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synced 2025-03-05 12:51:23 +00:00
Reorganized. Created a new top level include directory that will hold all of Trick's header files. Moved all of the Trick headers to this directory. Created a libexec directory that holds all of the executables that users don't need to execute directly. Changed all of the executables remaining in bin to start with "trick-". In the sim_services directories changed all source files to find the Trick headers in their new location. Since all of the include files are gone in sim_services, removed the src directories as well, moving all of the source files up a level. Moved the makefiles, docs, man, and other architecture independent files into a top level share directory. Renamed lib_${TRICK_HOST_CPU} to lib64 or lib depending on the platform we're currently on. refs #63
123 lines
4.2 KiB
123 lines
4.2 KiB
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <string.h>
#include "trick/Sie.hh"
#include "trick/SimObject.hh"
#include "trick/attributes.h"
#include "trick/reference.h"
#include "trick/memorymanager_c_intf.h"
#include "trick/exec_proto.hh"
#include "trick/command_line_protos.h"
#include "trick/MemoryManager.hh"
#include "trick/parameter_types.h"
Trick::Sie * the_sie = NULL ;
Trick::Sie::Sie() {
// Call the attribute_map function which will instantiate the singleton maps
class_attr_map = Trick::AttributesMap::attributes_map() ;
enum_attr_map = Trick::EnumAttributesMap::attributes_map() ;
the_sie = this ;
int Trick::Sie::process_sim_args() {
int argc ;
char ** argv ;
argc = command_line_args_get_argc() ;
argv = command_line_args_get_argv() ;
if (argc >= 2) {
if (!strcmp(argv[1], "sie")) {
/* If main is being invoked by the configuration processor (cp) to generate the sie resource file... */
/* Generate the sie resource file */
std::cout << "Created S_sie.resource file." << std::endl ;
// Silently exit the sim without printing the termination message
exit(0) ;
return(0) ;
void Trick::Sie::top_level_objects_print(std::ofstream & sie_out) {
int jj ;
for ( vit = trick_MM->variable_map_begin() ; vit != trick_MM->variable_map_end() ; vit++ ) {
ALLOC_INFO * alloc_info = (*vit).second ;
if ( alloc_info != NULL ) {
sie_out << " <top_level_object" ;
sie_out << std::endl << " name=\"" << vit->first << "\"" ;
sie_out << std::endl << " type=\"" ;
std::string type = trickTypeCharString(alloc_info->type, alloc_info->user_type_name );
std::replace(type.begin(), type.end(), ':', '_');
sie_out << type << "\"" << std::endl ;
sie_out << " alloc_memory_init=\"" << alloc_info->alloced_in_memory_init << "\"";
sie_out << ">" << std::endl ;
if ( alloc_info->num_index > 0 ) {
for (jj = 0; jj < alloc_info->num_index; jj++) {
sie_out << " <dimension>" << alloc_info->index[jj] << "</dimension>" << std::endl ;
sie_out << " </top_level_object>" << std::endl << std::endl ;
void Trick::Sie::sie_print_xml() {
std::ofstream sie_out ;
std::string file_name = std::string(command_line_args_get_default_dir()) + "/" + "S_sie.resource" ;
sie_out.open(file_name.c_str()) ;
sie_out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl << std::endl ;
sie_out << "<sie>" << std::endl << std::endl ;
class_attr_map->print_xml(sie_out) ;
enum_attr_map->print_xml(sie_out) ;
top_level_objects_print(sie_out) ;
sie_out << "</sie>" << std::endl ;
sie_out.close() ;
void Trick::Sie::class_attr_map_print_xml() {
std::ofstream sie_out ;
std::string file_name = std::string(command_line_args_get_default_dir()) + "/" + "S_sie_class.xml" ;
sie_out.open(file_name.c_str()) ;
sie_out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl << std::endl ;
sie_out << "<sie>" << std::endl ;
class_attr_map->print_xml(sie_out) ;
sie_out << "</sie>" << std::endl ;
sie_out.close() ;
void Trick::Sie::enum_attr_map_print_xml() {
std::ofstream sie_out ;
std::string file_name = std::string(command_line_args_get_default_dir()) + "/" + "S_sie_enum.xml" ;
sie_out.open(file_name.c_str()) ;
sie_out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl << std::endl ;
sie_out << "<sie>" << std::endl ;
enum_attr_map->print_xml(sie_out) ;
sie_out << "</sie>" << std::endl ;
sie_out.close() ;
void Trick::Sie::top_level_objects_print_xml() {
std::ofstream sie_out ;
std::string file_name = std::string(command_line_args_get_default_dir()) + "/" + "S_sie_top_level_objects.xml" ;
sie_out.open(file_name.c_str()) ;
sie_out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" << std::endl << std::endl ;
sie_out << "<sie>" << std::endl ;
top_level_objects_print(sie_out) ;
sie_out << "</sie>" << std::endl ;
sie_out.close() ;