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synced 2025-02-10 20:51:22 +00:00
170 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File
170 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable File
#! /usr/bin/perl
use File::Basename ;
use Cwd ;
use strict ;
use Getopt::Long ;
use Pod::Usage ;
use Pod::Text ;
use Cwd 'abs_path';
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/pm" ;
use parse_s_define ;
use gte ;
use s_source ;
use trick_print ;
use trick_version ;
use get_paths ;
use verbose_build ;
my %sim ;
my $cwd = cwd();
my $verbose_build = verbose_build() ;
my @ext_lib_paths = get_paths( "TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS" ) ;
# override the print format for help message
*Pod::Text::seq_i = sub { return "[04m" . $_[1] . "[00m" } ;
# set default verbose level
$sim{args}{v} = 2 ;
$sim{args}{o} = "build/CP_out" ;
$sim{args}{p} = 1 ;
# Process command line arguments
Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
GetOptions ( "no-python|p" => sub { $sim{args}{p} = 0 } ,
"debug|g" => sub { $sim{args}{v} = 3 ; } ,
"help|h|?" => \$sim{args}{h} ,
"outfile|o=s" => \$sim{args}{o} ,
"t" => \$sim{args}{t} ,
"verbose|v=i" => \$sim{args}{v}
) or pod2usage(1) ;
pod2usage(1) if $sim{args}{h} ;
# Get Trick version
my ($version, $thread) = get_trick_version() ;
$thread =~ s/\d+\.// ;
if ( ! -e "build" ) {
mkdir "build", 0755 ;
local *OUTFILE ;
open OUTFILE , ">$sim{args}{o}" or warn "CP cannot open $sim{args}{o} for writing\n" ;
$sim{fh} = *OUTFILE ;
print OUTFILE "Output for $0 version $version-$thread at " . localtime() . "\n\n" ;
# if no python is specified, turn off the python InputProcessor sim_object in S_define.
if ( $sim{args}{p} == 0 ) {
# Parse the S_define file
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Parsing " , "title_blue" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "S_define" , "title_white" , $sim{args}{v}) ;
trick_print($sim{fh}, "\n" , "title_white" , $sim{args}{v}) if ( $sim{args}{v} != 1 ) ;
parse_s_define(\%sim) ;
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "Finished " , "normal_blue" , $ sim{args}{v} ) ;
trick_print( $sim{fh}, "S_define\n" , "normal_white" , $ sim{args}{v} ) ;
# Make S_source.c
trick_print($sim{fh}, "Writing ", "title_blue", $sim{args}{v});
trick_print($sim{fh}, "S_source.c\n", "title_white", $sim{args}{v});
s_source( \%sim ) ;
# close
chdir ($cwd) ;
close OUTFILE ;
# Write out the library dependencies found in the S_define file.
open LIBDEP, ">build/S_define.lib_deps" ;
foreach my $file ( @{$sim{mis_entry_files}} ) {
if ( $file ne "" ) {
$file = abs_path(dirname($file)) . "/" . basename($file) ;
if ( my $path = get_containing_path( $file, @ext_lib_paths ) ) {
print "[95mDep Skip[39m TRICK_EXT_LIB_DIRS: [4m$path[24m" . substr($file, length $path) . "\n" if $verbose_build ;
next ;
print LIBDEP "$file\n" ;
close LIBDEP ;
=head1 NAME
CP - Trick Configuration Processor
CP [-defghmprsz?] [--debug] [--help] [-o I<outfile>] [--outfile=I<outfile>]
[-v I<level>] [--verbose=I<level>] [--model_dirs]
See the Trick User's guide for B<CP>
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-e>
S_main_\${TRICK_HOST_CPU}.exe (Master executable)
=item B<-f>
Force CP to process S_define without catalog/cache
=item B<-g> | B<--debug>
Set the verbose level to 3
=item B<-h> | B<-?> | B<--help>
Print this help message
=item B<-m>
Makefile (Simulation make file)
=item B<-o> I<file_name> | B<--outfile>=I<outfile>
output all CP output to an external file
=item B<-p>
Create a simulation without python input processor.
=item B<-v> I<level> | B<--verbose>=I<level>
Set the verbose level. Valid entries are 0-3.
=item B<-DTRICK_VER=x.x>
Note: -DTRICK_VER=x.x is automatically used when parsing header files and the S_define file