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synced 2025-03-01 11:41:40 +00:00
509 lines
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509 lines
21 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include "PrintFileContents10.hh"
#include "FieldDescription.hh"
#include "ClassValues.hh"
#include "EnumValues.hh"
PrintFileContents10::PrintFileContents10() {}
/** Prints the io_src header information */
void PrintFileContents10::printIOHeader(std::ofstream & outfile , std::string header_file_name) {
if ( ! header_file_name.compare("S_source.hh") ) {
header_file_name = "../S_source.hh" ;
outfile << "\n"
" * This file was automatically generated by the ICG based on the file:\n"
" * " << header_file_name << "\n"
" * This file contains database parameter declarations specific to the\n"
" * data structures and enumerated types declared in the above file.\n"
" * These database parameters are used by the Trick input and\n"
" * data recording processors to gain access to important simulation\n"
" * variable information.\n"
" *\n"
" * Auto Code Generator Programmer:\n"
" * Rob Bailey Sweet Systems Inc 12/97\n"
" * Alex Lin NASA 03/01\n"
" * Alex Lin NASA 05/09\n"
" */\n"
"#define TRICK_IN_IOSRC\n"
"#include <stdlib.h>\n"
"/* Redefine private and protected to public. This gives the io_code\n"
" access to anything following an access spec keyword. Classes without access\n"
" keywords are immune to this attack. Yes, it's evil! */\n"
"//#define private public\n"
"//#define protected public\n\n"
"#include \"sim_services/MemoryManager/include/MemoryManager.hh\"\n"
"#include \"sim_services/MemoryManager/include/attributes.h\"\n"
"#include \"sim_services/MemoryManager/include/parameter_types.h\"\n"
"#include \"sim_services/Units/include/UnitsMap.hh\"\n\n"
"#include \""
<< header_file_name <<
"\"\n\n" ;
/** Prints enumeration attributes */
void PrintFileContents10::print_enum_attr(std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * e ) {
EnumValues::NameValueIterator nvit ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
outfile << "ENUM_ATTR enum" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, e , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, e , "__" ) ;
outfile << e->getName() << "[] = {\n" ;
for ( nvit = e->begin() ; nvit != e->end() ; nvit++ ) {
outfile << "{\"";
printNamespaces( outfile, e , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, e , "::" ) ;
outfile << (*nvit).first << "\" , " << (*nvit).second << " , 0x0 } ,\n" ;
outfile << "{\"\" , 0 , 0x0 }\n} ;\n\n" ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
/** Prints attributes for a field */
void PrintFileContents10::print_field_attr(std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes ) {
int array_dim ;
outfile << "{ \"" << fdes->getName() << "\"" ; // name
outfile << ", \"" ; // start type_name
printNamespaces( outfile, fdes , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, fdes , "__" ) ;
outfile << fdes->getMangledTypeName() << "\""; // end type_name
outfile << ", \"" << fdes->getUnits() << "\"" ; // units
outfile << ", \"\", \"\"," << std::endl ; // alias , user_defined
outfile << " \"" << fdes->getDescription() << "\"," << std::endl ; // des
outfile << " " << fdes->getIO() ; // io
outfile << "," << fdes->getEnumString() ; // type
outfile << ",0,0,0,Language_CPP" ; // size, range_min, range_max, language
outfile << "," << (fdes->isStatic() << 1 ) << "," << std::endl ; // mods
outfile << " " << "0" << ",NULL" ; // offset, attr
outfile << "," << fdes->getNumDims() ; // num_index
outfile << ",{" ;
if ( fdes->isBitField() ) {
outfile << "{" << fdes->getBitFieldWidth() << "," << fdes->getBitFieldStart() << "}" ; // index 0
} else {
array_dim = fdes->getArrayDim(0) ;
if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ;
outfile << "{" << array_dim << ",0}" ; // index 0
unsigned int ii ;
for ( ii = 1 ; ii < 8 ; ii++ ) {
array_dim = fdes->getArrayDim(ii) ;
if ( array_dim < 0 ) array_dim = 0 ;
outfile << ",{" << array_dim << ",0}" ; // indexes 1 through 7
outfile << "} }" ;
/** Prints class attributes */
void PrintFileContents10::print_class_attr(std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * c ) {
unsigned int ii ;
ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
outfile << "\nATTRIBUTES attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, c , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, c , "__" ) ;
outfile << c->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "[] = {" << std::endl ;
for ( fit = c->field_begin() ; fit != c->field_end() ; fit++ ) {
if ( determinePrintAttr(c , *fit) ) {
print_field_attr(outfile, *fit) ;
outfile << "," << std::endl ;
FieldDescription * new_fdes = new FieldDescription(std::string(""), true, false, false, 0) ;
print_field_attr(outfile, new_fdes) ;
outfile << " };" << std::endl ;
delete new_fdes ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
/** Prints init_attr function for each class */
void PrintFileContents10::print_field_init_attr_stmts( std::ofstream & outfile , FieldDescription * fdes , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( fdes->isStatic() ) {
// print a special offsetof statement if this is a static
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = (long)(void *)&" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "::" << fdes->getName() << " ;\n" ;
} else if ( fdes->isBitField() ) {
// else if this is a bitfield
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = " ;
outfile << fdes->getBitFieldByteOffset() << " ;\n" ;
// All bitfield offsets are in terms of unsigned ints.
