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* @anchor MonteCarloPage
* @page LEVEL2 Monte Carlo Simulation
* Trick offers a convenient method for repeatedly running a simulation with varying inputs. We call this capability
* "Monte Carlo". Monte Carlo is a well-known technique where mathematical problems are solved using random numbers
* and probability statistics. By "Monte Carlo", we mean running the simulation repeatedly over a varying input space.
* How the inputs vary is up to you, the developer. How the input space is varied may not fall into the strict definition
* of Monte Carlo, i.e. using bell curves, linear distributions, etc.
* Use this section as a reference. Refer to the tutorial for a full blown example.
* @section LEVEL3 Monte Carlo Tutorial
* The tutorial has an example of how to use Trick-based Monte Carlo. The example shows how to use Monte Carlo to optimize
* the ground distance of a jet-propelled ball. The ball has a jet which yields upward force. The jet may only fire four
* times. The firing times are set in the input file. The Monte Carlo technique is used to run the simulation repeatedly
* with varying jet-firing sequences. The tutorial shows how to use predetermined (hard-coded) sequences, as well as how
* to use random sequences. The tutorial also shows how to use data products to analyze the multitudinous curves that a
* Monte Carlo simulation produces.
* @section LEVEL3 Structure
* The curious will want to know the internal design of Monte Carlo. In the case of optimization, or when feeding new inputs
* to the simulation based on past results, the design becomes prerequisite. That said, here are a few brief points about
* the design:
* - Monte Carlo is designed to be distributed. You must have ssh or rsh setup to run Monte Carlo. Runs may occur in parallel
* across a network. In fact, all Monte Carlo runs are distributed, even when running with one machine.
* - There is no wrapper or script around S_main*.exe. Monte Carlo is a child class of the Executive class.
* - GNU's standard library is used to generate "random" data.
* - The simulation input file is only processed once (by each distributed "slave").
* - fork() is used to keep simulation runs in their own address space.
* - Optimization is possible through special developer-written jobs that wrap the simulation run. These special jobs make
* it possible to change run inputs based on past simulation results.
* - To run Monte Carlo, you run the S_main*.exe as usual. All configuration is done with input files.
* - All data is saved for each and every run. Data is saved in a MONTE_* directory. The MONTE_* directory will hold a
* RUN_* directory for each simulation run.
* - stderr, stdout, and send_hs from distributed "slaves" are saved to files.
* - Post-processing is in place to view 1000+ curves simultaneously.
* - A master which oversees the creation and management of slaves and the dispatching of runs.
* - One or more slaves that process the runs and return results to the master.
* @subsection LEVEL4 The Master
* The master is the command center of a Monte Carlo simulation. It does not process runs directly. Rather, it delegates them
* to one or more slaves which perform the actual execution. The master is responsible for spawning and managing the state of
* these slaves, dispatching and tracking the progress of each run, and handling the retrying of failed and timed out runs.
* Its life cycle consists of the following:
* - Initialize
* - While there are unresolved runs:
* - Spawn any uninitialized slaves.
* - Dispatch runs to ready slaves.
* - Receive results from finished slaves.
* - Check for timeouts.
* - Shutdown the slaves and terminate.
* @see Trick::MonteCarlo
* @anchor MonteCarloSlaves
* @subsection LEVEL4 Slaves
* Slaves are the workhorses of a Monte Carlo simulation. They are responsible for the actual execution of runs and the
* reporting of results back to the master. Slaves are robust enough to handle runs that fail abnormally and will continue
* executing until explicitly killed or disconnected. A slave's life cycle consists of the following:
* - Initialize
* - Connect to and inform the master of the port over which the slave is listening for dispatches.
* - Until the connection to the master is lost or the master commands a shutdown:
* - Wait for a new dispatch.
* - Process the dispatch.
* - Write the exit status to the master.
* - Run the shutdown jobs and terminate.
* @see Trick::MonteSlave
* @section LEVEL3 Setting Up a Monte Carlo Simulation
* It is important to note that the only initialization jobs the master runs are those with phase zero. As such, if one
* wishes to use the functions in the following discussion in user model code, a few will have effect only in phase zero
* initialization jobs. These jobs are explicitly noted below.
* @subsection LEVEL4 Monte Carlo Remote Shell
* To start Monte Carlo slaves you must have either rsh or ssh installed. It is best to setup the remote shell so that it
* doesn't prompt for a password every time you run it. See tutorial for a tiny ssh test.
