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synced 2025-03-04 04:31:17 +00:00
Makes it easier to edit the files. So if we press 'end of line' we are really at the end of line.
345 lines
14 KiB
345 lines
14 KiB
PURPOSE: (Slave for master/slave synchronization)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // for setprecision
#include <sstream>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#include <stdlib.h> // for getenv
#include <cstring>
#include "trick/Slave.hh"
#include "trick/exec_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_proto.h"
#include "trick/message_type.h"
#include "trick/CheckPointRestart_c_intf.hh" // for checkpoint
#include "trick/command_line_protos.h" // output dir get/set
Trick::Slave::Slave() {
enabled = false ;
reconnected = false ;
activated = false;
msg_published = false;
sent_reconnect_cmd = false;
int Trick::Slave::set_connection_type(Trick::MSConnect * in_connection) {
connection = in_connection ;
return 0 ;
int Trick::Slave::process_sim_args() {
/** @par Detailed Design */
if ( connection != NULL ) {
/** @li the return_value of Trick::MSConnect::process_sim_args() sets the enabled flag for the slave. */
enabled = connection->process_sim_args() ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::Slave::dmtcp_restart() {
if ( enabled ) {
reconnected = true ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::Slave::init() {
std::string rts_disable_name ;
std::string ms_master_disable_name ;
void* dlhandle ;
int (*rts_disable)(void) = NULL ;
int (*ms_master_disable)(void) = NULL ;
long long software_frame_tics ;
long long sync_wait_limit_tics ;
int chkpnt_flag;
/** @par Detailed Design */
if ( enabled ) {
/** @li Connect to the master by calling Trick::MSConnect::connect() */
connection->connect() ;
dlhandle = dlopen( NULL, RTLD_LAZY) ;
/** @li Turn off RealtimeSync if it exists. We are not assuming that the function even
exists. Search for the routine and execute it if it exists */
rts_disable_name = "real_time_disable" ;
rts_disable = (int (*)(void))dlsym( dlhandle , rts_disable_name.c_str()) ;
if ( rts_disable != NULL ) {
message_publish(MSG_INFO , "Slave synchronization starting. Turning realtime synchronization off.\n") ;
(*rts_disable)() ;
/** @li Turn off Master synchronization if it exists. We are not assuming that the function even
exists. Search for the routine and execute it if it exists */
ms_master_disable_name = "ms_master_disable" ;
ms_master_disable = (int (*)(void))dlsym( dlhandle , ms_master_disable_name.c_str()) ;
if ( ms_master_disable != NULL ) {
message_publish(MSG_INFO , "Slave synchronization starting. Turning master off.\n") ;
(*ms_master_disable)() ;
/** @li Read and set the slave software frame and time tic value according to the master. */
software_frame_tics = connection->read_time() ;
exec_set_time_tic_value (connection->read_time());
exec_set_software_frame (double (software_frame_tics) / double(exec_get_time_tic_value()) ) ;
/** @li Read and set the sync_wait_limit according to the master. */
sync_wait_limit_tics = connection->read_time() ;
sync_wait_limit = double (sync_wait_limit_tics) / double(exec_get_time_tic_value()) ;
connection->set_sync_wait_limit(sync_wait_limit) ;
/** @li Read the initial freeze command from the master. */
exec_set_freeze_command(int(connection->read_command())) ;
/** @li Read and set the pre_init, post_init, and end checkpoint flags according to the master. */
chkpnt_flag = (int)connection->read_time();
checkpoint_pre_init(chkpnt_flag>>2 & 0x1);
checkpoint_post_init(chkpnt_flag>>1 & 0x1);
checkpoint_end(chkpnt_flag & 0x1);
dlclose(dlhandle) ;
// Executive freezes are only allowed on freeze frame boundaries in Master/Slave
exec_set_freeze_on_frame_boundary(true) ;
activated = true;
return(0) ;
std::string Trick::Slave::get_checkpoint_name(MS_SIM_COMMAND command) {
std::string dir;
std::stringstream file_name_stream ;
/** @par Detailed Design */
/** @li Read the checkpoint name from master, it's in the form "dir/filename" */
