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synced 2025-03-14 00:06:29 +00:00
Perl scripts linked into /usr/local/bin or anyother directory needs to use FindBin qw($RealBin) instead of just FindBin qw($Bin). Realpath will find the absolute path to where the script actually lives and the pm directory that holds the perl modules.
352 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File
352 lines
9.5 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/perl
use File::Basename ;
use Cwd ;
use strict ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Pod::Text ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/pm" ;
use parse_s_define ;
use get_headers ;
use ICG ;
use MIS ;
use mis_dep ;
use make_makefile ;
use make_swig_makefile ;
use make_no_swig_makefile ;
use gte ;
use s_source ;
use auto_doc ;
use default_data ;
use trick_print ;
use trick_version ;
my %sim ;
my $cwd = cwd();
my $saved_cflags ;
my (@paths , $cc , $cc_found) ;
my $make_cmd;
# override the print format for help message
*Pod::Text::seq_i = sub { return "[04m" . $_[1] . "[00m" } ;
# set stdout to unbuffered so we see printout immediately.
$| = 1 ;
# set default verbose level
$sim{args}{v} = 2 ;
$sim{args}{o} = "CP_out" ;
$sim{args}{p} = 1 ;
# Process command line arguments
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
GetOptions ( "d" => \$sim{args}{d} ,
"e" => \$sim{args}{e} ,
"f" => \$sim{args}{f} ,
"model_dirs|z" => \$sim{args}{z} ,
"no_python|p" => sub { $sim{args}{p} = 0 } ,
"debug|g" => sub { $sim{args}{v} = 3 ; } ,
"help|h|?" => \$sim{args}{h} ,
"m" => \$sim{args}{m} ,
"outfile|o=s" => \$sim{args}{o} ,
"r" => \$sim{args}{r} ,
"s" => \$sim{args}{s} ,
"t" => \$sim{args}{t} ,
"verbose|v=i" => \$sim{args}{v}
) or pod2usage(1) ;
pod2usage(1) if $sim{args}{h} ;
# look to see if TRICK_CC set properly
@paths = split /:/ , $ENV{PATH} ;
$cc = gte("TRICK_CC") ;
chomp $cc ;
$cc =~ s/.*?ccache\s+// ;
$cc_found = 0 ;
foreach my $p ( @paths ) {
if ( -x "$p/$cc" or -x $cc ) {
$cc_found = 1 ;
last ;
if ( $cc_found == 0 ) {
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "CP can't find TRICK_CC = $cc.\n", "title_red", $sim{args}{v} ) ;
exit ;
# Get Trick version
my ($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ;
$thread =~ s/\d+\.// ;
local *OUTFILE ;
open OUTFILE , ">$sim{args}{o}" or warn "CP cannot open $sim{args}{o} for writing\n" ;
$sim{fh} = *OUTFILE ;
print OUTFILE "Output for $0 version $version-$thread at " . localtime() . "\n\n" ;
if ( !( $sim{args}{e} || $sim{args}{s} || $sim{args}{m} || $sim{args}{d} ) ) {
$sim{args}{e} = $sim{args}{s} = $sim{args}{m} = $sim{args}{d} = 1 ;
# if no python is specified, turn off the python InputProcessor sim_object in S_define.
if ( $sim{args}{p} == 0 ) {
# Parse the S_define file
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Parsing S_define..." , "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "\n" , "title_white" , $sim{args}{v}) if ( $sim{args}{v} != 1 ) ;
parse_s_define(\%sim) ;
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "\nCompleted parsing S_define\n\n" , "normal_green" , $ sim{args}{v} ) ;
# If this is CP -z|model_dirs, print model dirs and exit
if ( $sim{args}{z} ) {
my %model_dirs ;
foreach ( keys %{$sim{headers_full_path}} ) {
$model_dirs{dirname($_)} = 1 ;
foreach ( @{$sim{mis_entry_files}} ) {
$model_dirs{dirname($_)} = 1 ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Model directory listing\n", "title_cyan", $sim{args}{v});
foreach ( sort keys %model_dirs ) {
trick_print($sim{fh}, "$_\n", "normal_white", $sim{args}{v});
exit ;
# Make S_source.c
if ($sim{args}{s}) {
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Creating S_source.c...", "title_cyan", $sim{args}{v});
s_source( \%sim ) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, " Complete\n", "title_green", $sim{args}{v}) ;
# Get all headers used by the sim and their modification dates
get_headers(\%sim, abs_path("S_source.hh")) ;
# ICG all headers that S_define references
# ICG will return:
# -> Hash of types (used to create S_source.c)
# %types{type_name} -> {name,value,xml}
# value == 102 means enumerated type
# value == 103 means struct type
# -> Hash of dependencies (used to create Makefile)
my @files_to_mis ;
my ($new_mis_depends_ref , $rcs_tags_ref) ;
my @mis_entry_files ;
my @headers_to_ICG ;
my @all_headers_to_ICG ;
chdir ($cwd) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Determining structure dependencies.\n" , "normal_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
@all_headers_to_ICG = (sort keys %{$sim{headers_full_path}}) ;
foreach ( @all_headers_to_ICG ) {
if ( !/trick_source/ ) {
push @headers_to_ICG , $_ ;
if ( scalar @headers_to_ICG ) {
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "ICG'ing header files to get all header file dependencies..." , "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v} ) ;