* @subsection LEVEL4 Activating Monte Carlo
* A Monte Carlo simulation is enabled via one of:
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::set_enabled <br>
* <b>C:</b> ::mc_set_enabled
* @anchor MonteCarloRuns
* @subsection LEVEL4 Specifying the Number of Runs
* This tells Monte Carlo how many simulation runs to execute. For a series of random runs, Monte Carlo will execute the
* simulation the number of runs specified. When MonteVarFile is specified as the input variable's type, Trick will execute
* the number of runs specified, not exceeding the number of values contained in the input variable's data file. For multiple
* MonteVarFile variables, Trick will execute the least number of runs specified, not exceeding the least number of values
* contained in the input variable's data file.
* The number of runs to be dispatched is specified via one of:
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::set_num_runs<br>
* <b>C:</b> ::mc_set_num_runs
* @anchor MonteCarloRanges
* @subsection LEVEL4 Ranges
* This optional section tells Monte Carlo which runs to execute.
* A subset of runs to be dispatched can be achieved via one of:
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::add_range<br>
* <b>C:</b> ::mc_add_range
* All ranges will be combined, and runs falling in any of the specified ranges will be dispatched. If no ranges are
* specified, all runs will be dispatched. For example, the following lines in the input file result in runs 100 through
* 200, 250, and 300 through 500 being dispatched:
* @code
* trick.mc_add_range(100, 200)
* trick.mc_add_range(250)
* trick.mc_add_range(300, 500)
* @endcode
* @anchor MonteCarloVariables
* @subsection LEVEL4 Monte Carlo Input Variables
* The following classes (which are derived from the Trick::MonteVar abstract base class) are used to specify
* which input variables are available for changing from run to run. The type of class tells Trick how to
* generate the value for the variable from run to run.
* - Trick::MonteVarCalculated
* - The user feeds Monte Carlo with calculated values. The values are calculated in user-created Monte Carlo
* jobs. The primary purpose of the MonteVarCalculated type formula is for optimization (see the Optimization section) <br>
* Parameter Descriptions:
* - name - the fully qualified name of the simulation variable
* - unit - the variable's units.
* - Trick::MonteVarFile
* - Pull values from an input file. Use MonteVarFile when you want to hard-code various values. <br>
* Note: Below represents an example of an input file. The data should be in tabular format with each column
* containing the data for a variable and each row is for a different run.
* @code
* #this is a comment
* 0 1.00000 1.50000
* 1 1.50000 2.00000
* 2 2.00000 2.50000
* 3 2.50000 3.00000
* @endcode
* Column 1 contains the run number (optional, the values can begin in column 1).<br>
* Column 2 contains the values for 4 runs.<br>
* Column 3 contains the values for 4 runs.<br>
* Parameter Descriptions:
* - name - the fully qualified name of the simulation variable
* - file_name - the name of the file containing the values to use
* - column - the column in the data file containing the values for this variable
* - unit - the variable's units.
* - Trick::MonteVarFixed
* - Use this class type to specify a constant value. <br>
* Parameter Descriptions:
* - name - the fully qualified name of the simulation variable
* - value - the constant value to use for the variable
* - unit - the variable's units.
* - Trick::MonteVarRandom
* - Use this class type to auto-generate the input values using a distribution formula. <br>
* Parameter Descriptions:
* - name - the fully qualified name of the simulation variable
* - unit - the variable's units
* - distribution - the random distribution method (GAUSSIAN, FLAT, or POISSON)
* - <b> GAUSSIAN </b>: This specifies the following probability density function to be used for the variable: <br>
* <i>P(x)= 0.0, if x < min <br>
* Or: 0.0, if x > max <br>
* Or: 0.0, if x < rel_min +\f$\mu\f$ <br>
* Or: 0.0, if x > rel_max +\f$\mu\f$ <br>
* Otherwise: \f${\displaystyle\frac{1}{\sigma\sqrt{2 \pi}} \; exp\biggr(-\frac{(x-\mu)^2}{2\mu^2}\biggr)}\f$ </i> <br>
* Gaussian Parameter Descriptions:
* - Seed - the randomization seed. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_seed))
* - Sigma - the standard deviation. The larger the value, the broader the bell curve. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_sigma))
* - Mu - specifies the center of the bell curve. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_mu)
* - Min, Max - absolute cutoff limits. Any values ouside of these bounds are discarded. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_min, Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_max)
* - Rel_min, Rel_max - cutoff limits relative to mu \f$(\mu)\f$. Any values ouside of these bounds are discarded.
