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synced 2025-02-15 06:52:08 +00:00
We pull file names out of the clang infrastructure to match where classes are defined. We use the file name to pull comments and find and process Trick header comments. Up to now clang gave us the realpath of files and when we looked up comments we already had the realpath and everything worked. In clang 3.6 in some places we are not getting the realpath anymore which confuses ICG. Added code to get the realpath of any file name we use throughout the code. refs #167 Conflicts: trick_source/codegen/Interface_Code_Gen/CommentSaver.cpp trick_source/codegen/Interface_Code_Gen/FieldVisitor.cpp
205 lines
6.9 KiB
205 lines
6.9 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <regex.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
#include "CommentSaver.hh"
#include "Utilities.hh"
CommentSaver::CommentSaver(clang::SourceManager & in_sm ) : sm(in_sm) {}
bool CommentSaver::HandleComment(clang::Preprocessor &PP, clang::SourceRange Comment) {
if ( ! sm.isInSystemHeader(Comment.getBegin()) ) {
std::string file_name = sm.getBufferName(Comment.getBegin()) ;
char * resolved_path = almostRealPath( file_name.c_str() ) ;
if ( resolved_path != NULL ) {
unsigned int line_no = sm.getSpellingLineNumber(Comment.getBegin()) ;
comment_map[file_name][line_no] = Comment ;
free(resolved_path) ;
// returning false means we did not push any text back to the stream for further reads.
return false ;
std::string CommentSaver::getComment( clang::SourceRange sr ) {
if ( sr.isValid() ) {
/* fsl_begin and fsl_end are two pointers into the header file. We want the text between the two pointers. */
clang::FullSourceLoc fsl_begin(sr.getBegin() , sm) ;
clang::FullSourceLoc fsl_end(sr.getEnd() , sm) ;
std::string comment_text( fsl_begin.getCharacterData() ,
(size_t)(fsl_end.getCharacterData() - fsl_begin.getCharacterData())) ;
return comment_text ;
/* return an empty string if no comment found on this line of the file. */
return std::string() ;
std::string CommentSaver::getComment( std::string file_name , unsigned int line_no ) {
return getComment(comment_map[file_name][line_no]) ;
std::string CommentSaver::getTrickHeaderComment( std::string file_name ) {
std::map < unsigned int , clang::SourceRange >::iterator cit ;
std::string ret ;
char * resolved_path = almostRealPath( file_name.c_str() ) ;
if ( resolved_path != NULL ) {
if ( trick_header_comments.find(file_name) == trick_header_comments.end() ) {
trick_header_comments[file_name] = std::string() ;
for ( cit = comment_map[file_name].begin() ; cit != comment_map[file_name].end() ; cit++ ) {
std::string comment_str = getComment((*cit).second) ;
std::transform(comment_str.begin(), comment_str.end(), comment_str.begin(), ::toupper) ;
if ( comment_str.find("PURPOSE") != std::string::npos ) {
trick_header_comments[file_name] = comment_str ;
break ;
ret = trick_header_comments[resolved_path] ;
free(resolved_path) ;
return ret ;
void CommentSaver::getICGField( std::string file_name ) {
/* default the icg_no flags to false */
icg_no_found[file_name] = false ;
icg_no_comment_found[file_name] = false ;
std::string th_str = getTrickHeaderComment(file_name) ;
if ( ! th_str.empty() ) {
int ret ;
regex_t reg_expr ;
regmatch_t pmatch[10] ;
memset(pmatch , 0 , sizeof(pmatch)) ;
/* POSIX regular expressions are always greedy, making our job harder.
