

class Feature


The Feature class represents a graphical feature in an ArenaMap. It consists of a 2D position, an orientation, and an image. The position is specified by North, and West.

Access Member Name Type Units Value
public north double --
public west double --
public heading double --
public bufImage BufferedImage --


public Feature(double N, double W, double H, String imageFile)

Create a Feature with position (N,W), heading (H), and image stored in imageFile.

Member Functions

public void setState(double N, double W, double H)

Set the position (N,W), heading (H) of the Feature.

class ArenaMap

extends JPanel


The ArenaMap class creates, and manages a graphical display of Features in an arena.

Access Member Name Type Units Value
private featureList List<Feature> -- Constructor Arg
private metersPerPixel double -- Constructor Arg
private groundColor Color -- White


public ArenaMap(List<Feature> flist, double mapScale)

Initialize an ArenaMap object to the given mapscale, and containing the given list of graphical features.

Member Functions

public void SetScale (double mapScale);

Set the screen resolution of the Arenamap (meters/pixel).

private void doDrawing(Graphics g);

class EVDisplay

extends JFrame


This class implements a Trick variable server client application for SIM_wheelbot that displays the vehicle and its waypoints. The position of the vehicle is updated over time.

Running the Client

java -jar EVDisplay.jar -v <vehicle-image-file> -w <waypoints-file> <port>
  • -v : specify the image to be used for the vehicle.
  • -w : specify the waypoint positions, headings, and images, in the format shown below.
  • <port> : the port number for the Trick variable server.

Example :

java -jar EVDisplay.jar -v "images/twoWheelRover.png" -w "Modified_data/pentagon.waypoints" <port>
Modified_data/pentagon.waypoints :


A More Fun Example:

java -jar EVDisplay.jar -v "images/mouse_128x128.png" -w "Modified_data/pentagon.snackpoints" <port>
Modified_data/pentagon.snackpoints :



public EVDisplay(ArenaMap arena)

Member Functions

public void connectToServer(String host, int port ) throws IOException

Connect to the Trick variable server as specified by host and port.

public void drawArenaMap()

Calls the ArenaMap's repaint() method, that is inherited from the Java-Swing JPanel class. This causes the ArenaMap's doDrawing() method to be called, which draws the arena.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
  • Process Args
  • Validate Parameters
  • Read and process the waypoint file:
    • For each waypoint, create a Feature and add it to the feature-list.
  • Create a Feature for the vehicle, and add it to the feature-list.
  • Connect to the Trick variable server on the local computer ("localhost") at the port number specified by the applicaton arguments.
  • Request the vehicle position and heading at 10Hz.
  • Enter a continuous while loop that reads, and correspondingly sets the vehicle state.