* (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_min_is_relative, Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_max_is_relative)
* - <b> POISSON </b>: This specifies the following probability density function to be used for the variable:\n
* <i> P(n)= \f${\displaystyle\frac{\mu^ne^{-\mu}}{n!}}\f$ </i> <br>
* Poisson Parameter Descriptions:
* - Seed - the randomization seed. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_seed)
* - Mu\f$(\mu)\f$ - non-negative, real-valued number that specifies the mean of the distribution. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_mu)
* - Min, Max - absolute, non-negative, cutoff limits. Any values outside of these bounds are discarded.
* (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_min, Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_max)
* - Rel_min, Rel_max - cutoff limits relative to mu \f$(\mu)\f$. Any values outside of these bounds are discarded.
* (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_min_is_relative, Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_max_is_relative)
* - <b> FLAT</b>: Uniform distribution. No bell. Returns uniform random values between (-\f$\infty\f$, +\f$\infty\f$) bracketed
* optionally by [min, max]. (use Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_min, Trick::MonteVarRandom::set_max)
* - engine - the C++11 predefined pseudo-random engine type. NO_ENGINE is the default (results in Trick coded random number engine).
* Other options using the C++11 <random> facilities of the Standard Template Library:
* (Requires --std=c++0x or --std=c++11 on Trick configure command line when building Trick.)
* - TRICK_DEFAULT_ENGINE - <b>SUGGESTED FOR USE</b>. std::ranlux_base_01 for c++0x, std::mt19937 for c++11
* - C++ TR1 options: (pre-C++11 compiler, GCC versions 4.4 through 4.6).
* (Requires --std=c++0x on Trick configure command line when building Trick.)
* - RANLUX_BASE_01_ENGINE - std::ranlux_base_01 Engine
* - RANLUX_64_BASE_01_ENGINE - std::ranlux64_base_01 Engine
* - (others such as std::mt19937 not provided, because they return
* outside the canonical 0 <= x < 1 range in some GCC versions,
* which can cause infinite loops in distributions.)
* - C++11 options: (C++11 compiler, versions 4.7, 4.8).
* (Requires --std=c++11 on Trick configure command line when building Trick.)
* - MINSTD_RAND_ENGINE - std::minstd_rand Minimal Standard Linear Congruential Engine
* - MT19937_ENGINE - std::mt19937 Mersenne Twister Engine. Said to provide better behavior than Linear Congruential Engines.
* - MT19937_64_ENGINE - std::mt19937_64 64 bit Mersenne Twister Engine.
* - RANLUX_24_BASE_ENGINE - std::ranlux24_base Engine
* - RANLUX_44_BASE_ENGINE - std::ranlux48_base Engine
* - RANLUX_24_ENGINE - std::ranlux24 Engine
* - RANLUX_44_ENGINE - std::ranlux48 Engine
* - KNUTH_B_ENGINE - std::knuth_b Engine
* After constructing such a variable, it can be added via:
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::add_variable
* C wrapper functions are not available for creating and adding variables. As such, C simulations can add variables
* <i>only</i> through the input file. To create a variable in the input file, prepend the constructor with
* \"<code>trick.</code>\". For example:
* @code
* variable0 = trick.MonteVarCalculated("ball.obj.state.input.mass")
* variable1 = trick.MonteVarFile("ball.obj.state.input.position[0]", "RUN_monte/values.txt", 2)
* variable2 = trick.MonteVarFixed("ball.obj.state.input.position[1]", 5)
* variable3 = trick.MonteVarRandom("ball.obj.state.input.velocity[0]", trick.MonteVarRandom.GAUSSIAN, "", trick.MonteVarRandom.NO_ENGINE)
* variable3.set_seed(1)
* variable3.set_sigma(0.6667)
* variable3.set_mu(4.0)
* variable3.set_min(-4.0)
* variable3.set_max(4.0)
* variable3.set_sigma_range(0) # integer argument, default is 1. 0 turns limit feature off.
* variable3.set_min_is_relative(True) # default true. When True, set_min value is relative to mean mu
* variable3.set_max_is_relative(True) # default true. When True, set_max value is relative to mean mu
* @endcode
* Calling a C++ function in the input file is not as simple as prepending it with \"<code>trick.</code>\". To add a variable
* in the input file, use the following syntax:
* @code
* trick_mc.mc.add_variable(variable0)
* trick_mc.mc.add_variable(variable1)
* trick_mc.mc.add_variable(variable2)
* variable3.set_seed(0)
* trick_mc.mc.add_variable(variable3)
* @endcode
* Note that it is necessary to assign the result of the constructor to a local variable in the input file. While it may
* be tempting to combine the calls into one line such as:
* @code trick_mc.mc.add_variable(trick.MonteVarFixed("ball.obj.state.input.position[1]", 5) @endcode
* this will generally result in a run-time error since the Python input processor will free the memory allocated for the
* variable after leaving the scope of the constructor if it is not locally assigned.