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].size = sizeof(unsigned int) ;\n" ;
} else if ( fdes->isVirtualInherited() ) {
// else if we have a virtually inherited class.
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = " << fdes->getBaseClassOffset() ;
outfile << " + offsetof(" ;
//printNamespaces( cv , "::" ) ;
//printContainerClasses( cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << fdes->getContainerClass() << "," << fdes->getName() << ") ;\n" ;
} else if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() != cv->getName() ) {
// else if we have a template type where mangled_type_name is different then name.
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = offsetof(" ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "," << fdes->getName() << ") ;\n" ;
} else {
// else print an offsetof statement if this is not a special case
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].offset = offsetof(" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "," << fdes->getName() << ") ;\n" ;
if ( !fdes->isRecord() and !fdes->isEnum() and !fdes->isBitField() ) {
outfile << " attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].size = sizeof(" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, fdes , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, fdes , "::" ) ;
outfile << fdes->getTypeName() << ") ;\n" ;
if ( fdes->isRecord() or fdes->isEnum()) {
outfile << " next_attr = std::string(attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i].type_name) ;\n" ;
outfile << " mm->add_attr_info(next_attr , &attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[i], __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;\n" ;
outfile << " i++ ;\n\n" ;
/** Prints add_attr_info statements for each inherited class */
void PrintFileContents10::print_inherited_add_attr_info( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
ClassValues::InheritedClassesIterator cit ;
if ( cv->getNumInheritedClasses() > 0 ) {
outfile << "\n ATTRIBUTES temp_attr ;\n\n" ;
for ( cit = cv->inherit_classes_begin() ; cit != cv->inherit_classes_end() ; cit++ ) {
outfile << " next_attr = \"" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, *cit , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, *cit , "::" ) ;
outfile << (*cit)->getName() << "\" ;\n" ;
outfile << " mm->add_attr_info( next_attr , &temp_attr , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;\n" ;
/** Prints init_attr function for each class */
void PrintFileContents10::print_init_attr_func( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
ClassValues::FieldIterator fit ;
printOpenNamespaceBlocks(outfile, cv) ;
outfile << "\nvoid init_attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() ;
outfile << "() {\n\n"
" int i __attribute__((unused)) = 0 ;\n"
" static int initialized_1337 ;\n"
" if ( initialized_1337 ) {\n"
" return ;\n"
" }\n"
" initialized_1337 = 1 ;\n\n"
" Trick::MemoryManager * mm ;\n"
" std::string next_attr ;\n"
" mm = trick_MM ;\n" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() != cv->getName() ) {
outfile << " typedef " << cv->getName() << " " << cv->getMangledTypeName() << " ;\n\n" ;
for ( fit = cv->field_begin() ; fit != cv->field_end() ; fit++ ) {
if ( determinePrintAttr(cv , *fit) ) {
print_field_init_attr_stmts(outfile, *fit, cv) ;
print_inherited_add_attr_info(outfile, cv ) ;
outfile << "}\n\n" ;
printCloseNamespaceBlocks(outfile, cv) ;
/** Prints the io_src_sizeof function for enumerations */
void PrintFileContents10::print_enum_io_src_sizeof( std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * ev ) {
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
outfile << "size_t io_src_sizeof_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "( void ) {\n" ;
if ( ev->getHasDefinition() ) {
outfile << " return( sizeof(" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "));\n}\n\n" ;
} else {
outfile << " return(sizeof(int)) ;\n}\n\n" ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
/** Prints the C linkage init_attr function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_init_attr_c_intf( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "void init_attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "_c_intf() {\n " ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << "init_attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "() ;\n"
"}\n\n" ;
/** Prints the io_src_sizeof function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_sizeof( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << "size_t io_src_sizeof_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( void ) {\n" ;
outfile << " return( sizeof(" ;
// Template types
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "));\n"
"}\n\n" ;
/** Prints the io_src_allocate function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_allocate( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( cv->isPOD() or (! cv->isAbstract() and cv->getHasDefaultConstructor()) ) {
outfile << "void * io_src_allocate_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( int num) {\n" ;
outfile << " " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * temp = (" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * )calloc( num, sizeof(" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "));\n" ;
if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) {
outfile << " for (int ii=0 ; ii<num ; ii++) {\n" ;
outfile << " new( &temp[ii]) " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "();\n" << " }\n" ;
outfile << " return ((void *)temp);\n" << "}\n\n" ;
/** Prints the io_src_allocate function */
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_destruct( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( cv->getHasPublicDestructor()) {
outfile << "void io_src_destruct_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( void * addr __attribute__((unused)), int num __attribute__((unused)) ) {\n" ;
if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) {
// Add a using statement so we can call the destructor without fully qualifying it.