connection->read_name(chkpnt_name, sizeof(chkpnt_name)); // dir/filename
/** @li Return the appropriate checkpoint name to use for given dump/load command */
// ascii checkpoint() only wants a filename -- no dir path
if (command == MS_ChkpntDumpAsciiCmd) {
if (chkpnt_name[0] != MS_ERROR_NAME) {
file_name_stream << strrchr(chkpnt_name, '/')+1; // filename only
//std::cout << "----> Slave: parsed checkpoint file name: " << file_name_stream.str() << std::endl;
} else { // create default name
file_name_stream << "chkpnt_" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << exec_get_sim_time() ;
#ifdef _DMTCP
// dmtcp_checkpoint() only wants a filename -- no dir path
if (command == MS_ChkpntDumpBinCmd) {
if (chkpnt_name[0] != MS_ERROR_NAME) {
file_name_stream << "dmtcp_" << std::string(strrchr(chkpnt_name, '/')+1); // dmtcp_ + filename
//std::cout << "----> Slave: parsed checkpoint file name: " << file_name_stream.str() << std::endl;
} else {
file_name_stream << ""; // dmtcp will create default name
// ascii load_checkpoint() wants the dir/filename path
if (command == MS_ChkpntLoadAsciiCmd) {
dir = command_line_args_get_output_dir(); // run dir
if (chkpnt_name[0] != MS_ERROR_NAME) {
file_name_stream << dir << std::string(strrchr(chkpnt_name, '/')); // my run dir / filename
} else { // create default name
file_name_stream << dir << "/chkpnt_" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << exec_get_sim_time() ;
#ifdef _DMTCP
// dmtcp load wants full dir/filename path that will be sent to the master
if (command == MS_ChkpntLoadBinCmd) {
dir = getenv("DMTCP_CHECKPOINT_DIR"); // env variable set by dmtcp
if (chkpnt_name[0] != MS_ERROR_NAME) {
file_name_stream << dir << "/dmtcp_" << std::string(strrchr(chkpnt_name, '/')+1); // dmtcp dir / filename
} else { // create default name
file_name_stream << dir << "/dmtcp_chkpnt_" << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << exec_get_sim_time() ;
if (file_name_stream.str().length() > sizeof(chkpnt_name)-1) {
message_publish(MSG_ERROR, "Slave could not send checkpoint name to master because name too long (max = %d).\n",
sizeof(chkpnt_name)) ;
file_name_stream << MS_ERROR_NAME; // send error character
return(file_name_stream.str()) ;
int Trick::Slave::end_of_frame() {
long long master_time ;
MS_SIM_COMMAND command ;
MS_SIM_COMMAND slave_command ;
std::string chkpt_name_str;
#ifdef _DMTCP
int dmtcp_port;
std::string dmtcp_port_str;
/** @par Detailed Design */
if ( (enabled) and (activated) ){
/** @li write the current slave exec_command to the master */
slave_command = (MS_SIM_COMMAND)exec_get_exec_command();
// send a special command so master knows to print a "we reconnected" message
if (reconnected) {
slave_command = MS_ReconnectCmd;
if (msg_published)
reconnected = false;
sent_reconnect_cmd = true;
//printf("DEBUG slave write %d command to master\n", slave_command); fflush(stdout);
connection->write_command(slave_command) ;
/** @li read the simulation time according to the master */
master_time = connection->read_time() ;
if ( master_time == MS_ERROR_TIME ) {
if ( sync_error_terminate == true ) {
/** @li if reading the master time returned an error exit the sim if sync_error_terminate == true */
message_publish(MSG_ERROR , "Slave lost sync with master. sync_error_terminate is true: Slave is terminating.\n") ;
exec_terminate_with_return(-1, __FILE__, __LINE__ , "Slave lost sync with master") ;
else {
if (slave_command != MS_FreezeCmd){
/** @li if reading the master time returned an error freeze the sim if sync_error_terminate == false */
activated = false;
message_publish(MSG_ERROR , "Slave lost sync with master. sync_error_terminate is false: Slave is entering Freeze mode.\n") ;
exec_set_exec_command(FreezeCmd) ;
connection->write_command(MS_FreezeCmd) ;
/** @li read the master mode command */
command = connection->read_command() ;
//printf("DEBUG slave read %d command from master\n", command); fflush(stdout);
switch ( command ) {
case (MS_ErrorCmd):
if ( sync_error_terminate == true ) {