* Variables can also be added from jobs of type <code>"monte_master_pre"</code> or <code>"monte_master_post"</code> while
* the Monte Carlo is running. Note that new variables will effect only runs that have yet to be dispatched.
* @subsection LEVEL3 Distributed Monte Carlo
* To run Monte Carlo distributed across a network, you simply need to add_slave to the input file for each slave.
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::add_slave<br>
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::add_slave <br>
* <b>C:</b> ::mc_add_slave
* @code
* slave0 = trick.MonteSlave("WonderWoman")
* trick_mc.mc.add_slave(slave0)
* slave1 = trick.MonteSlave("CatWoman")
* trick_mc.mc.add_slave(slave1)
* slave2 = trick.MonteSlave("LoisLane")
* trick_mc.mc.add_slave(slave2)
* @endcode
* It is really that easy. But the following bullets need to be remembered:
* - ssh is used to launch simulations across the network.
* - Each slave machine will work in parallel with other machines.
* - Each slave will do as much work as it can. The faster the machine, the more work it will do.
* - If a slave dies, the "master" is smart enough to redistribute the missing work.
* - Communication between master and slave(s) will be done with socket communication (handshaking_disabled)
* - There is no way to be "nice" to other users on a machine. The Monte Carlo is going to hog the CPU.
* - Monte Carlo runs distributed even when there are NO slaves. If no slaves are added, Trick will add a single slave on "localhost".
* Slaves can also be added from jobs of type <code>"monte_master_pre"</code> or <code>"monte_master_post"</code>
* while the Monte Carlo is running.
* @section LEVEL3 Output
* Data logged for each run is stored in a <code>RUN_<run number></code> directory within a
* <code>MONTE_<run directory></code> directory on the machine that processed the run. Existing directories and files will be
* overwritten. These directories are not cleaned out by subsequent Monte Carlos. So, for instance, if the user runs a Monte
* Carlo with 1000 runs, and then reruns the same Monte Carlo with 500 runs, the first 500 <code>RUN_*</code> directories
* will contain data from the second Monte Carlo, while the last 500 will still exist and contain data from the first Monte
* Carlo. The following files are Monte Carlo specific:
* - <b>MONTE_<run directory>/monte_header</b><br>
* This file contains the input file lines that configured the initial state of the Monte Carlo, such as information on the
* number of runs and variables. This file is also created during a dry_run.
* - <b>MONTE_<run directory>/monte_runs</b><br>
* This file lists the values used for each variable for each run. This file is also created during a dry_run.
* - <b>MONTE_<run directory>/run_summary</b><br>
* This file contains the summary statistical information that is printed out to the screen after a Monte Carlo completes.
* - <b>MONTE_<run directory>/RUN_\<run number\>/monte_input</b><br>
* This file contains the input file commands necessary to rerun a single run as a stand alone simulation.
* @anchor MonteCarloDryRun
* @section LEVEL3 Dry Run
* A dry run generates only the monte_header and monte_runs files without actually processing any runs. It is useful for
* verifying input values before running a full Monte Carlo. A dry run is specified via one of:
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::set_dry_run<br>
* <b>C:</b> ::mc_set_dry_run
* @anchor MonteCarloVerbose
* @section LEVEL3 Making Monte Carlo Less Verbose
* By default, Monte Carlo is fairly verbose. If you need to suppress the messages from a Monte Carlo run:
* <b>C++:</b> Trick::MonteCarlo::set_verbosity <br>
* <b>C:</b> ::mc_set_verbosity
* Possible values for the verbosity argument are:
* - NONE (0) - report no messages
* - ERROR (1) - report error messages
* - INFORMATIONAL (2) - report error and informational messages
* - ALL (3) - report all messages
* @section LEVEL3 Optimization
* Monte Carlo has no decision making capability. It runs a predetermined set of inputs or a random set. In order to optimize,
* it is usually necessary to base current inputs from past results. Intelligence must be involved for the decision making.
* Currently, Trick has no built-in "intelligence" for optimization. It offers a framework for you, the brains, to
* optimize the simulation. The framework allows on-the-fly input modification based on past simulation results.
* The framework is a set of monte jobs which run at critical times for analyzing results and building new inputs. The
* jobs are written by the developer. The job's class determines what role the job plays (i.e. where it is run) in the
* optimization process. The Monte Carlo classed job is specified in the S_define like any other job.