ClassValues::NamespaceIterator nsi = cv->namespace_begin() ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << " using namespace " ;
while ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << *nsi ;
nsi++ ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end()) {
outfile << "::" ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
outfile << " " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * temp = (" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * )addr ;\n" ;
outfile << " for (int ii=0 ; ii<num ; ii++) {\n" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
outfile << " temp[ii].~" ;
outfile << cv->getName() << "();\n" ;
outfile << " }\n" ;
outfile << "}\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::print_io_src_delete( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
if ( cv->getHasPublicDestructor()) {
outfile << "void io_src_delete_" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "( void * addr __attribute__((unused)) ) {\n" ;
if ( ! cv->isPOD() ) {
// Add a using statement so we can call the destructor without fully qualifying it.
ClassValues::NamespaceIterator nsi = cv->namespace_begin() ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << " using namespace " ;
while ( nsi != cv->namespace_end() ) {
outfile << *nsi ;
nsi++ ;
if ( nsi != cv->namespace_end()) {
outfile << "::" ;
outfile << " ;\n" ;
outfile << " " ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * temp = (" ;
if ( cv->getMangledTypeName() == cv->getName() ) {
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getName() << " * )addr ;\n" ;
outfile << " delete temp ;\n" ;
outfile << "}\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClass( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
print_class_attr(outfile, cv) ;
print_init_attr_func(outfile, cv) ;
print_open_extern_c(outfile) ;
print_init_attr_c_intf(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_sizeof(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_allocate(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_destruct(outfile, cv) ;
print_io_src_delete(outfile, cv) ;
print_close_extern_c(outfile) ;
print_units_map(outfile, cv) ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnum( std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * ev ) {
print_enum_attr(outfile, ev) ;
print_enum_io_src_sizeof(outfile, ev) ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClassMapHeader( std::ofstream & outfile , std::string function_name ) {
outfile <<
" * This file was automatically generated by the ICG\n"
" * This file contains the map from class/struct names to attributes\n"
" */\n\n"
"#include <map>\n"
"#include <string>\n\n"
"#include \"sim_services/Sie/include/AttributesMap.hh\"\n"
"#include \"sim_services/MemoryManager/include/attributes.h\"\n\n"
"void " << function_name << "() {\n\n"
" Trick::AttributesMap * class_attribute_map = Trick::AttributesMap::attributes_map();\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClassMap( std::ofstream & outfile , ClassValues * cv ) {
outfile << " // " << cv->getFileName() << std::endl ;
outfile << " extern ATTRIBUTES attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "[] ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " class_attribute_map->add_attr(\"" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "::" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << "\" , attr" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, cv , "__" ) ;
outfile << cv->getMangledTypeName() << ") ;" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::printClassMapFooter( std::ofstream & outfile ) {
outfile << "}" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMapHeader( std::ofstream & outfile , std::string function_name ) {
outfile <<
" * This file was automatically generated by the ICG\n"
" * This file contains the map from enum names to attributes\n"
" */\n\n"
"#include <map>\n"
"#include <string>\n\n"
"#include \"sim_services/Sie/include/EnumAttributesMap.hh\"\n"
"#include \"sim_services/MemoryManager/include/attributes.h\"\n\n"
"void " << function_name << "() {\n"
" Trick::EnumAttributesMap * enum_attribute_map __attribute__((unused)) = Trick::EnumAttributesMap::attributes_map();\n\n" ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMap( std::ofstream & outfile , EnumValues * ev ) {
outfile << " extern ENUM_ATTR enum" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "[] ;" << std::endl ;
outfile << " enum_attribute_map->add_attr(\"" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "::" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << "\" , enum" ;
printNamespaces( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
printContainerClasses( outfile, ev , "__" ) ;
outfile << ev->getName() << ") ;" << std::endl ;
void PrintFileContents10::printEnumMapFooter( std::ofstream & outfile ) {
outfile << "}" << std::endl ;