* Add test sim and documentation for interaction between data recording and checkpointing * Dump failing logs from first phase jobs
This test suite runs different data recording and checkpoint combinations in an effort to document and test expected behaviors.
RUN_test1 Checkpoint dumped at t=5 with data recording Run started without data recording Checkpoint loaded at t=5 Expected: log_foo.csv contains data recorded from t=5+
RUN_test2 Checkpoint dumped at t=5 without data recording Run started with data recording Checkpoint loaded at t=5 Expected: log_foo.csv does not exist
RUN_test3 Checkpoint dumped at t=5 with data recording Run started with data recording Checkpoint loaded at t=5 Expected: log_foo.csv contains data recorded from t=5+
RUN_test4 Checkpoint dumped at t=2 with data recording Run started with data recording Checkpoint loaded at t=5 Expected: log_foo.csv contains data recorded from t=2+
RUN_test5 Checkpoint dumped at t=7 with data recording Run started with data recording Checkpoint loaded at t=5 Expected: log_foo.csv contains data recorded from t=7+
RUN_test6 Checkpoint dumped at t=7 with data recording group foo2 Run started with data recording group 1 Checkpoint loaded at t=5 Expected: ?
Overall: expectation is that what loads in from the checkpoint should take precedence and overwrite the file of the same name.