* In order to get a handle on how to plug in to the optimization framework, it helps to have a better understanding of the
* roles the master and slave play in the master/slave design.
* The below table contains a description of the Monte Carlo specific Trick jobs:
* <center>
* <table>
* <tr><th>Trick Job </th> <th>Description </th>
* <tr><td><b>monte_master_init</b><br>
* <td>This class job runs within the master. It is run before tasking any slaves to run. This class job only runs once.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_master_pre</b><br></td>
* <td>This class job runs within the master. These jobs run right before dispatching a simulation run to a slave. Within
* this job, you may modify inputs before the slave receives them. This is one area where you may place intelligence.
* This class job runs cyclically before each and every run.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_master_post</b><br></td>
* <td>This class job runs within the master. These jobs run right after a slave reports back that it has completed running
* the simulation. This type job is the place to receive results from the slave simulation. Results from slave to master
* are sent via a Trick communication device (socket). The connection to the slave is already in place, you only need to
* tc_read() the results. These results are used by the master_post and master_pre jobs for intelligently deciding the
* next set of inputs for the slave. This class job runs cyclically after each and every slave run.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_master_shutdown</b><br></td>
* <td>This class job runs within the master. Once all slaves have cranked through all inputs desired by the master, the master's
* shutdown class jobs are run. These are run only once at the very end.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_slave_init</b><br></td>
* <td>This class job runs within the slave. These jobs are run before the slave fork()s off the simulation with the inputs
* passed in by the master and before the RUN directories are created. These jobs run once.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_slave_pre</b><br></td>
* <td>This class job runs within the slave's child. These jobs run after the slave fork()s off the simulation with the inputs
* passed in by the master. These jobs run every time the slave runs the simulation.</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_slave_post</b><br></td>
* <td>This class job runs within the slave's child. It is responsible for passing simulation results back to the master. Trick will
* automatically create a connection from the slave to the master. You only need to tc_write() the results. These jobs run
* every time the child runs the simulation (during shutdown).</td></tr>
* <tr><td><b>monte_slave_shutdown</b><br></td>
* <td>This class jobs runs within the slave. After the master cuts off communication with the slave, the slave realizes it is
* no longer needed for any service. It then runs its shutdown class jobs. Then terminates itself.</td></tr>
* </table>
* </center>
* @section LEVEL4 The Post-Run Connection
* Post-run communication can be done via the Trick comm package in the post-run jobs. The underlying sockets are already
* connected at the time the post-run jobs are executed, so the user can simply use the C wrapper functions
* ::mc_read and ::mc_write to pass additional data between the master and slave.
* @section LEVEL4 Where To Put Optimization Code
* Since the master is in charge of dispatching, the optimization code will reside in the master. It is debatable whether
* to put the actual decision making in the monte_master_pre or monte_master_post jobs. In the tutorial, the
* optimization code was put in a monte_master_prerun class job. This may seem less intuitive, since the monte_master_postrun
* is the one receiving the results. It turned out that the decision making for that particular algorithm was easier before
* the run rather than after. This is not a hard and fast rule. Wherever it makes sense for the problem at hand is where the
* decision making should go.
* @section LEVEL3 User Accessible Routines
* - ::mc_set_enabled
* - ::mc_get_enabled
* - ::mc_set_dry_run
* - ::mc_get_dry_run
* - ::mc_set_localhost_as_remote
* - ::mc_get_localhost_as_remote
* - ::mc_set_custom_slave_dispatch
* - ::mc_get_custom_slave_dispatch
* - ::mc_set_timeout
* - ::mc_get_timeout
* - ::mc_set_max_tries
* - ::mc_get_max_tries
* - ::mc_set_user_cmd_string
* - ::mc_get_user_cmd_string
* - ::mc_set_custom_pre_text
* - ::mc_get_custom_pre_text
* - ::mc_set_custom_post_text
* - ::mc_get_custom_post_text
* - ::mc_set_verbosity
* - ::mc_get_verbosity
* - ::mc_set_num_runs
* - ::mc_get_num_runs
* - ::mc_set_run_directory
* - ::mc_get_run_directory
* - ::mc_get_slave_id
* - ::mc_add_range
* - ::mc_add_slave
* - ::mc_start_slave
* - ::mc_stop_slave
* - ::mc_set_output_directory
* - ::mc_disable_slave_GUIs
* - ::mc_write
* - ::mc_read
* - ::mc_get_connection_device
* - ::mc_set_current_run
* - ::mc_get_current_run