We have to use several regular expressions to get the types. This was
so much easier in perl! */
/* find the ICG field */
ret = regcomp( ®_expr , "(ICG:)" , REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE ) ;
ret = regexec( ®_expr , th_str.c_str() , 10 , pmatch , 0 ) ;
regfree(®_expr) ;
if ( ret != 0 ) {
return ;
th_str = th_str.substr(pmatch[1].rm_eo) ;
/* find the end of the ICG field */
memset(pmatch , 0 , sizeof(pmatch)) ;
ret = regcomp( ®_expr , "(\\))" , REG_EXTENDED ) ;
ret = regexec( ®_expr , th_str.c_str() , 10 , pmatch , 0 ) ;
regfree(®_expr) ;
if ( ret != 0 ) {
return ;
th_str = th_str.substr(0 , pmatch[1].rm_so) ;
/* test for NoComment */
memset(pmatch , 0 , sizeof(pmatch)) ;
ret = regcomp( ®_expr , "(NOCOMMENT)$" , REG_EXTENDED ) ;
ret = regexec( ®_expr , th_str.c_str() , 10 , pmatch , 0 ) ;
regfree(®_expr) ;
if ( ret == 0 ) {
icg_no_comment_found[file_name] = true ;
/* test for No */
memset(pmatch , 0 , sizeof(pmatch)) ;
ret = regcomp( ®_expr , "(NO)$" , REG_EXTENDED ) ;
ret = regexec( ®_expr , th_str.c_str() , 10 , pmatch , 0 ) ;
regfree(®_expr) ;
if ( ret == 0 ) {
icg_no_found[file_name] = true ;
icg_no_comment_found[file_name] = true ;
bool CommentSaver::hasICGNo( std::string file_name ) {
if ( icg_no_found.find(file_name) == icg_no_found.end() ) {
getICGField(file_name) ;
return icg_no_found[file_name] ;
bool CommentSaver::hasICGNoComment( std::string file_name ) {
if ( icg_no_comment_found.find(file_name) == icg_no_comment_found.end() ) {
getICGField(file_name) ;
return icg_no_comment_found[file_name] ;
std::set< std::string > CommentSaver::getIgnoreTypes( std::string file_name ) {
std::set< std::string > ignore_types ;
std::string th_str = getTrickHeaderComment(file_name) ;
if ( ! th_str.empty() ) {
//std::cout << "here in getIgnoreTypes\n" << th_str << std::endl ;
int ret ;
regex_t reg_expr ;
regmatch_t pmatch[10] ;
memset(pmatch , 0 , sizeof(pmatch)) ;
/* POSIX regular expressions are always greedy, making our job harder.
We have to use several regular expressions to get the types. This was
so much easier in perl! */
/* find the start of the ICG_IGNORE_TYPES field */
ret = regcomp( ®_expr , "(ICG[ _]IGNORE[ _]TYPE(S)?:)" , REG_EXTENDED | REG_ICASE ) ;
ret = regexec( ®_expr , th_str.c_str() , 10 , pmatch , 0 ) ;
regfree(®_expr) ;
if ( ret != 0 ) {
return std::set< std::string >() ;
th_str = th_str.substr(pmatch[1].rm_eo) ;
/* find the end of the ICG_IGNORE_TYPES field */
memset(pmatch , 0 , sizeof(pmatch)) ;
ret = regcomp( ®_expr , "(\\)\\s*\\))" , REG_EXTENDED ) ;
ret = regexec( ®_expr , th_str.c_str() , 10 , pmatch , 0 ) ;
regfree(®_expr) ;
if ( ret != 0 ) {
return std::set< std::string >() ;
th_str = th_str.substr(0 , pmatch[1].rm_so) ;
std::replace( th_str.begin(), th_str.end(), '(', ' ');
std::replace( th_str.begin(), th_str.end(), ')', ' ');
std::replace( th_str.begin(), th_str.end(), '\n', ' ');
std::stringstream ss(th_str);
std::string item;
while (std::getline(ss, item, ' ')) {
if ( ! item.empty() ) {
//std::cout << "[31micg_ignore_types[00m " << item << std::endl ;
ignore_types.insert(item) ;
return ignore_types ;