/** @li if reading the master mode command returned an error exit the sim if sync_error_terminate == true */
message_publish(MSG_ERROR , "Slave lost sync with master. sync_error_terminate is true: Slave is terminating.\n") ;
exec_terminate_with_return(-1, __FILE__, __LINE__ , "Slave lost sync with master") ;
else {
if (slave_command != MS_FreezeCmd) {
/** @li if reading the master mode command returned an error freeze the sim if sync_error_terminate == false */
activated = false;
message_publish(MSG_ERROR , "Slave lost sync with master. sync_error_terminate is false: Slave is entering Freeze mode.\n") ;
exec_set_exec_command(FreezeCmd) ;
connection->write_command(MS_FreezeCmd) ;
/** @li if reading the master mode command returned a checkpoint dump command, dump a checkpoint */
case (MS_ChkpntDumpAsciiCmd): // Master tells slave to dump an ascii checkpoint
message_publish(MSG_WARNING , "Slave received Checkpoint Dump command from master.\n") ;
chkpt_name_str = get_checkpoint_name(MS_ChkpntDumpAsciiCmd);
case (MS_ChkpntDumpBinCmd): // Master tells slave to dump a binary checkpoint
message_publish(MSG_WARNING , "Slave received Checkpoint Dump Binary command from master.\n") ;
#ifdef _DMTCP
chkpt_name_str = get_checkpoint_name(MS_ChkpntDumpBinCmd);
/** @li if reading the master mode command returned a checkpoint load command, load a checkpoint */
case (MS_ChkpntLoadAsciiCmd): // Master tells slave to load an ascii checkpoint
message_publish(MSG_WARNING , "Slave received Checkpoint Load command from master.\n") ;
chkpt_name_str = get_checkpoint_name(MS_ChkpntLoadAsciiCmd);
load_checkpoint(chkpt_name_str.c_str()); // load done in freeze or end_of_frame job
//load_checkpoint_job(); // do the load NOW
case (MS_ChkpntLoadBinCmd): // Master tells slave to load a binary checkpoint
message_publish(MSG_WARNING , "Slave received Checkpoint Load Binary command from master.\n") ;
#ifdef _DMTCP
chkpt_name_str = get_checkpoint_name(MS_ChkpntLoadBinCmd);
strcpy(chkpnt_name, chkpt_name_str.c_str());
// write the dmtcp_coordinator port to the master so it can kill the coordinator when restarting slave
dmtcp_port = 0;
dmtcp_port_str= getenv("DMTCP_PORT"); // env variable set by dmtcp
if (dmtcp_port_str.length() > 0) {
sscanf(dmtcp_port_str.c_str(), "%d", &dmtcp_port);
// this tells master we are sending port number and file name next
connection->write_command(MS_ChkpntLoadBinCmd) ;
connection->write_port(dmtcp_port) ;
connection->write_name(chkpnt_name, sizeof(chkpnt_name)) ;
// this is just an ack so we know master received port before we kill socket by shutting down
command = connection->read_command() ;
fprintf(stderr, "SLAVE GOT ACK %d\n", command);
exec_terminate_with_return(0, __FILE__, __LINE__, "YOU MUST NOW RUN SLAVE'S DMTCP CHECKPOINT FILE!.");
/** @li if reading the master mode command returned an Executive mode, set the slave mode command to the master mode command */
exec_set_exec_command((SIM_COMMAND)command) ;
if (reconnected) {
message_publish(MSG_INFO , "Slave has reconnected to master.\n") ;
if (sent_reconnect_cmd)
reconnected = false;
msg_published = true;
return(0) ;
int Trick::Slave::freeze_init() {
/** @par Detailed Design */
if ( enabled ) {
/** @li Set the connection sync_wait_limit to infinite upon entering freeze */
connection->set_sync_wait_limit(-1.0) ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::Slave::freeze() {
/** @par Detailed Design */
/** @li Call Trick::Slave::end_of_frame() */
if ( enabled ) {
exec_set_exec_command(NoCmd) ; // so master won't keep reading freeze command during freeze
end_of_frame() ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::Slave::unfreeze() {
/** @par Detailed Design */
if ( enabled ) {
/** @li Set the connection sync_wait_limit to the default upon exiting freeze */
connection->set_sync_wait_limit(sync_wait_limit) ;
return(0) ;
int Trick::Slave::shutdown() {
/** @par Detailed Design */
if ( enabled ) {
/** @li write the exit mode command to the master when the slave is shutting down */
connection->write_command(MS_ExitCmd) ;
return(0) ;