso(in_hso) ,
pp(in_pp) ,
sim_services(in_sim_services) {} ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::AddCompilerBuiltInSearchDirs () {
FILE * fp ;
char * lineptr = NULL ;
char line[1024] ;
size_t n = 0 ;
ssize_t num_read ;
const bool IsUserSupplied = false;
const bool IsFramework = false;
const bool IsSysRootRelative = true;
// Add clang specific include directory first. Only required on linux systems. :(
// This is so that ICG will find clang friendly headers first. gcc headers cause
// all kinds of problems. On macs all headers are clang friendly.
#if __linux
std::stringstream icg_dir ;
//icg_dir << std::string(getenv("TRICK_HOME")) << "/libexec/trick/lib/clang/" ;
icg_dir << LLVM_HOME << "/lib/clang/" ;
icg_dir << __clang_major__ << "." << __clang_minor__ ;
#ifdef __clang_patchlevel__
icg_dir << "." << __clang_patchlevel__ ;
icg_dir << "/include" ;
hso.AddPath(icg_dir.str() , clang::frontend::System, IsFramework, IsSysRootRelative);
fp = popen("${TRICK_HOME}/bin/trick-gte TRICK_CPPC" , "r") ;
fgets(line , sizeof(line) , fp) ;
pclose(fp) ;
std::string trick_cppc = std::string(line) ;
std::string command ;
trick_cppc.erase(trick_cppc.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t")+1) ;
//std::cout << "TRICK_CPPC = " << trick_cppc << std::endl ;
command = std::string("echo | ") + trick_cppc + std::string(" -v -xc++ -E - 2>&1") ;
//std::cout << "command = " << command << std::endl ;
fp = popen(command.c_str() , "r") ;
bool dir_line = false ;
while (fgets( line , sizeof(line) , fp ) != NULL ) {
if ( !strncmp( line, "End of search list.", 19 )) {
break ;
} else if ( dir_line == true ) {
//std::cout << "lineptr = " << lineptr << std::endl ;
char * resolved_path = NULL ;
std::string dir = std::string(line) ;
dir.erase(dir.find_last_not_of(" \n\r\t\f\v") + 1) ;
dir.erase(0, dir.find_first_not_of(" ")) ;
if ( (n = dir.find(" (framework")) != std::string::npos ) {
dir.erase(n) ;
resolved_path = almostRealPath(dir.c_str()) ;
//std::cout << "dir = " << dir << std::endl ;
if ( resolved_path != NULL ) {
//std::cout << "gcc resolved_path = " << resolved_path << std::endl ;
hso.AddPath(resolved_path , clang::frontend::System, IsFramework, IsSysRootRelative);
free(resolved_path) ;
} else if ( !strncmp( line, "#include <...>", 14 )) {
dir_line = true ;
pclose(fp) ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::AddUserSearchDirs ( std::vector<std::string> & include_dirs ) {
//std::cout << "num include dirs " << include_dirs.size() << std::endl ;
int ii ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < include_dirs.size() ; ii++ ) {
//std::cout << "include dirs " << include_dirs[ii] << std::endl ;
char * resolved_path = almostRealPath(include_dirs[ii].c_str()) ;
if ( resolved_path != NULL ) {
//std::cout << "adding resolved_path = " << resolved_path << std::endl ;
hso.AddPath(resolved_path , clang::frontend::Angled, false, true);
// Add the path as a system path as well for those included files that are erroneously in <>
void HeaderSearchDirs::AddTrickSearchDirs () {
char * trick_home = getenv("TRICK_HOME") ;
if ( trick_home != NULL ) {
std::string temp_dir = std::string(trick_home) + "/include/trick" ;
char * resolved_path = almostRealPath(temp_dir.c_str() ) ;
hso.AddPath(resolved_path , clang::frontend::Quoted, false, true);
trick_include_dir = std::string(resolved_path) ;
free(resolved_path) ;
temp_dir = std::string(trick_home) + "/trick_source" ;
resolved_path = almostRealPath(temp_dir.c_str() ) ;
hso.AddPath(resolved_path , clang::frontend::Quoted, false, true);
trick_source_dir = std::string(resolved_path) ;
free(resolved_path) ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::AddICGExcludeDirs () {
char * trick_icg_exclude = getenv("TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE") ;
if( trick_icg_exclude != NULL ) {
std::string s = std::string(trick_icg_exclude) ;
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
while(std::getline(ss, item, ':')) {
item = trim(item) ;
if ( ! item.empty() ) {
char * resolved_path = realpath(item.c_str(), NULL) ;
if ( resolved_path ) {