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "\n" , "title_white" , $sim{args}{v} ) if ( $sim{args}{v} != 1 ) ;
my @defs ;
my @temp_array = ( abs_path("S_source.hh")) ;
ICG ( @temp_array , "CP" , \@defs, \%sim ) ;
if ( $sim{args}{v} == 1 ) {
print " [32mComplete[00m\n" ;
if ( scalar @headers_to_ICG ) {
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "\nAll header file dependencies found.\n" , "normal_green" , $sim{args}{v} ) ;
foreach my $h ( @all_headers_to_ICG ) {
# push the header dependencies for c++ files onto the lists for mis processing
foreach ( keys %{$sim{all_icg_depends}{$h}} ) {
if ( exists $sim{head_deps}{$_} and defined $sim{head_deps}{$_}{files} ) {
push @mis_entry_files , @{$sim{head_deps}{$_}{files}} ;
push @{$sim{mis_entry_files}} , @{$sim{head_deps}{$_}{files}} ;
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "Determining module dependencies.\n", "normal_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
push @mis_entry_files , (grep !/trick_source/ , @{$sim{mis_entry_files}}) ;
foreach ( @mis_entry_files ) {
if ( ! exists $sim{src_only}{$_} ) {
if ( !/trick_source/ ) {
push @files_to_mis , $_ ;
my %temp_hash ;
@files_to_mis = grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @files_to_mis ;
$new_mis_depends_ref = mis_dep(\%sim , @files_to_mis) ;
# Add the object only listings
mis_catalog_dep(\%sim , $new_mis_depends_ref) ;
foreach my $k ( keys %$new_mis_depends_ref ) {
$sim{all_mis_depends}{$k} = $$new_mis_depends_ref{$k} ;
my @all_src_files ;
foreach my $n ( @{$sim{mis_entry_files}} ) {
foreach my $k ( grep !/last_look/ ,
(keys %{$sim{all_mis_depends}{$n}}) ) {
push @all_src_files ,
@{$sim{all_mis_depends}{$n}{$k}} ;
undef %temp_hash ;
@all_src_files = grep ++$temp_hash{$_} < 2, @all_src_files ;
@all_src_files = grep !/trick_source|\.a$|^\-/ , @all_src_files ;
if ( $sim{args}{v} == 1 ) {
print " [32mComplete[00m\n" ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "\nMIS complete\n\n" , "normal_green" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
# Make Default Data
if ($sim{args}{d}) {
chdir ($cwd) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Creating Default_data...", "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
make_default_data( \%sim ) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, " Complete\n", "title_green", $sim{args}{v}) ;
chdir ($cwd) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Creating S_document.xml...", "title_cyan", $sim{args}{v}) ;
print_xml_CP( \%sim ) ;
trick_print( $sim{fh}, " Complete\n", "title_green", $sim{args}{v}) ;
# Make Makefile
if ($sim{args}{m}) {
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Creating New Makefile... ", "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
make_makefile( \@temp_array , \%sim , $cwd) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, " Complete\n" , "title_green" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
if ( $sim{args}{p} == 1 ) {
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Creating SWIG Makefile... ", "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
make_swig_makefile( \@temp_array , \%sim , $cwd) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, " Complete\n" , "title_green" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
} else {
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Creating No-python Makefile... ", "title_cyan" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
make_no_swig_makefile() ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, " Complete\n" , "title_green" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
close OUTFILE ;
=head1 NAME
CP - Trick Configuration Processor
CP [-defghmprsz?] [--debug] [--help] [-o I<outfile>] [--outfile=I<outfile>]
[-v I<level>] [--verbose=I<level>] [--model_dirs]
See the Trick User's guide for B<CP>
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-d>
S_default.dat and Default_data (Default data files)
=item B<-e>
S_main_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}.exe (Master executable)
=item B<-f>
Force CP to process S_define without catalog/cache
=item B<-g> | B<--debug>
Set the verbose level to 3
=item B<-h> | B<-?> | B<--help>
Print this help message
=item B<-m>
Makefile (Simulation make file)
=item B<-o> I<file_name> | B<--outfile>=I<outfile>
output all CP output to an external file
=item B<-p>
Create a simulation without python input processor.
=item B<-s>
S_source.c (Simulation specific executive source code)
=item B<-r>
S_sie.resource (Smart Input Editor data base)
=item B<-v> I<level> | B<--verbose>=I<level>
Set the verbose level. Valid entries are 0-3.
=item B<-z> | B<--model_dirs>
Print out the model directories this S_define depends on.
=item B<-DTRICK_VER=x.x>
Note: -DTRICK_VER=x.x is automatically used when parsing header files and the S_define file