icg_exclude_dirs.push_back(std::string(resolved_path) + std::string("/"));
} else {
std::cout << "Cannot find TRICK_ICG_EXCLUDE directory " << item << std::endl ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::AddICGNoCommentDirs () {
char * trick_icg_nocomment = getenv("TRICK_ICG_NOCOMMENT") ;
if( trick_icg_nocomment != NULL ) {
std::string s = std::string(trick_icg_nocomment) ;
std::stringstream ss(s);
std::string item;
while(std::getline(ss, item, ':')) {
item = trim(item) ;
if ( ! item.empty() ) {
char * resolved_path = realpath(item.c_str(), NULL) ;
if ( resolved_path ) {
icg_nocomment_dirs.push_back(std::string(resolved_path) + std::string("/"));
} else {
std::cout << "Cannot find TRICK_ICG_NOCOMMENT directory " << item << std::endl ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions () {
clang::ApplyHeaderSearchOptions( hs , hso , pp.getLangOpts() , pp.getTargetInfo().getTriple() ) ;
clang::HeaderSearch::search_dir_iterator sdi ;
for ( sdi = hs.quoted_dir_begin() ; sdi != hs.quoted_dir_end() ; sdi++ ) {
std::cout << "quoted dir " << (*sdi).getName() << std::endl ;
for ( sdi = hs.angled_dir_begin() ; sdi != hs.angled_dir_end() ; sdi++ ) {
std::cout << "angled dir " << (*sdi).getName() << std::endl ;
for ( sdi = hs.system_dir_begin() ; sdi != hs.system_dir_end() ; sdi++ ) {
std::cout << "system dir " << (*sdi).getName() << std::endl ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::addSearchDirs ( std::vector<std::string> & include_dirs ) {
AddUserSearchDirs( include_dirs ) ;
AddTrickSearchDirs() ;
AddCompilerBuiltInSearchDirs() ;
AddICGExcludeDirs() ;
AddICGNoCommentDirs() ;
ApplyHeaderSearchOptions() ;
bool HeaderSearchDirs::isPathInUserDir (std::string in_dir ) {
clang::HeaderSearch::search_dir_iterator sdi ;
for ( sdi = hs.system_dir_begin() ; sdi != hs.system_dir_end() ; sdi++ ) {
std::string curr_dir = (*sdi).getName() ;
if ( !, curr_dir.size(), curr_dir)) {
return false ;
if ( ! sim_services and
(!, trick_source_dir.size(), trick_source_dir) or
!, trick_include_dir.size(), trick_include_dir)) ) {
return false ;
return true ;
bool HeaderSearchDirs::isPathInUserOrTrickDir (std::string in_dir ) {
clang::HeaderSearch::search_dir_iterator sdi ;
for ( sdi = hs.system_dir_begin() ; sdi != hs.system_dir_end() ; sdi++ ) {
std::string curr_dir = (*sdi).getName() ;
if ( !, curr_dir.size(), curr_dir)) {
return false ;
return true ;
bool HeaderSearchDirs::isPathInICGExclude (std::string in_dir ) {
std::vector<std::string>::iterator vit ;
for ( vit = icg_exclude_dirs.begin() ; vit != icg_exclude_dirs.end() ; vit++ ) {
if ( !, (*vit).size(), (*vit))) {
return true ;
return false ;
bool HeaderSearchDirs::isPathInICGNoComment (std::string in_file ) {
char * resolved_path = almostRealPath(in_file.c_str() ) ;
if ( resolved_path != NULL ) {
std::string dir = std::string(dirname(resolved_path)) + "/";
if ( icg_nocomment_files.find(dir) == icg_nocomment_files.end() ) {
icg_nocomment_files[dir] = false ;
std::vector<std::string>::iterator vit ;
for ( vit = icg_nocomment_dirs.begin() ; vit != icg_nocomment_dirs.end() ; vit++ ) {
if ( !, (*vit).size(), (*vit))) {
icg_nocomment_files[dir] = true ;
break ;
free(resolved_path) ;
return icg_nocomment_files[dir] ;
return false ;
std::string HeaderSearchDirs::getPathInICGExclude (std::string in_dir ) {
std::vector<std::string>::iterator vit ;
for ( vit = icg_exclude_dirs.begin() ; vit != icg_exclude_dirs.end() ; vit++ ) {
if ( !, (*vit).size(), (*vit))) {
return (*vit) ;
return std::string() ;
void HeaderSearchDirs::addDefines ( std::vector<std::string> & defines ) {
// Add -D command line arguments as well as "#define TRICK_ICG" to the preprocessor
unsigned int ii ;
std::string predefines("#define TRICK_ICG\n") ;
predefines += "#define __STRICT_ANSI__\n" ;
for ( ii = 0 ; ii < defines.size() ; ii++ ) {
size_t found = defines[ii].find("=") ;
if ( found != defines[ii].npos ) {
defines[ii].replace( found , 1 , " " ) ;
} else {
defines[ii] += " 1" ;
predefines += std::string("#define ") + defines[ii] + "\n" ;
pp.setPredefines(pp.getPredefines() + "\n" + predefines) ;